CSG2 Command Reference
This appendix documents the commands necessary to configure and monitor the CSG2. Other
commands used with the CSG2 are documented in the following publications:
Service and Application Module for IP User Guide for the following commands:
Supervisor console commands
Power PC console commands
Power PC ROM-monitor (ROMmon) console commands
Broadcom BCM Linux-based Storage Area Network Operation System (SanOS) console
Broadcom BCM ROMmon console commands
Line Card Processor (LCP) console commands
Cisco IOS Server Load Balancing feature module for IOS SLB-specific commands
Cisco IOS Release 12.2 command reference publications for other IOS commands
All of the CSG2 commands are listed below in alphabetical order:
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify accounting and an optional customer string for a CSG2 policy, use the accounting command
in CSG2 policy configuration mode. To remove accounting for a policy, use the no form of this
accounting [customer-string string]
no accounting [customer-string string]
Syntax Description
customer-string string (Optional) 1- to 16-byte string to be output to the generated accounting
The default is no accounting.
CSG2 policy configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: All keywords and arguments except customer-string string
were removed.
Support for FTP was added.
Usage Guidelines
This command is required if the CSG2 is to generate call detail records (CDRs) for content that matches
the CSG2 policy.
This command is required to enable billing functions (such as CDR generation and prepaid charging) for
content that matches a CSG2 policy.
For FTP and Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) accounting, the CSG2 matches prepaid services on
the basis of the IP address and port number of the control connection to the FTP or RTSP network IP
The following example shows how to specify accounting and customer strings for a CSG2 policy:
ip csg policy MOVIES
accounting customer-string MOVIES
Related Commands
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify the activation mode for a CSG2 Connection Duration service, use the activation command
in CSG2 service configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
activation [automatic | user-profile]
no activation
Syntax Description
(Optional) Activates the Connection Duration service, unless the billing profile
indicates that no service is to be activated.
If you specify the automatic keyword, the CSG2 activates the Connection Duration
service in the subscriber’s billing plan automatically, unless the service name is
specified with a zero length as the connect service in the billing profile information.
The connect service information must be specified in the same message as the
subscriber’s billing plan.
(Optional) Activates the Connection Duration service only if the billing profile
specifies this service as the connect service. This is the default setting.
If you specify the user-profile keyword, the CSG2 activates the Connection Duration
service for a subscriber only if the service name is specified as a connect service in
the billing profile information in an authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) Access-Accept, an AAA Accounting-Start, or a Quota Server User-Profile
The Connection Duration service is activated only if the billing profile specifies this service as the
connect service.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
This command requires that the service be configured with basis second connect.
The following example specifies automatic activation for Connection Duration service CONNECT.
ip csg service CONNECT
basis second connect
activation automatic
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
aoc append url
aoc append url
To specify that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect URL sent by the quota server on
a Content Authorization REDIRECT_URL response for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting,
use the aoc append url command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To restore the default setting,
use the no form of this command.
aoc append url
no aoc append url
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The CSG2 does not append the original URL to the redirect URL.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Before configuring this command, you must enable AoC by configuring the aoc enable command.
The CSG2 performs this function only for content parsed as connectionless or connection-oriented
wireless application protocol (WAP 1.x). For other protocols, the CSG2 ignores this configuration
The following example specifies that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect URL for
use in AoC URL-rewriting:
ip csg service MOVIES
aoc enable
aoc append url
Related Commands
Configures a token for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting.
Enables Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting for the CSG2.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
aoc confirm
aoc confirm
To configure a token for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting, use the aoc confirm command
in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove the token, use the no form of this command.
aoc confirm token
no aoc confirm
Syntax Description
A string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. The string is not case-sensitive.
Acceptable characters include alphanumeric characters and any of the following
special characters: $-_.+!*'(),?/:@&=;~%. To enter other special characters not listed,
use the URL-escape format with the percent sign (%).
To insert a question mark (?) in the string, press Ctrl-v and then press the question
mark (?) key. To insert a question mark in an editing document, use ASCII code 22.
To retain the question mark, use TFTP instead of copy-and-paste.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from aoc confirmation to aoc confirm.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to CSG2 service configuration.
The list of supported special characters changed.
Usage Guidelines
Before configuring this command, you must enable AoC by configuring the aoc enable command.
URL-rewriting allows a top-off server to append parameters to a URL in order to convey state
information to the quota server during a Content Authorization Request. Whenever a Content
Authorization Response contains the forward action code, and the URL contains the AoC confirmation
token, the token and all trailing characters are removed from the URL before the request is forwarded to
the server.
The token is used for HTTP and WAP 1.x content authorization URL-rewriting.
If the token uses the URL-escape format, the redirect URL to which the token is being matched must
also use the URL-escape format.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
aoc confirm
The following example specifies a token for Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting:
ip csg service MOVIES
aoc enable
aoc confirm ?CSG_AOC_OK
Related Commands
Specifies that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect URL sent
by the quota server for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting.
Enables Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting for the CSG2.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
aoc enable
aoc enable
To enable Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting for the CSG2, use the aoc enable command in CSG2
service configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
aoc enable
no aoc enable
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The CSG2 does not append the original URL to the redirect URL.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The name of this command changed from authorize content to
aoc enable.
Usage Guidelines
This command is not valid if the service is configured with basis second connect.
If this command is configured, the CSG2 alerts the quota server of a new transaction, and allows it to
direct the CSG2 to perform any of the following mutually exclusive actions:
DROP: Instructs the CSG2 to drop all packets for this flow.
FORWARD: Instructs the CSG2 to forward the flow without altering the destination (a weight
might be specified).
REDIRECT-URL: Instructs the CSG2 to redirect subscriber requests to the URL provided by the
quota server. The CSG2 sends a Layer 7 redirect to the subscriber (for example, HTTP 302 response)
that contains the redirect URL. This applies to both HTTP and WAP 1.x protocols.
The following example enables AoC URL-rewriting for the CSG2:
ip csg service MOVIES
aoc enable
Related Commands
Specifies that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect URL sent by
the quota server for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
aoc enable
Configures a token for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify the billing basis for a CSG2 content billing service, use the basis command in CSG2 service
configuration mode. To use the default billing basis, use the no form of this command.
basis [byte {ip | tcp} | {fixed | second [connect | transaction]}]
no basis [byte {ip | tcp} | {fixed | second [connect | transaction]}]
Syntax Description
byte ip
(Optional) Billing charge is a function of the IP data volume processed
during the subscriber’s session. This is the default setting.
byte tcp
(Optional) Billing charge is a function of the TCP data volume processed
during the subscriber’s session.
Supplemental usage reporting always reports IP bytes, even if the
billing basis is configured for TCP bytes.
(Optional) Billing charge is a fixed cost, which is deducted each time the
first packet for a transaction hits a content-policy pair (that is, deducted for
each request).
(Optional) Billing charge is duration-based for the CSG2 service. Unless
the connect keyword is also configured, the billing is for the service
duration time.
(Optional) Billing charge is based on connection duration time, not service
duration time.
If you specify the connect keyword, the balance and consumed
fields in the output of the show ip csg users command are updated
only when there is a Service Reauthorization Request for new quota.
(Optional) Billing charge is based on transaction duration time.
The transaction keyword is valid for Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) only.
The default setting is byte ip (billing charge is a function of the IP data volume processed).
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The exclude mms keyword was removed.
The transaction keyword was added.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Usage Guidelines
For TCP billing, configuring basis byte tcp allows counting of only TCP payload and exclusion of
overhead for network retransmission. With this option, the CSG2 excludes IP and TCP headers from
volume counts. The byte counting is limited to TCP payload. Retransmitted packets are not counted.
Services that are configured with the basis second connect command (that is, for Connection Duration
Billing) are subject to the following restrictions:
Service verification is not supported for Connection Duration services.
If redirect is to be performed when the Connection Duration service runs out of quota, the URL
location to which the CSG2 redirects must map to a policy that does not have accounting configured.
This is because all IP sessions mapped to policies with accounting configured (postpaid or prepaid)
are dropped when the Connection Duration service has no quota.
For Service Duration Billing:
When a Service Duration Billing Service is a member of a billing plan, and an accounting definition
is in service and downloaded to a CSG2 module, you cannot modify the basis or meter configuration.
You are instructed at the console to configure no inservice on the downloaded Accounting
If a content configuration is included in a service configured for basis second, the CSG2 restricts
the content idle timeout to less than or equal to the service idle timeout for the service. The content
idle time is not included in the last billable time for the service.
The CSG2 does not allow you to specify weights for Service Duration Billing.
We recommend that you first remove the service from each billing plan, make the basis changes, and add
it back to each billing plan. If you delete it, the service is automatically removed from each billing plan,
and you must add it back to each plan after configuring it.
To enable Connection Duration Billing for a service, configure the service name as a service under one
or more billing plans in CSG2 billing configuration mode, then enter the basis second connect command
in CSG2 service configuration mode.
Because Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) metering is byte-based, you cannot configure both
meter include imap and basis fixed or basis second in the same service. Only basis byte is meaningful
with meter include imap.
You cannot configure both meter exclude svc-idle and basis byte or basis fixed in the same service.
Only basis second is meaningful with meter exclude svc-idle.
The following example shows how to specify fixed billing for the CSG2 service MOVIES:
ip csg service MOVIES
basis fixed
The following commands are used to configure Service Duration Billing for the OFF_NET service.
ip csg service OFF_NET
basis second
Related Commands
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes are billed
for when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota upon completion of a service
configured for Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To force the CSG2 to drop packets that do not match a configured billing policy, use the block command
in CSG2 content configuration mode. To restore the default behavior, enabling the CSG2 to forward the
packets without billing, use the no form of this command.
no block
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from ip csg block to block.
The configuration mode for this command changed from global to CSG2 content
Usage Guidelines
By default, if packets do not match any billing policy, the CSG2 forwards the packets without billing.
This command causes the CSG2 to drop the packets instead.
The following example shows how to force the CSG2 to drop packets that do not match any billing
ip csg content MOVIES
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 accounting services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Defines the maximum number of Layer 7 bytes that the CSG2 is to parse when
attempting to assign a policy.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify a service class value, use the class command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove
the service class value, use the no form of this command.
class value
no class value
Syntax Description
Specifies a value in the range 1 to 255.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
The class command is used with fixed-record format to identify a service class value. This value is
opaque to the CSG2 and has meaning only for the administrator. It is reported as tariff-class in
fixed-record format call detail records (CDRs).
The following example specifies a class value for the service:
ip csg service FOO
class 7
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Classifies data traffic on the basis of its access path.
Specifies the mode for a CSG2 billing plan.
Specifies variable or fixed CDR format.
Specifies an identifier or name for a service owner.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
clear ip csg
clear ip csg
To clear the CSG2, use the clear ip csg command in privileged EXEC mode.
clear ip csg {counters | sessions user [application] [ip-address ip-mask] |
user [all | ip ip-address {global | vrf vrf-name}]}
Syntax Description
Clears all CSG2 cumulative counters and statistics, but not CSG2
“state” counters. For example, counters such as “current number of
sessions” are not cleared.
sessions user
Closes all subscriber sessions.
(Optional) Closes subscriber sessions for only the specified
ftp—Closes FTP subscriber sessions.
http—Closes HTTP subscriber sessions.
imap—Closes IMAP subscriber sessions.
other—Closes other subscriber sessions.
pop3—Closes POP3 subscriber sessions.
rtsp—Closes RTSP subscriber sessions.
smtp—Closes SMTP subscriber sessions.
wap—Closes WAP subscriber sessions.
ip-address ip-mask
(Optional) Closes subscriber sessions for only the specified
subscriber IP address and subscriber IP address mask.
Specify IP address to close subscriber sessions for all
subscriber IP addresses.
Specify IP address mask 0 to close subscriber sessions for all
subscriber IP address masks.
Closes all subscriber entries in the CSG2 User Table.
(Optional) Closes all subscriber entries in the CSG2 User Table.
ip ip-address
(Optional) Closes only those subscriber entries in the CSG2 User
Table that are associated with the specified IP address.
(Optional) Closes all subscriber entries that are associated with the
specified IP address.
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Closes only those subscriber entries that are associated
with the specified IP address and that are associated with the
specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
clear ip csg
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
12.4(15)MD The ftp keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
By default, the CSG2 deletes 1000 User Table entries per second in response to the clear ip csg user all
command. To specify a different deletion rate, use the ip csg radius on-off purge command in global
configuration mode.
The following example clears all counters and statistics for the CSG2:
clear ip csg counters
The following example clears all subscriber entries from the CSG2 User Table that are associated with
IP address
clear ip csg user ip
The following example clears all subscriber entries from the CSG2 User Table that are associated with
IP address and that are also associated with VRF table AAA:
clear ip csg user ip vrf AAA
The following example clears all sessions for application http and IP address mask
clear ip csg sessions user http
Related Commands
Displays information about the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
clear ip iscsi statistics
clear ip iscsi statistics
To clear current iSCSI statistics, use the clear ip iscsi statistics command in privileged EXEC
configuration mode.
clear ip iscsi statistics
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command has no arguments or keywords.
No default behavior or values.
Privileged EXEC
This command was introduced.
The following example clears iSCSI-related statistics:
clear ip iscsi statistics
Related Commands
Displays information about the iSCSI.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
clear record-storage-module stats
clear record-storage-module stats
To clear current record storage module (RSM) statistics, use the clear record-storage-module stats
command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.
clear record-storage-module stats
This command has no arguments or keywords.
No default behavior or values.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Privileged EXEC
This command was introduced.
The following example clears RSM-related statistics:
clear record-storage-module stats
Related Commands
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
client-group (CSG2 content)
client-group (CSG2 content)
To reference a standard access list that is part of a CSG2 content, use the client-group command in CSG2
content configuration mode. To delete the reference, use the no form of this command.
client-group {std-access-list-number | std-access-list-name}
no client-group {std-access-list-number | std-access-list-name}
Syntax Description
Standard IP access list number. The ranges are from 1 to 99 and from
1300 to 1999.
Standard access list name.
All subscribers can access the content.
CSG2 content configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG policy
configuration to CSG2 content configuration.
The range for the std-access-list-number argument increased from 1300 to
Usage Guidelines
The client-group command is used to qualify subscribers for the CSG2 content. The conditions
specified in the referenced access list must be true in order for the flows to be processed by the CSG2
content. If the conditions are not true, the CSG2 determines this to be a content mismatch, and normal
content match processing continues (that is, the CSG2 tries to match a less specific content). If no
contents are matched, the CSG2 does not process the flow (that is, the CSG2 blocks this traffic flow).
If you reference an access list that includes a deny statement, and that deny statement is matched, then
the CSG2 treats the traffic as a content mismatch and normal content processing continues, allowing the
traffic to match another less specific content. For example, in the following configuration, packets from
from IP address do not match CONTENT1, but they do match CONTENT2:
ip csg content CONTENT1
ip any
client-group 99
ip csg content CONTENT2
ip any
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
client-group (CSG2 content)
access-list 99 deny
access-list 99 permit any
You can use next-hop with client groups as long as a given client group is always sent to the same next
hop. You cannot send a given client group to two or more different next hops based on a content.
The CSG2 searches contents with the same IP and VLAN configuration, but different client groups, in
numerical order. For example, given two contents with the same IP/VLAN configuration, one
referencing client group 4 and the other client group 7, the CSG2 matches the content that references
client group 4.
The following example shows how to reference client group 44 for the CSG2 content MOVIES:
ip csg content MOVIES
client-group 44
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content configuration
Defines a next-hop IP address.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
content (CSG2 service)
content (CSG2 service)
To configure a content and policy as a member of a CSG2 billing service, and optionally to assign a
weight to this content, use the content command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove a
content name from the billing service, use the no form of this command.
content content-name policy policy-name [weight weight-value]
no content content-name policy policy-name
Syntax Description
Name of the content for this service. The name can be from 1 to 15
characters long, and can include uppercase or lowercase letters (the CSG2
changes all letters to uppercase), numbers, and any special characters.
policy policy-name
weight weight-value
Name of a configured policy to apply to the content for this service.
(Optional) Number of quadrans to deduct for each transaction. The range is
from 0 to 32767. The default weight-value is 1 quadran.
The default weight-value is 1 quadran.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The weight-name argument was replaced with the
weight-value argument.
Usage Guidelines
You must configure a policy before configuring this command.
Content can reference more than one policy. Therefore, you can have multiple content commands with
the same content-name argument, but different policy-name arguments.
To make a specific content free, specify a weight-value of 0.
The following example shows how to configure content for the CSG2 service MOVIES. In this example:
Policy MOVIES_COMEDY is applied to content MOVIES_COMEDY.
Policy MOVIES_ACTION is applied to content MOVIES_ACTION.
Content MOVIES_ACTION is given a billing weight of 2.
ip csg service MOVIES
content MOVIES_ACTION policy MOVIES_ACTION weight 2
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
content (CSG2 service)
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content configuration
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 accounting services, and enters
CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
debug ip csg
debug ip csg
To set the flags to obtain debugging output for the various CSG2 components, use the debug ip csg
command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the debugging feature, use the no form of this command.
debug ip csg {all | acl number [vrf vrf-name | global] | configuration sync | content | crashinfo |
error | frag | ftp | gtp {any | bma [priority] | ipc | psd | quota-server [priority]} | http [detail]
| imap | interm | ipc [detail] | iscsi [detail] | other | packet [dump] | policy | pop3 |
psd [detail] | qs [detail] | radius [detail] | replicate | rtsp [detail] | service [detail | ha] |
session {event | state [detail]} | sip | smtp | stats | tlv | udb [xml] | users | wap [detail] | xml}
no debug ip csg {all | acl number [vrf vrf-name | global] | configuration sync | content | crashinfo
| error | frag | ftp | gtp {any | bma [priority] | ipc | psd | quota-server [priority]} | http [detail]
| imap | interm | ipc [detail] | iscsi [detail] | other | packet [dump] | policy | pop3 |
psd [detail] | qs [detail] | radius [detail] | replicate | rtsp [detail] | service [detail | ha] |
session {event | state [detail]} | sip | smtp | stats | tlv | udb [xml] | users | wap [detail] | xml}
Syntax Description
Generates debugging output for all CSG2 components.
acl number
Generates debugging output for all subscribers in a simple access control
list (ACL).
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Generates debugging output for the Virtual Routing and
Forwarding (VRF) table with the ACL.
(Optional) Generates debugging output for the default routing table with the
configuration sync
Generates debugging output for the configuration synchronization
Generates debugging output for the CSG2 content debug messages,
indicating the results of the content match algorithm. This output is filtered
if debug ip csg acl has been configured.
Generates debugging output for the crash information component.
Generates debugging output for situations that might indicate a problem.
Generates debugging output for the CSG2 fragment database.
Generates debugging output for the FTP component.
gtp any
Generates debugging output for the general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol (GTP) component’s interaction with components other
than the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA), the Interprocessor
Communication (IPC) component, the Persistent Storage Device (PSD)
component, or the quota server.
gtp bma [priority]
Generates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
To generate detailed debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction
with a specific BMA, specify the quota server’s priority.
gtp ipc
gtp psd
Generates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
IPC component.
Generates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
PSD component.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
debug ip csg
gtp quota-server
Generates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
quota server.
To generate detailed debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction
with a specific quota server, specify the quota server’s priority.
http [detail]
Generates debugging output for the HTTP component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the HTTP component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
Generates debugging output for the Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP) component.
Generates debugging output for the intermediate billing component.
Generates debugging output for the IPC component.
ipc [detail]
To generate detailed debugging output for the IPC component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
iscsi [detail]
Generates debugging output for the iSCSI component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the iSCSI component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
Generates debugging output for the mail component.
Generates debugging output for other components.
Generates debugging output for e-mail packets.
packet [dump]
To generate a dump of all inbound packets in hexadecimal format, specify
the optional dump keyword.
Generates debugging output for the policy component.
Generates debugging output for the Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
psd [detail]
Generates debugging output for the PSD component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the PSD component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
qs [detail]
Generates debugging output for the quota server component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the quota server component,
including all packets to and from the quota server in both hexadecimal and
ASCII formats, specify the optional detail keyword.
radius [detail]
Generates debugging output for the RADIUS component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the RADIUS component, specify
the optional detail keyword.
Generates debugging output for the high availability (HA) component,
including stateful messages as well as stateless transitions and the
dump/bulk synchronization processes.
You can also use the following commands to debug the redundancy facility
(RF), the RF for Interdevice redundancy (RF Interdev), and the Hot Standby
Router Protocol (HSRP):
debug redundancy progression
debug redundancy interdev
debug standby
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
debug ip csg
service [detail]
Generates debugging output for the subscriber services component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the subscriber services
component, specify the optional detail keyword.
If you specify the detail keyword, the CSG2 might generate
debugging output for every packet mapped to the service.
service [ha]
Generates debugging output for the subscriber services component.
To generate debugging output for high availability (HA) replication for the
subscriber services component, specify the optional ha keyword.
session event
Generates debugging output for the session event component.
Generates debugging output for the session state component.
session state [detail]
To generate detailed debugging output for the session state component,
specify the optional detail keyword.
rtsp [detail]
Generates debugging output for the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
To generate detailed debugging output for the RTSP component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
Generates debugging output for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Generates debugging output for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Generates debugging output for the statistics component.
Generates debugging output for the Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) component.
Generates debugging output for the User Database (UDB) component.
udb [xml]
To generate debugging output for only the XML component, specify the
optional xml keyword.
Generates debugging output for the subscriber component.
wap [detail]
Generates debugging output for the wireless application protocol (WAP)
To generate detailed debugging output for the WAP component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
The CSG2 generates no debugging output.
Privileged EXEC
Command Modes
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
debug ip csg
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The acl number, configuration sync, detail, dump, error, frag, global, ha,
http, interm, ipc, mail, other, packet, priority, qs, replicate, service, session
event, session state, stats, and vrf vrf-name, keywords and arguments were
The any, bma, ipc, psd, and quota-server keywords were added for the gtp
The agent, api, cpu, module number, quota, prepaid, record storage slot, and
timer keywords and arguments were removed.
The crashinfo, ftp, iscsi, mail, and sip keywords were added.
Usage Guidelines
To see most but not all debugging output, use the all option to turn on all debugging flags, and then use
the no form of this command to exclude debugging output for any options that are not of interest to you.
Restrict the output of other CSG2 debugging commands to subscribers specified in the ACL.
Once the debug flags are set, they are automatically sent to the CSG2 cards when a configuration is
downloaded. Similarly, changes in the debug settings are sent to the CSG2 cards that are being debugged.
Generating debugging output for ACL (that is, configuring the acl keyword) disables all of the following
types of debugging:
You can use the show debug command to display the debug flag settings.
You must re-enter the debug command after every reload because it is not saved in the startup
The following example shows how to turn on debugging for rtsp and udb:
debug ip csg rtsp
debug ip csg udb
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
entries user idle
entries user idle
To set the time after which entries for idle subscribers are deleted from the CSG2 User Table, use the
entries user idle command in CSG2 billing configuration mode. To use the default settings, use the no
form of this command.
entries user idle duration [pod]
no entries user idle
Syntax Description
idle duration
Number of seconds after which entries for idle subscribers are deleted from the
CSG2 User Table. The range is from 0 (entries never idle out) to 2147483647.
The default setting is 0 (entries never idle out).
(Optional) Specifies whether the CSG2 is to send the RADIUS Packet of
Disconnect message when an entry idles out.
The default idle duration is 0 seconds, and the CSG2 does not send the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
message when an entry idles out.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 billing configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The name of this command changed from entries idle (CSG2
billing) to entries user idle.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 User Table identifies all subscribers known to the CSG2. The table is populated on the basis
of the contents of RADIUS Accounting Start messages, or from the user database, if either feature is
enabled in your configuration.
When setting the entry idle timer, keep the following considerations in mind:
You can set the entry idle timer either globally, using the ip csg entries user idle command in global
configuration mode, or in each billing plan, using the entries user idle command. If you do not set
the timer in the billing plan, the CSG2 uses the global timer. That is, if there is an entry idle timer
value in the billing plan, it is used; otherwise, if there is a global entry idle timer value configured,
it is used.
If set, the idle timer starts when there are no billable sessions, and restarts whenever a RADIUS
Accounting Start or an Interim Accounting message is received. The timer stops when a billable
session is started.
If you do not specify the pod keyword, the CSG2 deletes the idle entry when the timer expires.
If you specify the pod keyword, and if RADIUS Packet of Disconnect (PoD) is configured for the
CSG2, the CSG2 sends a PoD message when the idle timer expires. The CSG2 deletes the idle entry
when the PoD message is ACKed, NAKed, or when all retries have been sent.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
entries user idle
If Connection Duration Billing is enabled, you can use either the billing plan entry idle timer or the
global entry idle timer to release a subscriber connection.
The following example shows how to specify an entry idle time of 1 hour for CSG2 billing plan
ip csg billing REGULAR
entries user idle 3600
Related Commands
Defines a CSG2 billing plan, and enters CSG2 billing
configuration mode.
Specifies how long the CSG2 is to retain entries in the CSG2 User
Specifies the RADIUS attributes to be copied from the RADIUS
Start message and sent to the NAS in the PoD message.
Specifies the NAS port to which the CSG2 is to send the PoD
message, and the key to use in calculating the Authenticator.
Specifies the number of times to retry the RADIUS PoD message
if it is not acknowledged by means of an ACK message, and the
interval between retransmissions.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS messages.
Specifies the mode for a CSG2 billing plan.
Associates a service with a CSG2 billing plan.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify IP, TCP, or wireless application protocol (WAP) flag bit masks and values for CSG2 Prepaid
Error Reimbursement, use the flags command in CSG2 refund configuration mode. To remove the flags,
use the no form of this command.
flags {ip mask | tcp mask | wap} value
no flags {ip mask | tcp mask | wap} value
Syntax Description
All IP protocol connections other than TCP or WAP.
TCP connections
WAP connections.
The mask for an ip or tcp flag must match that reported to the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) for connection termination. The range for
mask is from 0x01 to 0xFF.
The value for an ip, tcp, or wap flag, which must match that reported
to the BMA for connection termination.
For an ip or tcp flag, the range for value is from 0x00 to 0xFF.
For a wap flag, value can be 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, or 0x04.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 refund configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 supports flag-based refunding for all protocols.
The ip flag values are:
0x01: Connection initiator.
0: The connection was initiated by the subscriber. The source address is associated with the user
1: The connection was initiated by the network. The destination address is associated with the
user ID.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
0x80: Connection terminated because of lack of authorization failure.
0: The connection was not terminated as a result of an authorization failure.
1: The connection was terminated as a result of an authorization failure.
0x7E: Reserved.
The tcp flag values are:
0x01: Connection initiator.
0: The connection was initiated by the subscriber. The source address is associated with the user
1: The connection was initiated by the network. The destination address is associated with the
user ID.
0x02: TCP termination type.
0: Normal TCP termination (FIN or RST).
1: Connection timed out.
0x04: Persistent Connection (multiple sequential transactions per TCP connection).
0: The reported connection is not a persistent connection.
1: The reported connection is a persistent connection.
0x08: Destination Initiated Close (valid only if TCP termination type is 0).
0: The connection teardown was initiated by the source IP in the flow.
1: The connection teardown was initiated by the destination IP in the flow.
0x10: Destination Side FIN (valid only if TCP termination type is 0).
0: The destination side never sent a FIN (it might have sent an RST).
1: The destination side sent a FIN.
0x20: Source Side FIN (valid only if TCP termination type is 0).
0: The source side never sent a FIN (it might have sent an RST).
1: The source side sent a FIN.
0x40: Connection not closed (valid only for HTTP 1.1).
0: The connection has been closed.
1: The connection is not closed yet, and TCP close bits have no meaning.
0x80: Connection terminated because of lack of authorization failure.
0: The connection was not terminated as a result of an authorization failure.
1: The connection was terminated as a result of an authorization failure.
The wap flag values are:
0x00: Normal.
0x01: Aborted.
0x02: Incomplete.
0x04: Forced abort.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
The following example shows how to set flags for IP, TCP, and WAP:
ip csg refund COMPANY-REFUND
flags tcp 43 00
flags ip 80 80
flags wap 04
Related Commands
Specifies the CSG2 refund policy to apply to the various services,
and enters CSG2 refund configuration mode.
Specifies the range of application return codes for which the CSG2
refunds quota for Prepaid Error Reimbursement.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
idle (CSG2 content)
idle (CSG2 content)
To specify the minimum amount of time that the CSG2 maintains an idle content connection, use the idle
command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To restore the default idle duration value, use the no
form of this command.
idle duration
no idle duration
Syntax Description
Content idle timer duration in seconds. If no packets are received on a content
connection for more than duration seconds, the CSG2 assumes the connection is idle
and ends the connection.
The range is from 4 to 65535. The default is 300.
The default idle duration is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
CSG2 content configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The default setting for the duration argument changed from
3600 seconds to 300 seconds.
Usage Guidelines
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) billing in the CSG2 is based on inspection of the RTSP SETUP
and TEARDOWN messages that are exchanged between the subscriber and network. The CSG2 builds
the RTSP call detail record (CDR) immediately after the RTSP TEARDOWN signal if the URL exactly
matches that from the RTSP SETUP signal. Otherwise, the CSG2 builds the CDR after any condition
that causes the flows to be terminated, as when a service_stop is triggered (for example, when the access
network sends a RADIUS Accounting Stop for the subscriber).
For RTSP, do not set the idle timer duration to less than 60 seconds.
When using HTTP as the transport for RTSP, the control connection is used sparingly and might time
out, causing the stream to become unresponsive. This occurs because the subscriber opens two TCP
connections, one for the main content and one for control. The subscriber uses the control connection
sparingly, which can cause the connection to time out. To prevent this problem, ensure that the content
idle timer has a duration of at least 60 seconds (the default setting is 300 seconds). This is not an issue
when using UDP or TCP as the transport.
The CSG2 tracks usage on a per-session basis. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) does not have an
end-of-session indicator and simply idles out. For that reason, for UDP and wireless application
protocol 1.x (WAP 1.x), setting the content idle timer to a low value (for example, 30) allows the CSG2
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
idle (CSG2 content)
to quickly recognize that a session has ended and to generate billing records accordingly. Other
service-level features of the CSG2 that count sessions (such as passthrough mode and service-level
CDRs) are similarly affected by the content idle timer setting.
For TCP, the CSG2 does not send a reset (RST) until a packet is received.
For a service configured with basis second, make sure the idle timeout value for the content
configuration, set using the idle command in CSG2 content configuration mode, does not exceed the
service idle timeout value, set using the idle command in CSG2 service configuration mode. Examples
of these contents include:
Non-TCP contents
TCP contents with policies for HTTP or WAP 2.0 where the subscriber or network does not close
the TCP connection at the end of the transaction
The following example shows how to configure a 120-second idle timer for the CSG2 content
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
idle 120
Related Commands
Specifies the minimum amount of time that the CSG2 maintains a
service with no subscriber sessions.
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Sets the pending connection timeout.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
idle (CSG2 service)
idle (CSG2 service)
To specify the minimum amount of time that the CSG2 maintains a service with no subscriber sessions,
use the idle command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To restore the default idle duration value,
use the no form of this command.
idle duration
no idle duration
Syntax Description
Service idle timer duration, in seconds. The timer begins when there are no sessions.
If a subscriber’s quota for a service is unused for more than duration seconds, the
CSG2 assumes that the service is idle and sends a Service Stop to free up the resources.
The range is from 10 to 65535. The default is 300.
The default idle duration is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
For services configured with basis second, make sure the idle timeout value for the content
configurations, set using the idle command in CSG2 content configuration mode, does not exceed the
service idle timeout value, set using the idle command in CSG2 service configuration mode. Examples
of these contents include:
Non-TCP contents
TCP contents with policies for HTTP or WAP 2.0 where the subscriber or network does not close
the TCP connection at the end of the transaction
If a subscriber's quota for a service is unused for more than the service idle timer duration, the CSG2
assumes that the service is idle and sends a ServiceStop to free up quota.
For RTSP, do not set the idle timer duration to less than 60 seconds.
The following example shows how to configure a 120-second idle timer for the CSG2 service MOVIES:
ip csg service MOVIES
idle 120
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
idle (CSG2 service)
Related Commands
Specifies the minimum amount of time that the CSG2 maintains an
idle content connection.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Sets the pending connection timeout.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
inservice (CSG2 content)
inservice (CSG2 content)
To activate the content service on each CSG2, use the inservice command in CSG2 content configuration
mode. To suspend the content service, use the no form of this command.
no inservice
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The default value is no inservice.
CSG2 content configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
When you activate the inservice command, the CSG2 verifies the parameters semantically. If the CSG2
detects an error, the command fails.
The following example shows how to place the CSG2 content MOVIES_COMEDY in service:
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip (CSG2 content)
ip (CSG2 content)
To define the subset of Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows that can be processed by the CSG2 accounting services,
use the ip command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To delete the flow definition, use the no form
of this command.
ip {any | ip-address [netmask]} [any | protocol [port-number [last-port-number]]]
no ip {any | ip-address}
Syntax Description
All Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows can be processed. This is the default setting.
IP address for which Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows can be processed.
(Optional) Mask that identifies the network for which Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows
can be processed.
You can express the network mask in either IP dotted notation (n.n.n.n) or prefix
notation (/nn, where nn is the number of leading 1-bits). For example, and /16 are equivalent network masks.
The default network mask is or /32, which means flows to a
specific host can be processed.
(Optional) All protocol types of Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows can be processed.
This is the default setting.
(Optional) Protocol type of Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows that can be processed:
any—Flows of any protocol type can be processed. This is the default
tcp—Only TCP flows can be processed.
udp—Only User Datagram Protocol (UDP) flows can be processed.
protocol-number—Number identifying the protocol whose flows can be
processed. The range is from 0 to 255, where 0 means the same as any.
(Optional) Specifies the beginning of the range of port numbers for which Layer
3 and Layer 4 flows can be processed. The range is 0 to 65535, where 0
indicates that flows from any port number can be processed.
(Optional) Specifies the end of the range of port numbers, The range is
port-number to 65535. If you are specifying a single port number, do not
specify last-port-number.
If you specify an IP address but no network mask, the default network mask is or /32
(flows to a specific host can be processed).
If you do not specify a protocol, flows of any protocol type can be processed.
If you specify a protocol but no port number, the default port number is 0, which means that flows from
any port number can be processed.
The CSG2 parses port numbers only when processing TCP and UDP traffic. For all other protocols, the
CSG2 does not track the layer 4 port.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip (CSG2 content)
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
This command is required to place content in service.
UDP ports 9200 and 9201 are well-known Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) and Wireless Transaction
Protocol (WTP) wireless application protocol (WAP) ports. When a policy with parse protocol wap is
associated with a content, use even-numbered UDP ports to designate WSP traffic, and use
odd-numbered ports to designate WTP traffic.
Although you can use this command to specify a port number for Layer 3 content
(ip any any port-number), the CSG2 does not support Layer 3 content rules. The CSG2 ignores the
specified port number, and the show ip csg content command displays the port number as 0.
The following example shows how to specify that, for content MOVIES_COMEDY, only flows for IP
address and TCP port 8080 are to be processed by the CSG2 accounting services:
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
ip tcp 8080
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip (iSCSI)
ip (iSCSI)
To specify the IP address of an iSCSI target in the target interface profile on the CSG2, use the ip
command in iSCSI configuration mode. To remove the IP address configuration, use the no form of the
ip ip-address
no ip ip-address
Syntax Description
IP address of the iSCSI target.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
No default behavior or values.
iSCSI configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Only one target can be defined per profile.
The following example configures an iSCSI target interface profile with the name targetA to a SCSI
target with the IP address
gprs iscsi targetA
name iqn.2002-10.edu.abc.iol.iscsi.draft20-target:1
port 3260
Related Commands
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining
packets from the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to
the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the
Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet
Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay
interval when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes
Specifies the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
(iSCSI) target to be used as backup storage for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip (iSCSI)
Creates an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2,
and enters iSCSI configuration mode.
Specifies the name of an iSCSI target in the target profile on
the CSG2
Specifies the number of the port on which to listen for iSCSI
traffic in the iSCSI target interface profile on the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg billing
ip csg billing
To define a CSG2 billing plan, and to enter CSG2 billing configuration mode, use the ip csg billing
command in global configuration mode. To delete the billing plan, use the no form of this command.
ip csg billing billing-plan-name
no ip csg billing billing-plan-name
Syntax Description
Name of the billing plan, which is a set of services. When the CSG2
encounters a new subscriber, the CSG2 retrieves its billing plan.
The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can include uppercase
or lowercase letters (the CSG2 changes all letters to uppercase), numbers,
and any special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
You can define up to 128 billing plans.
The characteristics of each billing plan are defined by the following commands:
The following example shows how to define a CSG2 billing plan named REGULAR:
ip csg billing REGULAR
Related Commands
Sets the time after which entries for idle subscribers are deleted
from the CSG2 User Table.
Specifies the mode for a CSG2 billing plan.
Associates a service with a CSG2 billing plan.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma
ip csg bma
To configure the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2 is to send billing records, use the
ip csg bma command in CSG2 global configuration mode. To remove a BMA from the list of agents,
use the no form of this command.
ip csg bma [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number priority
no ip csg bma [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 is
to use to communicate with the BMA.
IP address of the BMA you wish to define.
The CSG2 differentiates BMAs on the basis of their IP addresses. When you
configure a BMA, make sure its IP address matches on both the active CSG2
and on the standby CSG2.
Port number of the BMA you wish to define. The range is from 1 to 65535.
The CSG2 differentiates BMAs on the basis of their port numbers. When
you configure a BMA, make sure its port number matches on both the active
CSG2 and the standby CSG2.
Priority of the BMA you wish to define.
The priority specifies the order of preference of the agents. A lower number
indicates a higher priority. If the current agent becomes unusable, the CSG2
uses the highest priority BMA available.
Priorities for different agents do not have to be sequential. That is, you can
have three agents with priorities 1, 5, and 10.
The range of priorities is 1 to 1000.
Active and standby BMAs are not defined.
If no VRF table is specified, the CSG2 uses the global routing table to communicate with the BMA.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from agent (CSG2 accounting) to ip csg
The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma
Usage Guidelines
You must specify the BMA local port using the ip csg bma local-port command before you enter the ip
csg bma command.
Accounting records are sent only to the agents identified in the ip csg bma command. This provides a
measure of security to ensure that records are not sent to unauthorized systems.
General packet radio service (GPRS) tunneling protocol (GTP) prime (GTP’) does not support nodealive
or redirect for multiple agents with the same IP address.
The CSG2 does not support multiple BMAs with the same IP address.
The following example shows how to configure a BMA with priority 10 that uses VRF table BMAVRF:
ip csg bma vrf BMAVRF 5555 10
Related Commands
Enables support for multiple active BMAs.
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) keepalive time interval for the
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2 can buffer for all
Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs).
Defines the maximum number of Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) retries
allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) transmit window size for the
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma activate
ip csg bma activate
To enable support for multiple active Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs), use the ip csg bma activate
command in CSG2 global configuration mode. To disable support for multiple active BMAs, use the no
form of this command.
ip csg bma activate [number [sticky seconds]]
no ip csg bma activate [number [sticky seconds]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Number of BMAs that the CSG2 tries to activate at the same
If you have defined more BMAs than number, and an active BMA fails, the
BMA with the highest priority (lowest number) that is not already active is
made active.
The range is from 1 to 32. The default value is 1.
sticky seconds
(Optional) Number of seconds of inactivity after which a sticky object is to
be deleted.
The CSG2 creates a sticky object to ensure that all the billing records for a
subscriber are sent to the same BMA. If the user ID is not available (for
example, if the internal table is too small to hold all user ID entries, or if the
CSG2 cannot access the user ID database), the CSG2 creates a sticky object
for the subscriber IP address.
This entry is removed from the table based on inactivity.
Entries that contain a user ID do not age out; they are removed only by
RADIUS messages.
The range is from 1 to 64000. The default value is 30.
The default value for number is 1.
The default value for seconds is 30.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from agent activate to ip csg bma
The range of the number argument changed from 1 to 10, to 1 to 32.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma activate
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to load-balance CDRs among multiple active BMAs.
When the CSG2 uses multiple active BMAs, it sends all CDRs for a given user to a particular BMA. The
CSG2 stores that BMA assignment in the CSG2 User Table entry for that user.
For example, if a configuration has four active BMAs, and one of those BMAs fails, the CSG2 looks for
a suitable standby BMA. If the CSG2 finds a suitable standby BMA, it transfers all of the CDRs from
the failed BMA to the new BMA, and updates all of the affected User Table entries to reflect the new
BMA assignment.
However, if the CSG2 cannot find a suitable standby BMA, it redistributes all of the CDRs from the
failed BMA among the remaining three active BMAs. It does so by finding the User Table entries for the
affected users in the CDRs. The CSG2 then assigns one of the active BMAs to each affected user, and
updates the User Table entries to reflect the new BMA assignments. The CSG2 reassigns all CDRs for
a given user to the same BMA.
If the CSG2 cannot find a User Table entry for a user (for example, the user has logged off), it creates a
temporary sticky object as a placeholder and assigns a new BMA to the sticky object. This ensures that
the remaining CDRs for that user are sent to the same BMA.
This command is valid only if your CSG2 uses multiple active BMAs. If your CSG2 uses one and only
one active BMA, the default settings are sufficient (that is, ip csg bma activate 1 sticky 30).
The following example shows how to enable support for multiple active BMAs for the CSG2 accounting
service A1. In this example, up to two BMAs can be active at the same time, and the CSG2 deletes
inactive sticky objects after 60 seconds:
ip csg bma activate 2 sticky 60
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Activates one or more quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma keepalive
ip csg bma keepalive
To define the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) keepalive time interval for the CSG2, use the ip csg bma
keepalive command in global configuration mode. To reset the BMA keepalive timer to the default
value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg bma keepalive number-of-seconds
no ip csg bma keepalive
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between BMA keepalives. The range is 1 to 65535. The
default value is 60.
The default value is 60 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting to
global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the keepalive time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify a BMA keepalive time of 300 seconds:
ip csg bma keepalive 300
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Defines the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the quota-server keepalive time interval for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma local-port
ip csg bma local-port
To define the port on which the CSG2 communicates with the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA), use the
ip csg bma local-port command in CSG2 global configuration mode. To remove the port, use the no
form of this command.
ip csg bma local-port port-number
no ip csg bma local-port
Syntax Description
Port number on which the BMA will listen. The range is from
1024 to 65535. 5000 is not a valid port number.
The BMA local port number must be different from the Persistent Storage
Device (PSD) local port number and from the quota server local port
number (configured with the ip csg psd local-port command and the ip csg
quota-server local-port command, respectively).
No BMA local ports are configured.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The name of this command changed from agent local-port to
ip csg bma local-port.
Usage Guidelines
You must specify the BMA local port using the ip csg bma local-port command before you enter the ip
csg bma command.
This command accommodates BMAs that configure a port number that is not the general packet radio
service (GPRS) tunneling protocol (GTP) prime (GTP’) default port (3386).
You must configure a local port to activate BMAs. The local port must be unique with respect to all other
configured local ports, such as the quota server local port.
The CSG2 drops requests (such as nodealive, echo, and redirect requests) unless they come from a
configured BMA IP address. The CSG2 also verifies IP addresses against the configured list of BMAs.
If there is no match, the CSG2 drops the request. The CSG2 does not look at a request’s source port;
instead, the CSG2 replies to the same port from which the request came.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma local-port
The following example shows how to specify local port 5555 as the port on which the CSG2 listens for
the CSG2 accounting service A1:
ip csg bma local-port 5555
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma messages
ip csg bma messages
To specify the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS) tunneling protocol prime
(GTP’) messages that the CSG2 can buffer for all Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs), use the ip csg bma
messages command in global configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this
ip csg bma messages number
no ip csg bma messages
Syntax Description
Maximum number of GTP’ messages that can be buffered for all BMAs.
The range is from 1 to 65535. The default is 10000.
The CSG2 buffers up to 10000 GTP’ messages.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting to
global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of GTP’ messages that can be buffered only when directed
to do so by Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value
is the most appropriate setting.
The CSG2 can buffer GTP’ messages in either the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) or in the
Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI), as
configured. (For more information, see the “Configuring PSD Support” section on page 7-1 and the
“Configuring iSCSI Support” section on page 8-1.)
If the BMA GTP’ message buffer exceeds 75% of the number specified on this command, the CSG2
stops reading GTP’ messages from the PSD or SAN. When the buffer drops below the 75% threshold,
the CSG2 again begins reading from the PSD or SAN, placing the buffered GTP’ messages in the BMA
queue. For example, using the default setting for this command of 10,000 messages, the CSG2 can read
from the PSD or SAN as long as the buffer contains less than 7,500 GTP’ messages—75% of 10,000
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma messages
By default, the CSG2 limits the rate at which GTP’ messages are read from the PSD to
500 packets/second, and from the SAN to 167 packets/second. However, you can change those default
rates. For more information, see the “Configuring the PSD Packet Drain Settings” section on page 7-2
and the “Configuring the iSCSI Packet Drain Settings” section on page 8-4.
The following example shows how to configure the CSG2 to buffer up to 12345 GTP’ messages:
ip csg bma messages 12345
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from
the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small
Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) when the Billing Mediation
Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the Storage Area
Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small Computer Systems
Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay interval when the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from
the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) when the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the Cisco
Persistent Storage Device (PSD) per drain delay interval when the
Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the size
of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that the
CSG2 can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma retransmit
ip csg bma retransmit
To define the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) retransmit time interval for the CSG2, use the ip csg bma
retransmit command in global configuration mode. To reset the BMA retransmit timer to the default
value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg bma retransmit number-of-seconds
no ip csg bma retransmit
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between BMA retransmits. The range is 2 to 65535. The
default value is 4.
The default value is 4 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The range changed from 1 to 65535 to 2 to 65535.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the retransmit time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify a BMA retransmit time of 2 seconds:
ip csg bma retransmit 2
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Defines the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma retries
ip csg bma retries
To define the maximum number of Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) retries allowed before the CSG2
determines that the link has failed, use the ip csg bma retries command in global configuration mode.
To reset the number of BMA retries to the default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg bma retries [packet] number-of-retries
no ip csg bma retries
Syntax Description
(Optional) Attempt to send a packet to the BMA the specified number of
times, then discard the packet.
Maximum number of BMA retries allowed by the CSG2. The range is
1 to 65535. The default value is 3.
The default value is 3 retries.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The packet keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of retries allowed only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
By default, the CSG2 retries a packet forever; it never discards a packet. If you configure the ip csg bma
retries packet command, the CSG2 tries to send a packet to the BMA the specified number of times,
then discards the packet. (The first attempt to send a packet to the BMA is not counted as a retry.) For
example, if you configure ip csg bma retries packet 4, the CSG2 tries to send a packet to the BMA five
times before discarding it (the initial attempt plus four retries).
The following example shows how to allow two BMA retries:
ip csg bma retries 2
The following example shows how to allow the CSG2 to try to send a packet to the BMA four times, in
addition to the initial attempt:
ip csg bma retries packet 4
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma retries
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Defines the maximum number of Interprocessor Communication
(IPC) retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has
Defines the maximum number of Cisco Persistent Storage Device
(PSD) retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has
Defines the maximum number of quota server retries allowed before
the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg bma window
ip csg bma window
To define the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) transmit window size for the CSG2, use the ip csg bma
window command in global configuration mode. To reset the BMA transmit window size to the default
value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg bma window {max window-size | min window-size | min auto}
no ip csg bma window {max | min}
Syntax Description
max window-size
min window-size
min auto
Maximum size, in packets, of the BMA transmit window. The range is
1 to 65535. The default value is 128.
Minimum size, in packets, of the BMA transmit window. The range is
1 to 65535.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to determine the minimum size of the BMA
transmit window automatically. The CSG2 keeps track of the maximum
number of ACKs received in one response and sets that number as the
minimum window.
The default maximum window size is 128 packets.
The default minimum window size is automatically determined by the CSG2.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the transmit window size only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to set the maximum BMA transmit window to 64 packets:
ip csg bma window max 64
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which the CSG2
is to send billing records
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) transmit window
size for the CSG2.
Defines the quota server transmit window size for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg case-sensitive
ip csg case-sensitive
To specify whether to treat CSG2 header, method, and URL match patterns as case-sensitive, use the ip
csg case-sensitive command in global configuration mode. To disable case-sensitivity for CSG2 match
patterns, use the no form of this command.
ip csg case-sensitive
no ip csg case-sensitive
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
CSG2 match patterns are case-sensitive.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows how to disable case-sensitivity for CSG2 match patterns:
no ip csg case-sensitive
Related Commands
Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg content
ip csg content
To configure content for CSG2 services, and to enter CSG2 content configuration mode, use the ip csg
content command in global configuration mode. To delete the content configuration, use the no form of
this command.
ip csg content content-name
no ip csg content content-name
Syntax Description
Name of the content. The name can be from 1 to 15 characters long, and can
include uppercase or lowercase letters (the CSG2 changes all letters to
uppercase), numbers, and any special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
You can define up to 2048 contents.
The characteristics of each content configuration are defined by the following commands:
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg content
You cannot change characteristics for a content while it is in service.
If the content configuration does not match any service listed under a subscriber’s billing plan, the CSG2
considers the service to be either free or postpaid. The CSG2 does not try to authorize the subscriber
with the quota server for the service.
The following example shows how to define the CSG2 content named MOVIES_COMEDY:
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
Related Commands
Forces the CSG2 to drop packets that do not match a
configured billing policy.
References a standard access list that is part of a CSG2
Specifies the minimum amount of time that the CSG2
maintains an idle content connection.
Activates the content service on each CSG2.
Defines the subset of Layer 3 and Layer 4 flows that
can be processed by the CSG2 accounting services.
Specifies the mode for CSG2 TCP sessions.
Defines a next-hop IP address.
Defines the maximum number of Layer 7 bytes that the
CSG2 is to parse when attempting to assign a policy.
Defines how the CSG2 is to parse traffic for a content.
References a CSG2 billing policy.
Specifies the delay before the CSG2 is to send the
HTTP Statistics CDR.
Enables the generation of CSG2 intermediate billing
Replicates the connection state for all TCP
connections to the CSG2 content servers on the
standby system.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to obtain the subscriber's IP
address from the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header.
Restricts the CSG2 billing content to a single source
Restricts the CSG2 content to packets within a single
Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg database
ip csg database
To identify the database server that answers CSG2 user ID queries, use the ip csg database command in
global configuration mode. To disable the database server, use the no form of this command.
ip csg database [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number local-port
no ip csg database
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table to be
used for communication with the database server.
IP address of the database server that answers user ID queries.
Port number of the database server that answers user ID queries. The range
is from 1 to 65535.
Local port number that the CSG2 is to use to send queries to the database
server. The range is from 1 to 65535.
If no VRF table is specified, the CSG2 uses the global routing table to communicate with the database
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from database to ip csg database.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group to global
The vrf vrf-name and local-port keywords and arguments were added.
Usage Guidelines
You can configure one and only one database server to answer CSG2 user ID queries.
The subscriber traffic must flow on an interface in the global routing table (not the VRF table).
The following example shows how to specify a user database server with IP address, port
number 11111, and local port number 22222:
ip csg database 11111 22222
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries fragment
ip csg entries fragment
To define the maximum number of entries in the CSG2 fragment database, or to define how long the
CSG2 is to retain the entries, use the ip csg entries fragment command in global configuration mode.
To restore the default settings, use the no form of this command.
ip csg entries fragment {idle duration | maximum entries-number}
no ip csg entries fragment {idle | max}
Syntax Description
idle duration
Number of seconds after which entries are deleted from the CSG2
fragment database. The range is from 1 to 255. The default setting is 5.
maximum entries-number
Maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2 fragment database.
The range is from 1 to 65535. The default number of entries is 16384.
The default idle duration is 5 seconds.
The default maximum number of entries is 16384.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 divides the configured maximum number of entries evenly among the traffic processors. For
example, if you configure a maximum of 100 entries, the maximum buffer pool size on each traffic
processor is 20.
The following example shows how to specify a maximum CSG2 fragment database size o0f 32,768
ip csg entries fragment maximum 32768
Related Commands
Server that answers user ID queries.
Specifies how long the CSG2 is to retain entries in the CSG2 User
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in he CSG2
User Table.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries fragment
Specifies the location from which the CSG2 is to obtain the
subscriber profile and billing plan when generating entries for the
CSG2 User Table.
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2
session table.
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the
size of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that
the CSG2 can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries session user max
ip csg entries session user max
To specify the maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2 session table, use the ip csg entries
session user max command in global configuration mode. To restore the default settings, use the no
form of this command.
ip csg entries session user max entries
no ip csg entries session user max
Syntax Description
Maximum number of entries allowed in the session table. This is the maximum number
of sessions that the CSG2 can support. When the number of active sessions reaches the
specified maximum, the CSG2 begins dropping incoming new sessions. The range is
from 1 to 1800000. The default number of entries is 1000000.
The default maximum number of entries is 1000000.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The maximum number of entries is not enforced on the buffer pool maximum size, it is enforced during
allocation of individual subscriber sessions to the table.
The following example shows how to specify a maximum CSG2 session table size of 100,000 entries:
ip csg entries session user max 100000
Related Commands
Server that answers user ID queries.
Defines the maximum number of entries in the CSG2 fragment
database, or how long the CSG2 is to retain the entries.
Specifies how long the CSG2 is to retain entries in the CSG2 User
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in he CSG2
User Table.
Specifies the location from which the CSG2 is to obtain the
subscriber profile and billing plan when generating entries for the
CSG2 User Table.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries session user max
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the
size of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that
the CSG2 can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries user idle
ip csg entries user idle
To specify how long the CSG2 is to retain entries in the CSG2 User Table, use the ip csg entries user
idle command in global configuration mode. To restore the default settings, use the no form of this
ip csg entries user idle duration [pod]
no ip csg entries user idle
Syntax Description
Number of seconds after which the CSG2 is to delete entries for idle subscribers from
the CSG2 User Table. The range is from 0 (entries never idle out) to 2147483647. The
default setting is 0.
(Optional) Specifies whether the CSG2 is to send the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect
message when an entry idles out.
The default idle duration is 0 seconds (entries never idle out), and the CSG2 does not send the RADIUS
Packet of Disconnect message when an entry idles out.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 User Table identifies all subscribers known to the CSG2. The table is populated on the basis
of the contents of RADIUS Accounting Start messages, or from the user database, if either feature is
enabled in your configuration.
When setting the entry idle timer, keep the following considerations in mind:
You can set the entry idle timer either globally, using the ip csg entries user idle command, or in
each billing plan, using the entries user idle command in CSG2 billing configuration mode. If you
do not set the timer in the billing plan, the CSG2 uses the global timer. That is, if there is an entry
idle timer value in the billing plan, it is used; otherwise, if there is a global entry idle timer value
configured, it is used.
If set, the idle timer starts when there are no billable sessions, and restarts whenever a RADIUS
Accounting Start or an Interim Accounting message is received. The timer stops when a billable
session is started.
If you do not specify the pod keyword, the CSG2 deletes the idle entry when the timer expires.
If you specify the pod keyword, and if RADIUS Packet of Disconnect (PoD) is configured for the
CSG2, the CSG2 sends a PoD message when the idle timer expires. The CSG2 deletes the idle entry
when the PoD message is ACKed, NAKed, or when all retries have been sent.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries user idle
If Connection Duration Billing is enabled, you can use either the billing plan entry idle timer or the
global entry idle timer to release a subscriber connection.
The idle timer does not affect sticky user entries.
The following example shows how to specify a CSG2 User Table entry idle time of 86,400 seconds:
ip csg entries user idle 86400
Related Commands
Sets the time after which entries for idle subscribers are deleted
from the CSG2 User Table.
Server that answers user ID queries.
Defines the maximum number of entries in the CSG2 fragment
database, or how long the CSG2 is to retain the entries.
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in he CSG2
User Table.
Specifies the location from which the CSG2 is to obtain the
subscriber profile and billing plan when generating entries for the
CSG2 User Table.
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2
session table.
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the
size of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that
the CSG2 can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries user max
ip csg entries user max
To specify the maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2 User Table, use the ip csg entries user
max command in global configuration mode. To restore the default settings, use the no form of this
ip csg entries user max entries
no ip csg entries user max
Syntax Description
Maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2 User Table.
For the 2 GB-SAMI option, the range is from 1 to 1250000. The default number of
entries is 300000.
For the 1 GB-SAMI option, the range is from 1 to 500000. The default number of
entries is 300000.
The actual number of entries in the CSG2 User Table depends on several variables,
including the traffic model being used and the number of RADIUS attributes reported.
Even if you set entries-number to a very large number, such as 300000, the CSG2 might
never store that many entries in the CSG2 User Table.
The default maximum number of entries is 300000 for both the 1 GB-SAMI and the 2 GB-SAMI
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was introduced.
The range was changed to reflect the differences between the 2 GB-SAMI and
1 GB-SAMI options:
For the 2 GB-SAMI option, the range is from 1 to 1250000.
For the 1 GB-SAMI option, the range is from 1 to 500000.
Usage Guidelines
The maximum number of entries is not enforced on the buffer pool maximum size, it is enforced during
allocation of individual entries to the CSG2 User Table.
The following example shows how to specify a maximum CSG2 User Table size of 500000 entries:
ip csg entries user max 500000
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries user max
Related Commands
Server that answers user ID queries.
Defines the maximum number of entries in the CSG2 fragment
database, or how long the CSG2 is to retain the entries.
Specifies how long the CSG2 is to retain entries in the CSG2 User
Specifies the location from which the CSG2 is to obtain the
subscriber profile and billing plan when generating entries for the
CSG2 User Table.
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2
session table.
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the
size of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that
the CSG2 can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries user profile
ip csg entries user profile
To specify the location from which the CSG2 is to obtain the subscriber profile and billing plan when
generating entries for the CSG2 User Table, use the ip csg entries user profile command in global
configuration mode. To restore the default settings, use the no form of this command.
ip csg entries user profile {quota-server | radius {pass | remove | timeout timeout}}
no ip csg entries user profile
Syntax Description
The CSG2 obtains the subscriber profile and billing plan from the quota server.
The CSG2 obtains the Cisco vendor-specific attribute (VSA) subattribute 1, which
contains the billing plan name, from the RADIUS Access-Accept and RADIUS
Accounting-Request messages.
Does not remove the VSA containing the billing plan from the RADIUS
Access-Accept message.
Removes the VSA containing the billing plan from the RADIUS Access-Accept
timeout timeout
Number of seconds to retain cached billing plan data while waiting for a RADIUS
Accounting Start message for a user. The range is from 10 to 65535 seconds. The
default timeout is 20 seconds.
If you do not specify the ip csg entries user profile command, the CSG2 obtains the subscriber profile
and billing plan from the quota server.
If you do not specify a timeout, the default timeout is 20 seconds.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from user-profile server to ip csg entries
user profile.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group to
global configuration.
The timeout keyword and timeout argument were added.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg entries user profile
Usage Guidelines
Keep the following considerations in mind:
The VSA is removed from the RADIUS Access-Accept message only if remove is specified. Use
the remove argument only if the RADIUS client cannot accept the Cisco VSA in the message.
We recommend that you use pass to reduce processing time on the CSG2.
The user ID must be included in the message that contains the billing plan.
The CSG2 obtains billing plan data from authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) RADIUS
Access response packets.
When the CSG2 receives a RADIUS Access response for a user, it caches the billing plan data for
that user.
When the CSG2 receives a RADIUS Accounting Start message from a Network Access Server (NAS)
for that same user, it frees the cached billing plan data.
If the cache timeout expires before the CSG2 receives the RADIUS Accounting Start message, the
CSG2 frees the cached billing plan data. If the RADIUS Accounting Start message arrives after the
cached billing plan data has been freed, the CSG2 creates the user with an unknown billing plan and
sends a User Authorization Request to the quota server.
In most cases, the default timeout of 20 seconds is far greater than the delay between the receipt of the
RADIUS Access response and the receipt of the RADIUS Accounting Start message. If the default
timeout is not large enough, you can use the ip csg entries user profile timeout timeout command to
increase the timeout.
The following example shows how to specify that the CSG2 is to obtain billing plan names from the
RADIUS Access-Accept and RADIUS Accounting-Request messages, and that the CSG2 is not to
remove the VSA containing the billing plan from the messages:
ip csg entries user profile radius pass
Related Commands
Server that answers user ID queries.
how long the CSG2 is to retain the entries.
Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the CSG2 session table.
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the size of the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that the CSG2 can buffer for the
Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2 can buffer for all
quota servers.
Specifies the RADIUS attribute used to extract the user identifier from a
RADIUS record.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg ipc crashdump
ip csg ipc crashdump
To define the action to be taken by the CSG2 if an Interprocessor Communication (IPC) link fails, use
the ip csg ipc crashdump command in global configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the
no form of this command.
ip csg ipc crashdump [never | tolerance [number-of-seconds]]
no ip csg ipc crashdump
Syntax Description
(Optional) Never generate a crash dump in an IPC link fails. This
is the default setting.
tolerance number-of-seconds
(Optional) Time, in seconds, that the CSG2 is to wait after an IPC
link fails before generating a crash dump. The range is 60 to 600.
The default value is 60.
The default setting is to never generate a crash dump.
If you specify the tolerance keyword without specifying a time, the CSG2 generates a crash dump 60
seconds after an IPC link fails.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the crash dump setting only when directed to do so by Cisco Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most appropriate
The following example shows how to specify that the CSG2 is to generate a crash dump 120 seconds
after an IPC link fails:
ip csg ipc crashdump tolerance 120
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg ipc keepalive
ip csg ipc keepalive
To define the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) module keepalive time interval for the CSG2, use the
ip csg ipc keepalive command in global configuration mode. To reset the IPC keepalive timer to the
default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg ipc keepalive number-of-seconds
no ip csg ipc keepalive
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between IPC keepalives. The range is 1 to 65535. The
default value is 8.
The default value is 8 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the keepalive time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify an IPC keepalive time of 300 seconds:
ip csg ipc keepalive 300
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) keepalive time interval
for the CSG2.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the quota-server keepalive time interval for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg ipc retransmit
ip csg ipc retransmit
To define the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) retransmit time interval for the CSG2, use the ip csg
ipc retransmit command in global configuration mode. To reset the IPC retransmit timer to the default
value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg ipc retransmit number-of-seconds
no ip csg ipc retransmit
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between IPC retransmits. The range is 1 to 65535. The
default value is 4.
The default value is 4 second.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the retransmit time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify an IPC retransmit time of 2 seconds:
ip csg ipc retransmit 2
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg ipc retries
ip csg ipc retries
To define the maximum number of Interprocessor Communication (IPC) retries allowed before the
CSG2 determines that the link has failed, use the ip csg ipc retries command in global configuration
mode. To reset the number of IPC retries to the default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg ipc retries number-of-retries
no ip csg ipc retries
Syntax Description
Maximum number of IPC retries allowed by the CSG2. The range is
1 to 65535. The default value is 20.
The default value is 20 retries.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of retries allowed only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to allow two IPC retries:
ip csg ipc retries 2
Related Commands
Defines the maximum number of Billing Mediation Agent (BMA)
retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Defines the maximum number of Cisco Persistent Storage Device
(PSD) retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has
Defines the maximum number of quota server retries allowed before
the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg iscsi drain delay
ip csg iscsi drain delay
To define the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from the Storage Area Network (SAN)
connected to the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) when the Billing Mediation Agent
(BMA) becomes active, use the ip csg iscsi drain delay command in global configuration mode. To
delete the drain delay interval, use the no form of this command.
ip csg iscsi drain delay number-of-seconds
no ip csg iscsi drain delay
Syntax Description
Delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from the SAN. The
range is 0 to 3. The default value is 3. A value of 0 means no delay.
The default value is 3 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 can buffer GTP’ messages in the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet
Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI), if so configured. (For more information, see the
“Configuring iSCSI Support” section on page 8-1.) By default, the CSG2 limits the rate at which GTP’
messages are read from the SAN to 167 packets/second (500 packets/3 seconds). However, you can use
the ip csg iscsi drain delay command to change that rate. For example, specifying an interval of
2 seconds yields a rate of 250 packets/second (500 packets/2 seconds).
The following example shows how to specify a SAN drain delay interval of 2 seconds:
ip csg iscsi drain delay 2
Related Commands
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the Storage Area
Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small Computer Systems
Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay interval when the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Specifies the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
target to be used as backup storage for the CSG2.
Creates an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2, and enters
iSCSI configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg iscsi drain packet
ip csg iscsi drain packet
To define the number of packets to be drained from the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the
Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay interval when the Billing Mediation
Agent (BMA) becomes active, use the ip csg iscsi drain packet command in global configuration mode.
To delete the drain packet, use the no form of this command.
ip csg iscsi drain packet number-of-packets
no ip csg iscsi drain packet
Syntax Description
Number of packets to be drained from the SAN per drain delay interval. The
range is from 1 to 64000. The default is 500.
The default value is 500 packets.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 can buffer GTP’ messages in the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet
Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI), if so configured. (For more information, see the
“Configuring iSCSI Support” section on page 8-1.) By default, the CSG2 limits the rate at which GTP’
messages are read from the SAN to 167 packets/second (500 packets/3 seconds). However, you can use
the ip csg iscsi drain packet command to change that rate. For example, specifying that 600 packets are
to be drained per interval yields a rate of 200 packets/second (600 packets/3 seconds).
The following example shows how to specify that 1000 packets are to be drained from the SAN per drain
delay interval:
ip csg iscsi drain packet 1000
Related Commands
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from
the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small
Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) when the Billing Mediation
Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg iscsi drain packet
Specifies the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
target to be used as backup storage for the CSG2.
Creates an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2, and enters
iSCSI configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg iscsi profile
ip csg iscsi profile
To specify the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) target to be used as backup storage
for the CSG2, use the ip csg iscsi profile command in global configuration mode. To delete the iSCSI
target, use the no form of this command.
ip csg iscsi profile target-profile-name
no ip csg iscsi profile
Syntax Description
Name of the iSCSI target profile to be used as backup storage.
No iSCSI target is specified.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
You can associate one and only one iSCSI target profile with each CSG2.
The following example shows how to specify CSG_BACKUP as the iSCSI target:
ip csg iscsi profile CSG_BACKUP
Related Commands
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from
the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small
Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) when the Billing Mediation
Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the Storage Area
Network (SAN) connected to the Internet Small Computer Systems
Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay interval when the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Creates an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2, and enters
iSCSI configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg map
ip csg map
To define the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps), and to enter CSG2 map
configuration mode, use the ip csg map command in global configuration mode. To turn off the service,
use the no form of this command.
ip csg map map-name
no ip csg map map-name
Syntax Description
Name of the map. The name can be from 1 to 15 characters long, and can
include uppercase or lowercase letters (the CSG2 changes all letters to
uppercase), numbers, and any special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The header and url keywords were removed.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 maps are used to match headers, methods, or URLs against a pattern to determine whether
flows are to be processed by the CSG2 accounting services.
The headers, methods, or URLs that are to be matched against a pattern are defined by the following
When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:
We recommend that you configure the URL match pattern during your maintenance window, or
during off-peak hours.
You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include
one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and
match url statements.
You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method
matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:
ip csg map HOSTMAP
match header host1 value *.2.*.44
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg map
ip csg map URLMAP
match url */mobile/index.wml
ip csg policy MAP-POLICY
In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy
The following example shows how to configure a CSG2 URL map named MOVIES:
ip csg map MOVIES
match url *.movies_(comedy|action|drama).com/*.mpeg
Related Commands
Specifies whether to treat CSG2 sticky objects and header, method, and URL
match patterns as case-sensitive.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 accounting services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode,.
References a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing
Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg mode single-tp
ip csg mode single-tp
To enable the CSG2 to use a single traffic processor (TP) instead of multiple TPs, use the ip csg mode
single-tp command in global configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this
ip csg mode single-tp
no ip csg mode single-tp
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The CSG2 operates in multiple-TP mode.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
In normal multiple-TP mode, the CSG2 distributes subscriber traffic among all of the TPs, based on each
subscriber’s IP address. In single-TP mode, the CSG2 dispatches traffic for all subscribers to the first TP
to be processed.
Single-TP mode is required for HTTP X-Forwarded-For operation. Before configuring the CSG2 for
X-Forwarded-For operation, configure the CSG2 for single-TP mode by entering the ip csg mode
single-tp command, then performing a write memory, then restarting the CSG2.
To switch out of single-TP mode, enter the no ip csg mode single-tp command, then perform a write
memory, then restart the CSG2.
If you intend to operate in single-TP mode, the ip csg mode single-tp command must be the first
command in your CSG2 configuration.
The following example shows how to configure single-TP mode for the CSG2:
ip csg mode single-tp
Related Commands
Specifies that the CSG2 is to obtain the subscriber's
IP address from the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg policy
ip csg policy
To define a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and to enter CSG2 policy
configuration mode, use the ip csg policy command in global configuration mode. To turn off the
service, use the no form of this command.
ip csg policy policy-name
no ip csg policy policy-name
Syntax Description
Name of a policy that applies to the content for this service. The name can
be from 1 to 15 characters long, and can include uppercase or lowercase
letters (the CSG2 changes all letters to uppercase), numbers, and any
special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
Because of limitations on the number of URL match patterns that the CSG2 can handle, do not define
more than 16,000 policies. For more information on URL match patterns, see the description of the
match url command.
The characteristics of each policy are defined by the following commands:
When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:
You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include
one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and
match url statements.
You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method
matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:
ip csg map HOSTMAP
match header host1 value *.2.*.44
ip csg map URLMAP
match url */mobile/index.wml
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg policy
ip csg policy MAP-POLICY
In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy
The following example shows how to configure a CSG2 policy named MOVIES_COMEDY:
ip csg policy MOVIES_COMEDY
Related Commands
Specifies accounting and an optional customer string for a CSG2 policy.
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content configuration
Defines the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps), and
enters CSG2 map configuration mode.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
References a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing policy.
Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd
ip csg psd
To configure a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD), use the ip csg psd command in global
configuration mode. To remove the PSD, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number
no ip csg psd [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 is
to use to communicate with the PSD.
IP address for packets destined for the PSD.
The CSG2 differentiates PSDs on the basis of their IP addresses. When you
configure a PSD, make sure that its IP address matches on both the active
CSG2 and the standby CSG2.
Port number for packets destined for the PSD.
The CSG2 differentiates PSDs on the basis of their port numbers. When you
configure a PSD, make sure that its port number matches on both the active
CSG2 and the standby CSG2.
No PSDs are configured.
If no VRF table is specified, the CSG2 uses the global routing table to communicate with the PSD.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from records-storage to ip csg psd.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to global configuration.
The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.
Usage Guidelines
You must specify the PSD local port using the ip csg psd local-port command before you enter the ip
csg psd command.
You can configure only one PSD.
The following example configures a PSD with IP address and port number 7777, that uses VRF
table PSDVRF to communicate with the CSG2:
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd
ip csg psd vrf PSDVRF 7777
Related Commands
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from the
Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) when the Billing Mediation
Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the Cisco Persistent
Storage Device (PSD) per drain delay interval when the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with the
Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the size of the
Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that the CSG2 can
buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the size of the
Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that the CSG2 can
buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the maximum number of Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD)
retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) transmit window size
for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd drain delay
ip csg psd drain delay
To define the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from the Cisco Persistent Storage
Device (PSD) when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active, use the ip csg psd drain delay
command in global configuration mode. To delete the drain delay interval, use the no form of this
ip csg psd drain delay number-of-seconds
no ip csg psd drain delay
Syntax Description
Delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from the PSD. The range
is 0 to 3. The default value is 1. A value of 0 means no delay.
The default value is 1 second.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 can buffer GTP’ messages in the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD), if so configured.
(For more information, see the “Configuring PSD Support” section on page 7-1.) By default, the CSG2
limits the rate at which GTP’ messages are read from the PSD to 500 packets/second. However, you can
use the ip csg psd drain delay command to change that rate. For example, specifying an interval of
2 seconds yields a rate of 250 packets/second (500 packets/2 seconds).
The following example shows how to specify a PSD drain delay interval of 2 seconds:
ip csg psd drain delay 2
Related Commands
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the Cisco
Persistent Storage Device (PSD) per drain delay interval when the
Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd drain packet
ip csg psd drain packet
To define the number of packets to be drained from the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) per drain
delay interval when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active, use the ip csg psd drain
packet command in global configuration mode. To delete the drain packet, use the no form of this
ip csg psd drain packet number-of-packets
no ip csg psd drain packet
Syntax Description
Number of packets to be drained from the PSD per drain delay interval. The
range is from 1 to 64000. The default is 500.
The default value is 500 packets.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 can buffer GTP’ messages in the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD), if so configured.
(For more information, see the “Configuring PSD Support” section on page 7-1.) By default, the CSG2
limits the rate at which GTP’ messages are read from the PSD to 500 packets/second. However, you can
use the ip csg psd drain packet command to change that rate. For example, specifying that 1000 packets
are to be drained per interval yields a rate of 1000 packets/second (1000 packets/1 second).
The following example shows how to specify that 1000 packets are to be drained from the PSD per drain
delay interval:
ip csg psd drain packet 1000
Related Commands
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining packets from
the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) when the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd keepalive
ip csg psd keepalive
To define the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) keepalive time interval for the CSG2, use the ip csg
psd keepalive command in global configuration mode. To reset the PSD keepalive timer to the default
value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd keepalive number-of-seconds
no ip csg psd keepalive
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between PSD keepalives. The range is from 1 to 65535.
The default value is 60.
The default value is 60 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the keepalive time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify a PSD keepalive time of 300 seconds:
ip csg psd keepalive 300
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) keepalive time interval
for the CSG2.
Defines the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the quota-server keepalive time interval for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd local-port
ip csg psd local-port
To configure the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with the Cisco Persistent Storage Device
(PSD), use the ip csg psd local-port command in global configuration mode. To remove a quota server
local port configuration, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd local-port port-number
no ip csg psd local-port
Syntax Description
Port number on which the CSG2 is to communicate with the PSD. The range
is from 1024 to 65535. 5000 is not a valid port number.
The PSD local port number must be different from the Billing Mediation
Agent (BMA) local port number and from the quota server local port
number (configured with the ip csg bma local-port command and the ip csg
quota-server local-port command, respectively).
No PSD local port is configured.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from records-storage local-port to ip csg psd
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must specify the PSD local port using the ip csg psd local-port command before you enter the ip
csg psd command.
You can configure only one PSD.
The following example configures a PSD with local port number 7777:
ip csg psd local-port 7777
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd local-port
Related Commands
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA).
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
quota servers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd margin
ip csg psd margin
To specify the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS) tunneling protocol prime
(GTP’) messages, beyond the size of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that the CSG2
can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD), use the ip csg psd margin command in global
configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd margin number
no ip csg psd margin
Syntax Description
Maximum number of GTP’ messages, beyond the size of the BMA message
queue, that can be buffered for the PSD. The range is from 100 to 65535.
The default is 2000.
The CSG2 buffers up to 2000 GTP’ messages, beyond the size of the BMA message queue.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of GTP’ messages that can be buffered only when directed
to do so by Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value
is the most appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to configure the CSG2 to buffer up to 3000 GTP’ messages, beyond
the size of the BMA message queue:
ip csg psd margin 2000
Related Commands
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs).
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd retransmit
ip csg psd retransmit
To define the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) retransmit time interval for the CSG2, use the ip
csg psd retransmit command in global configuration mode. To reset the PSD retransmit timer to the
default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd retransmit number-of-seconds
no ip csg psd retransmit
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between PSD retransmits. The range is 1 to 65535. The
default value is 4.
The default value is 4 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the retransmit time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify a PSD retransmit time of 2 seconds:
ip csg psd retransmit 2
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) retransmit
time interval for the CSG2.
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the quota server retransmit time interval for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd retries
ip csg psd retries
To define the maximum number of Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) retries allowed before the
CSG2 determines that the link has failed, use the ip csg psd retries command in global configuration
mode. To reset the number of PSD retries to the default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd retries [packet] number-of-retries
no ip csg psd retries
Syntax Description
(Optional) Attempt to send a packet to the PSD the specified number of
times, then discard the packet.
Maximum number of PSD retries allowed by the CSG2. The range is
1 to 65535. The default value is 3.
The default value is 3 retries.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The packet keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of retries allowed only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
By default, the CSG2 retries a packet forever; it never discards a packet. If you configure the ip csg psd
retries packet command, the CSG2 tries to send a packet to the PSD the specified number of times, then
discards the packet. (The first attempt to send a packet to the PSD is not counted as a retry.) For example,
if you configure ip csg psd retries packet 4, the CSG2 tries to send a packet to the PSD five times before
discarding it (the initial attempt plus four retries).
The following example shows how to allow two PSD retries:
ip csg psd retries 2
The following example shows how to allow the CSG2 to try to send a packet to the PSD four times, in
addition to the initial attempt:
ip csg psd retries packet 4
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd retries
Related Commands
Defines the maximum number of Billing Mediation Agent (BMA)
retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Defines the maximum number of Interprocessor Communication
(IPC) retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the maximum number of Billing Mediation Agent (BMA)
retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg psd window
ip csg psd window
To define the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) transmit window size for the CSG2, use the ip csg
psd window command in global configuration mode. To reset the PSD transmit window size to the
default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg psd window {max window-size | min window-size | min auto}
no ip csg psd window {max | min}
Syntax Description
max window-size
min window-size
min auto
Maximum size, in packets, of the PSD transmit window. The range is
1 to 65535. The default value is 128.
Minimum size, in packets, of the PSD transmit window. The range is
1 to 65535.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to determine the minimum size of the PSD
transmit window automatically. The CSG2 keeps track of the maximum
number of ACKs received in one response and sets that number as the
minimum window.
The default maximum window size is 128 packets.
The default minimum window size is automatically determined by the CSG2.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the transmit window size only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to set the maximum PSD transmit window to 64 packets:
ip csg psd window max 64
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) transmit window size
for the CSG2.
Configures a Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Defines the quota server transmit window size for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server
ip csg quota-server
To configure the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values for subscribers, use the ip csg
quota-server command in global configuration mode. To remove a quota server configuration, use the
no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number priority
no ip csg quota-server [vrf vrf-name] ip-address port-number
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 is
to use to communicate with the quota server.
IP address of the quota server.
The CSG2 differentiates quota servers on the basis of their IP addresses.
When you configure a quota server, make sure that its IP address matches
on both the active CSG2 and the standby CSG2.
You can configure up to 10 quota servers. Each quota server must have a
unique IP address (or a unique IP address-VRF name combination, if VRF
is configured).
Port number of the quota server. The range is from 1 to 65535.
The CSG2 differentiates quota servers on the basis of their port numbers.
When you configure a quota server, make sure that its port number matches
on both the active CSG2 and the standby CSG2.
Defines active and standby quota servers.
The priority specifies the order of preference of the quota servers. A lower
number indicates a higher priority. If the current quota server becomes
unusable, the CSG2 uses the highest priority quota server available.
The range of priorities is from 1 to 1000, but you can configure only up to
10 quota servers. Each quota server must be configured with a unique
priority. Priorities for different quota servers do not have to be sequential.
That is, you can have three quota servers with priorities 1, 5, and 10,
No quota servers are configured.
If no VRF table is specified, the CSG2 uses the global routing table to communicate with the quota
Command Modes
Global configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from quota server to ip csg quota-server.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.
The reassign keyword was removed.
Usage Guidelines
For prepaid billing, you must configure at least one quota server.
You can configure up to 10 quota servers. Each quota server must have a unique priority and a unique IP
address (or a unique IP address-VRF name combination, if VRF is configured).
The CSG2 does not support multiple quota servers that have the same IP address.
A quota server can recognize a duplicate quota-download request, as when general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol (GTP) retransmits a packet. When the quota server detects a duplicate
quota-download request, it resends the same quota that it sent for the original request.
To disable quota server reassignment (that is, to prevent the CSG2 from assigning a new quota server to
a subscriber if the original quota server fails), use the no form of the ip csg quota-server reassign
The following example configures a quota server with IP address, port number 6666, and priority
10, that uses VRF table QSVRF to communicate with the CSG2:
ip csg quota-server vrf QSVRF 6666 10
Related Commands
Activates one or more quota servers.
Defines the quota server keepalive time interval for the CSG2.
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
quota servers.
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all quota servers.
Reassigns subscribers to a different CSG2 quota server after a
Defines the quota server retransmit time interval for the CSG2.
Defines the maximum number of quota server retries allowed
before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Defines the quota server transmit window size for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server activate
ip csg quota-server activate
To activate one or more quota servers, use the ip csg quota-server activate command in global
configuration mode. To deactivate quota servers, use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server activate number
no ip csg quota-server activate
Syntax Description
Number of quota servers to activate. The range is from 1 to 32. The
default value is 1.
The default value is 1.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from quota activate to ip csg quota-server
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
The range for the number argument changed from 1 to 10, to 1 to 32.
The following example shows how to activate two quota servers:
ip csg quota-server activate 2
Related Commands
Enables support for multiple active Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs)
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values for
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server keepalive
ip csg quota-server keepalive
To define the quota server keepalive time interval for the CSG2, use the ip csg quota-server keepalive
command in global configuration mode. To reset the quota server keepalive timer to the default value,
use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server keepalive number-of-seconds
no ip csg quota-server keepalive
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between quota server keepalives. The range is 1 to 65535.
The default value is 60.
The default value is 60 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the keepalive time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify a quota server keepalive time of 300 seconds:
ip csg quota-server keepalive 300
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) keepalive time interval
for the CSG2.
Defines the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) keepalive time
interval for the CSG2.
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server local-port
ip csg quota-server local-port
To configure the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with quota servers, use the ip csg
quota-server local-port command in global configuration mode. To remove a quota server local port
configuration, use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server local-port port-number
no ip csg quota-server local-port
Syntax Description
Port number on which the CSG2 is to communicate with quota servers. The
range is from 1024 to 65535. 5000 is not a valid port number.
The quota server local port number must be different from the Billing
Mediation Agent (BMA) local port number and from the Persistent Storage
Device (PSD) local port number (configured with the ip csg bma local-port
command and the ip csg psd local-port command, respectively).
No quota server local ports are configured.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from quota local-port to ip csg
quota-server local-port.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
The range for the port-number argument changed from 1 to 65535, to
1024 to 65535.
Usage Guidelines
For prepaid billing, you must configure a quota server local port.
The CSG2 drops requests (such as nodealive, echo, and redirect requests) unless they come from a
configured quota server IP address. The CSG2 also verifies IP addresses against the configured list of
quota servers. If there is no match, the CSG2 drops the request. The CSG2 does not look at a request’s
source port; the CSG2 replies to the port from which the request came.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server local-port
The following example configures quota server local port 6666:
ip csg quota-server local-port 6666
Related Commands
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA).
Configures the local port on which the CSG2 communicates with
the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server messages
ip csg quota-server messages
To specify the maximum number of general packet radio service (GPRS) tunneling protocol prime
(GTP’) messages that the CSG2 can buffer for all quota servers, use the ip csg quota-server messages
command in global configuration mode. To restore the default settings, use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server messages number
no ip csg quota-server messages
Syntax Description
Maximum number of GTP’ messages that can be buffered for all quota
servers. The range is from 1 to 65535. The default is 10000.
The CSG2 buffers up to 10000 GTP’ messages.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of GTP’ messages that can be buffered only when directed
to do so by Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value
is the most appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to configure the CSG2 to buffer up to 12345 GTP’ messages:
ip csg quota-server messages 12345
Related Commands
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages that the CSG2
can buffer for all Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs).
Specifies the maximum number of general packet radio service
(GPRS) tunneling protocol prime (GTP’) messages, beyond the size
of the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) message queue, that the
CSG2 can buffer for the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD).
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server reassign
ip csg quota-server reassign
To reassign subscribers to a different CSG2 quota server after a failure, use the ip csg quota-server
reassign command in global configuration mode. To disable quota server reassignment for subscribers,
use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server reassign
no ip csg quota-server reassign
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Subscribers are reassigned to a different quota server after a failure.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example reassigns subscribers after a quota server failure:
ip csg quota-server reassign
Related Commands
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server retransmit
ip csg quota-server retransmit
To define the quota server retransmit time interval for the CSG2, use the ip csg quota-server retransmit
command in global configuration mode. To reset the quota server retransmit timer to the default value,
use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server retransmit number-of-seconds
no ip csg quota-server retransmit
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, between quota server retransmits. The range is
1 to 65535. The default value is 4.
The default value is 4 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the retransmit time interval only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to specify a quota server retransmit time of 2 seconds:
ip csg quota-server retransmit 2
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Interprocessor Communication (IPC) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) retransmit time
interval for the CSG2.
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server retries
ip csg quota-server retries
To define the maximum number of quota server retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link
has failed, use the ip csg quota-server retries command in global configuration mode. To reset the
number of quota server retries to the default value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server retries [packet] number-of-retries
no ip csg quota-server retries
Syntax Description
(Optional) Attempt to send a packet to the quota server the specified number
of times, then discard the packet.
Maximum number of quota server retries allowed by the CSG2. The range
is 1 to 65535. The default value is 3.
The default value is 3 retries.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The packet keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the number of retries allowed only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
By default, the CSG2 retries a packet forever; it never discards a packet. If you configure the ip csg
quota-server retries packet command, the CSG2 tries to send a packet to the quota server the specified
number of times, then discards the packet. (The first attempt to send a packet to the quota server is not
counted as a retry.) For example, if you configure ip csg quota-server retries packet 4, the CSG2 tries
to send a packet to the quota server five times before discarding it (the initial attempt plus four retries).
The following example shows how to allow two quota server retries:
ip csg quota-server retries 2
The following example shows how to allow the CSG2 to try to send a packet to the quota server four
times, in addition to the initial attempt:
ip csg quota-server retries packet 4
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server retries
Related Commands
Defines the maximum number of Billing Mediation Agent (BMA)
retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has failed.
Defines the maximum number of Interprocessor Communication
(IPC) retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has
Defines the maximum number of Cisco Persistent Storage Device
(PSD) retries allowed before the CSG2 determines that the link has
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server window
ip csg quota-server window
To define the quota server transmit window size for the CSG2, use the ip csg quota-server window
command in global configuration mode. To reset the quota server transmit window size to the default
value, use the no form of this command.
ip csg quota-server window {max window-size | min window-size | min auto}
no ip csg quota-server window {max | min}
Syntax Description
max window-size
min window-size
min auto
Maximum size, in packets, of the quota server transmit window. The range
is 1 to 65535. The default value is 128.
Minimum size, in packets, of the quota server transmit window. The range
is 1 to 65535.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to determine the minimum size of the quota
server transmit window automatically. The CSG2 keeps track of the
maximum number of ACKs received in one response and sets that number
as the minimum window.
The default maximum window size is 128 packets.
The default minimum window size is automatically determined by the CSG2.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you change the transmit window size only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers. In most environments, the default value is the most
appropriate setting.
The following example shows how to set the maximum quota server transmit window to 64 packets:
ip csg quota-server window max 64
Related Commands
Defines the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) transmit window size
for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg quota-server window
Defines the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD) transmit window
size for the CSG2.
Configures the CSG2 quota servers that return billing quota values
for subscribers.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius ack error parse
ip csg radius ack error parse
To enable the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a
RADIUS Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a RADIUS parse error condition, use the ip
csg radius ack error parse command in global configuration mode. To prevent RADIUS responses to
errors, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius ack error parse
no ip csg radius ack error parse
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The CSG2 generates a RADIUS response to a RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS
Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a RADIUS parse error condition.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The radius ack error command split into two new commands—ip csg radius ack
error parse and ip csg radius ack error user.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
Use the no form of this command, no ip csg radius ack error parse, to prevent the CSG2 from
acknowledging the following RADIUS parse errors:
Invalid RADIUS message or attribute length
RADIUS Authenticator does not match what the CSG2 calculates
Incorrect RADIUS attribute length
User profile information such as billing plan or quota server does not match the CSG2 configuration
The following example shows how to prevent RADIUS responses when RADIUS parse errors are
no ip csg radius ack error parse
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius ack error parse
Related Commands
Enables the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a
RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS
Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a user
resource error condition.
Identifies the CSG2 as an endpoint for RADIUS Accounting
Configures RADIUS handoff support.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS
Deletes an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific
subscriber, and creates a new entry for that subscriber.
Specifies the attribute that must be included in the RADIUS
Accounting Stop request in order for the CSG2 User Table
entry to be deleted.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius ack error user
ip csg radius ack error user
To enable the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a
RADIUS Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a user resource error condition, use the ip csg
radius ack error user command in global configuration mode. To prevent RADIUS responses to errors,
use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius ack error user
no ip csg radius ack error user
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The CSG2 generates a RADIUS response to a RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS
Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a user resource error condition.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The radius ack error command split into two new commands—ip csg radius ack
error parse and ip csg radius ack error user.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
Use the no form of this command, no ip csg radius ack error user, to prevent the CSG2 from
acknowledging the following user resource errors:
Maximum number of users reached
Unable to allocate memory for creating a user entry or for storing RADIUS attribute information
(such as report attributes or parsed billing plan information)
Unable to communicate user information via inter-processor communication
Load manager prevents allocation of a user
The following example shows how to prevent RADIUS responses when user resource errors are
no ip csg radius ack error user
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius ack error user
Related Commands
Enables the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a
RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS
Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a RADIUS
parse error condition.
Identifies the CSG2 as an endpoint for RADIUS Accounting
Configures RADIUS handoff support.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS
Deletes an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific
subscriber, and creates a new entry for that subscriber.
Specifies the attribute that must be included in the RADIUS
Accounting Stop request in order for the CSG2 User Table
entry to be deleted.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius correlation
ip csg radius correlation
To enable RADIUS correlation processing by the CSG2, use the ip csg radius correlation command in
global configuration mode. To disable RADIUS correlation processing, use the no form of this
ip csg radius correlation
no ip csg radius correlation
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The CSG2 does not perform RADIUS correlation processing.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
A retransmitted RADIUS Stop might cause the CSG2 to remove a subscriber entry from the CSG2 User
Table when the entry should not be removed.
To avoid this problem, the CSG2 must be able to associate a session correlator from the RADIUS Start
message with a subscriber entry in the User Table, and compare that correlator with the correlator in the
RADIUS Stop message. If the correlators match, the CSG2 deletes the subscriber entry; otherwise, the
CSG2 retains the entry in the User Table.
The CSG2 can use the Acct-Session-Id (attribute 44) as the correlator, or it can use the following
vendor-specific attribute (VSA) subattribute (attribute 26, Vendor-Id 9, subattribute 1):
If both attributes are included in the RADIUS Start or RADIUS Stop message, the CSG2 uses the VSA
To enable this capability, enter the ip csg radius correlation command.
If there is no correlator saved in the User Table entry, the CSG2 deletes the entry.
If there is a correlator saved in the User Table entry, the CSG2 compares it to the correlator in the
RADIUS Stop. If the correlators match, the CSG2 deletes the entry; if they do not match, or if there
is no correlator in the RADIUS Stop, the CSG2 retains the entry in the User Table.
To disable this capability, enter the no ip csg radius correlation command. The CSG2 deletes User
Table entries without subscriber session correlation.
The following example shows how to enable RADIUS correlation processing by the CSG2.
ip csg radius correlation
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius correlation
Related Commands
Configures RADIUS handoff support.
Deletes an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific
subscriber, and creates a new entry for that subscriber.
Specifies the attribute that must be included in the
RADIUS Accounting Stop request in order for the CSG2
User Table entry to be deleted.
Replicates the connection state for all connections to the
CSG2 content servers on the standby system.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius endpoint
ip csg radius endpoint
To identify the CSG2 as an endpoint for RADIUS Accounting messages, use the ip csg radius endpoint
command in global configuration mode. To remove the endpoint identification, use the no form of this
ip csg radius endpoint [vrf csg-vrf-name] csg-address key [encrypt] secret-string
[vrf sub-vrf-name]
no ip csg radius endpoint [vrf csg-vrf-name] csg-address
Syntax Description
vrf csg-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 IP
address is to use for RADIUS communication.
Specifies the CSG2 IP address.
The CSG2 IP address must be a virtual IP address, and it must be unique (or the
IP address-VRF name combination must be unique, if VRF is configured). The
CSG2 IP address (or the IP address-VRF name combination) must not be
specified in other CSG2 commands, and it must not match any real IP address,
virtual IP address, or alias IP address (or IP address-VRF name combination)
configured on the CSG2.
If you want the CSG2 RADIUS endpoint IP address to be a member of a CSG2
interface subnet, you must configure the CSG2 IP address as follows:
In non-redundant configurations, you must configure the CSG2 IP address
as a secondary IP address configured on the appropriate interface.
In redundant configurations, you must configure the CSG2 IP address as a
standby secondary IP address on the appropriate interface.
The CSG2 performs radius endpoint processing only on User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) traffic that is destined for the server IP address. The
server IP address cannot be used for any other UDP communication with
the CSG2.
Specifies a RADIUS key.
(Optional) Indicates how the secret-string is represented when the configuration
is displayed (for example, show run), or how it is written to nonvolatile memory
(for example, write memory).
The valid values are:
0—The secret-string is stored in plain text. This is the default setting.
7—The secret-string is encrypted before it is displayed or written to
nonvolatile memory.
If your router is configured to encrypt all passwords, then the password
is represented as 7 followed by the encrypted text. See the Cisco IOS
service command for more details.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius endpoint
1- to 64-character clear password value for MD5 authentication. All characters
are valid; case is significant.
The secret-string is always sent in plain text to the CSG2 module when the
configuration is downloaded.
The secret-string must match the secret that is specified on the RADIUS client
(for example, the gateway general packet radio service [GPRS] support node
vrf sub-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the subscriber is
to use for RADIUS communication.
The secret-string is stored in plain text.
If no VRF table is specified for the CSG2, the CSG2 uses the global routing table for RADIUS
If no VRF table is specified for the subscriber, the subscriber uses the global routing table for RADIUS
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius endpoint to ip csg radius
The configuration mode for this command changed from module CSG
configuration to global configuration.
The vrf csg-vrf-name and vrf sub-vrf-name keywords and arguments were
The table table-name keyword and argument were removed.
Usage Guidelines
A RADIUS Accounting message sent to the specified csg-address (and any port) is parsed, and is then
acknowledged, by the CSG2.
CSG2 User Table entries created as a result of RADIUS messaging through the ip csg radius endpoint
definition with a VRF configured are indexed by the configured sub-vrf-name. This enables the CSG2
to segment the subscriber space and removes ambiguity if multiple subscribers share the same IP
address, provided that their entries were instantiated by RADIUS flows to CSG2 radius definitions
bound to different VRFs. If the sub-vrf-name is not configured, the User Table entries are indexed via
the global routing table.
To change the RADIUS endpoint csg-vrf-name or sub-vrf-name associated with a given csg-address, you
must first enter the no form of the ip csg radius endpoint command for that csg-address, then enter the
command with the new csg-vrf-name or sub-vrf-name.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius endpoint
You can also configure an optional RADIUS key.
If you configure a RADIUS key, the CSG2 parses and acts on a message only if the RADIUS
Authenticator is correct.
If you do not configure a RADIUS key, the CSG2 always parses and forwards every message.
The following example shows how to identify the CSG2 as a RADIUS endpoint:
ip csg radius endpoint vrf RADIUSVRF key secret vrf SUBVRF
Related Commands
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS messages.
Specifies the RADIUS attribute used to extract the user identifier from a
RADIUS record.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius handoff
ip csg radius handoff
To configure the CSG2 RADIUS handoff timer, use the ip csg radius handoff command in global
configuration mode. To turn off the timer, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius handoff duration
no ip csg radius handoff
Syntax Description
Handoff timer duration, in seconds.
The handoff timer is started when a RADIUS Accounting Stop is received. If the
handoff timer expires before a RADIUS Accounting Start for a subscriber is seen, the
CSG2 assumes that a handoff did not occur and deletes the CSG2 User Table entry for
the subscriber.
The range is from 1 to 43200.
RADIUS handoff is disabled.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius handoff to ip csg radius
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
The handoff timer is started when a RADIUS Accounting Stop is received. If the handoff timer expires
before a RADIUS Accounting Start is received for a subscriber, the CSG2 assumes a handoff did not
occur and deletes the CSG2 User Table entry for the subscriber.
The following example shows how to specify a RADIUS handoff timer duration of 1000 seconds:
ip csg radius handoff 1000
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius handoff
Related Commands
Enables the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a RADIUS
Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS Accounting Interim
Request when it encounters a RADIUS parse error condition.
Enables the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a RADIUS
Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS Accounting Interim
Request when it encounters a user resource error condition.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS messages.
Deletes an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific
subscriber, and creates a new entry for that subscriber.
Specifies the attribute that must be included in the RADIUS
Accounting Stop request in order for the CSG2 User Table entry
to be deleted.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius monitor
ip csg radius monitor
To specify that the CSG2 is to monitor the RADIUS flows to the specified server, use the ip csg radius
monitor command in global configuration mode. To stop monitoring the RADIUS flows, use the no
form of this command.
ip csg radius monitor [vrf vrf-name] server-address server-port [key [encrypt] secret-string]
[vrf sub-vrf-name]
no ip csg radius monitor [vrf vrf-name] server-address server-port
Syntax Description
vrf csg-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 IP
address is to use for RADIUS communication.
Specifies the server address to monitor.
Specifies the server port to monitor.
(Optional) Specifies a RADIUS key.
(Optional) Indicates how the secret-string is represented when the configuration
is displayed (for example, show run), or how it is written to nonvolatile memory
(for example, write memory).
The valid values are:
0—The secret-string is stored in plain text. This is the default setting.
7—The secret-string is encrypted before it is displayed or written to
nonvolatile memory.
If your router is configured to encrypt all passwords, then the password
is represented as 7 followed by the encrypted text. See the Cisco IOS
service command for more details.
(Optional) 1- to 64-character clear password value for MD5 authentication. All
characters are valid; case is significant.
The secret-string is always sent in plain text to the CSG2 module when the
configuration is downloaded.
The secret-string must match the secret that is specified on the RADIUS client
(for example, the gateway general packet radio service [GPRS] support node
vrf sub-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the subscriber is
to use for RADIUS communication.
The secret-string is stored in plain text.
If no VRF table is specified for the CSG2, the CSG2 uses the global routing table for RADIUS
If no VRF table is specified for the subscriber, the subscriber uses the global routing table for RADIUS
Command Modes
Global configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius monitor
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command was introduced.
You can configure an optional RADIUS key.
If you configure a RADIUS key, the CSG2 parses and acts on a message only if the RADIUS
Authenticator is correct.
If you do not configure a RADIUS key, the CSG2 always parses and forwards every message.
Even if you configure a key, the CSG2 forwards all RADIUS messages (including Access
messages), regardless of the configuration or accuracy of the key, unless the IP or UDP headers
specify a length larger than the physical packet size.
The following example shows how to use the ip csg radius monitor command to enable the CSG2 to
monitor the RADIUS flows:
ip csg radius monitor 1813 key KEY_TABLE
Related Commands
Identifies the CSG2 as an endpoint for RADIUS Accounting messages.
Network Access Server (NAS).
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS messages.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius monitor nas
ip csg radius monitor nas
To specify that the CSG2 is to monitor the RADIUS flows to the specified Network Access Server (NAS),
use the ip csg radius monitor nas command in global configuration mode. To stop monitoring the
RADIUS flows, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius monitor nas nas-ip-address [vrf nas-vrf-name]
no ip csg radius monitor nas nas-ip-address [vrf nas-vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Specifies the NAS IP address to monitor.
The CSG2 performs radius monitor processing only on User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic that is destined for the NAS IP
address. The NAS IP address cannot be used for any other UDP
communication with the CSG2.
vrf nas-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the NAS IP
address is to use for RADIUS communication.
If no VRF table is specified for the NAS, the CSG2 uses the global routing table for RADIUS
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
This command is required whenever a RADIUS monitor is configured. Use this command to identify
each NAS that is to communicate with the RADIUS monitor server. Each interface on which a NAS
server resides must be marked as a subscriber interface.
The following example shows how to use the ip csg radius monitor nas command to enable the CSG2
to monitor the RADIUS flows:
ip csg radius monitor nas vrf NAS_TABLE
Related Commands
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius on-off purge
ip csg radius on-off purge
To specify the rate at which the CSG2 is to delete CSG2 User Table entries in response to a RADIUS
Accounting On or RADIUS Accounting Off message, or in response to the clear ip csg user all
command, use the ip csg radius on-off purge command in global configuration mode. To restore the
default setting, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius on-off purge deletions-per-second
no ip csg radius on-off purge
Syntax Description
Number of User Table entry deletions per second. The range is from
50 to 65535. The default rate is 1000.
The default rate is 1000 User Table entry deletions per second.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The actual rate at which the CSG2 deletes User Table entries might be slightly higher or lower than the
specified rate.
The following example shows how to specify a User Table deletion rate of 875 entries per second:
ip csg radius on-off purge 875
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius pod attribute
ip csg radius pod attribute
To specify the RADIUS attributes and vendor-specific attribute (VSA) subattributes to be copied from
the RADIUS Start message and sent to the Network Access Server (NAS) in the Packet of Disconnect
(PoD) message, use the ip csg radius pod attribute command in global configuration mode. To disable
this feature, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius pod attribute {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
no ip csg radius pod attribute {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
Syntax Description
RADIUS attribute number to be copied from the RADIUS Start
message and sent to the Network Access Server (NAS) in the Packet of
Disconnect (PoD) message. The range is from 1 to 255.
Specifies the VSA.
Specifies the vendor ID number. The range is from 1 to 16777215.
Specifies the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) vendor ID.
Specifies the subattribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
RADIUS attributes sufficient to identify the NAS and subscriber (RFC3576) are sent in the PoD
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius pod attribute to ip csg radius
pod attribute.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
The 26 keyword was removed.
Usage Guidelines
You can specify up to 256 RADIUS attributes.
If the RADIUS message does not contain an attribute, the PoD message attribute does not contain the
attribute, either.
The CSG2 saves and reports attribute and subattribute information for each subscriber.
When the CSG2 receives a new RADIUS Accounting Start or RADIUS Interim Accounting Request, it
saves the attribute and subattribute information parsed from the new request.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius pod attribute
The CSG2 saves only those attributes or subattributes which meet both of the following criteria:
They are present in the new RADIUS Accounting Start or RADIUS Interim Accounting Request.
They are configured for reporting at the time the new request arrives at the CSG2.
All previously stored attribute and subattribute information from previous requests is destroyed, even if
the new RADIUS Accounting Start or RADIUS Interim Accounting Request does not contain all of the
attributes and subattributes that were present in the previous request. Only the currently stored attributes
are reported in CDRs.
If there are multiple instances of an attribute, all instances are included. Attributes are included in the
PoD message in random order.
The following example shows how to specify RADIUS attributes 44 and 26:
ip csg radius pod attribute 44
ip csg radius pod attribute 26
Related Commands
Specifies the NAS port to which the CSG2 is to send the PoD message,
and the key to use in calculating the Authenticator.
Specifies the number of times to retry the RADIUS PoD message if it
is not acknowledged by means of an ACK message, and the interval
between retransmissions.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius pod nas
ip csg radius pod nas
To specify the Network Access Server (NAS) port to which the CSG2 is to send the Packet of Disconnect
(PoD) message, and to specify the key to use in calculating the Authenticator, use the ip csg radius pod
nas command in global configuration mode. To restore the default settings, use the no form of this
ip csg radius pod nas [vrf vrf-name] [start-ip end-ip] port key [encrypt] secret-string
no ip csg radius pod nas [vrf vrf-name] [start-ip end-ip] port key [encrypt] secret-string
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 is to use
for RADIUS communication.
(Optional) Specifies the first NAS IP address in a range of addresses.
(Optional) Specifies the last NAS IP address in a range of addresses.
Specifies the NAS port number to which the PoD message is sent.
Specifies a RADIUS key.
(Optional) Indicates how the secret-string is represented when the configuration is
displayed (for example, show run), or how it is written to nonvolatile memory (for
example, write memory).
The possible values are 0 and 7:
0—The secret-string is stored in plain text. This is the default setting.
7—The secret-string is encrypted before it is displayed or written to nonvolatile
If your router is configured to encrypt all passwords, then the password is
represented as 7 followed by the encrypted text. See the Cisco IOS service
command for more details.
1- to 64-character clear password value for MD5 authentication. All characters are
valid; case is significant.
The secret-string is always sent in plain text to the CSG2 module when the
configuration is downloaded.
The secret-string must match the secret that is specified on the RADIUS client (for
example, the gateway general packet radio service [GPRS] support node [GGSN]).
The secret-string is stored in plain text.
If no VRF table is specified, the CSG2 uses the global routing table for RADIUS communication.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius pod nas
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius pod nas to ip csg radius pod
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.
Usage Guidelines
The PoD message is sent to the NAS IP address that is specified in the NAS-IP-Address attribute (4) in
the RADIUS Accounting Start message. This command specifies the NAS listening port, as well as the
key to use in calculating the Authenticator.
The RADIUS Accounting Start message which specifies the NAS IP address to which to send the PoD
message must be received on an IP address specified by the ip csg radius proxy or ip csg radius
endpoint command configured in global configuration mode.
In some networks, many NASes might use the same listening port and key. In such networks, you can
use this command to specify the range of NAS IP addresses.
If no IP addresses are specified, the port number and key apply to all NASes. The “global” definition is
used if a specific range is not configured for the NAS when the PoD message is sent.
The following example shows how to specify NAS ports and keys:
ip csg radius pod nas 1700 key secret
ip csg radius pod nas 1701 key password
Related Commands
message and sent to the NAS in the PoD.
Specifies the number of times to retry the RADIUS PoD message if it
is not acknowledged by means of an ACK message, and the interval
between retransmissions.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius pod timeout
ip csg radius pod timeout
To specify the number of times to retry the RADIUS Packet of Disconnect (PoD) message if it is not
acknowledged by means of an ACK message, and the interval between retransmissions, use the ip csg
radius pod timeout command in global configuration mode. To restore the default timeout, use the no
form of this command.
ip csg radius pod timeout timeout retransmit retransmit
no ip csg radius pod timeout timeout retransmit retransmit
Syntax Description
Number of seconds to wait for an ACK or NAK before sending another PoD
message. The range is from 1 to 1000. The default timeout is 5 seconds.
retransmit retransmit
Number of times to retransmit the message. The range is from 1 to 100. The
default setting is 3 retransmits.
The default timeout is 5 seconds.
The default number of retransmits is 3 retransmits.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius pod timeout to ip csg radius pod
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to global configuration.
The following example shows how to specify a RADIUS PoD timeout and the number of times to
retransmit the message:
ip csg radius pod timeout 30 retransmit 5
Related Commands
Specifies the RADIUS attributes to be copied from the RADIUS Start
message and sent to the NAS in the PoD.
Specifies the NAS port to which the CSG2 is to send the PoD message,
and specifies the key to use in calculating the Authenticator.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius proxy
ip csg radius proxy
To specify that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS messages, use the ip csg radius proxy command
in global configuration mode. To stop the CSG2 from proxying for RADIUS messages, use the no form
of this command.
ip csg radius proxy [vrf csg-vrf-name] csg-address [vrf server-vrf-name] server-address
csg-source-address [key [encrypt] secret-string] [vrf sub-vrf-name]
no ip csg radius proxy [vrf csg-vrf-name] csg-address server-address
Syntax Description
vrf csg-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the CSG2 IP
address is to use for RADIUS communication.
Specifies the CSG2 IP address.
The CSG2 IP address must be a virtual IP address, and it must be unique (or
the IP address-VRF name combination must be unique, if VRF is configured).
The CSG2 IP address (or the IP address-VRF name combination) must not be
specified in other CSG2 commands, and it must not match any real IP address,
virtual IP address, or alias IP address (or IP address-VRF name combination)
configured on the CSG2.
If you want the CSG2 RADIUS proxy IP address to be a member of a CSG2
interface subnet, you must configure the CSG2 IP address as follows:
In non-redundant configurations, you must configure the CSG2 IP address
as a secondary IP address configured on the appropriate interface.
In redundant configurations, you must configure the CSG2 IP address as a
standby secondary IP address on the appropriate interface.
The CSG2 performs radius proxy processing only on User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) traffic that is destined for the server IP address. The
server IP address cannot be used for any other UDP communication
with the CSG2.
vrf server-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the server IP
address is to use for RADIUS communication.
Specifies the server IP address.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius proxy
Specifies the source IP address that the CSG2 is to use when sending packets
to the RADIUS server.
The CSG2 source IP address must be unique (or the IP address-VRF name
combination must be unique, if VRF is configured).
If you want the CSG2 RADIUS proxy IP address to be a member of a CSG2
interface subnet, you must configure the CSG2 source IP address as follows:
In non-redundant configurations, you must configure the CSG2 source IP
address as a secondary IP address configured on the appropriate interface.
In redundant configurations, you must configure the CSG2 source IP
address as a standby secondary IP address on the appropriate interface.
The CSG2 performs radius proxy processing only on User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) traffic that is destined for the csg-source-address. The
csg-source-address cannot be used for any other UDP communication
with the CSG2.
(Optional) Specifies a RADIUS key.
Note Specify no more than one key for each CSG2 IP address.
(Optional) Indicates how the secret-string is represented when the
configuration is displayed (for example, show run), or how it is written to
nonvolatile memory (for example, write memory).
The possible values are 0 and 7:
0—The secret-string is stored in plain text. This is the default setting.
7—The secret-string is encrypted before it is displayed or written to
nonvolatile memory.
If your router is configured to encrypt all passwords, then the password
is represented as 7 followed by the encrypted text. See the Cisco IOS
service command for more details.
(Optional) 1- to 64-character clear password value for MD5 authentication. All
characters are valid; case is significant.
The secret-string is always sent in plain text to the CSG2 module when the
configuration is downloaded.
The secret-string must match the secret that is specified on the RADIUS client
(for example, the gateway general packet radio service [GPRS] support node
vrf sub-vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the subscriber
is to use for RADIUS communication.
The secret-string is stored in plain text.
The csg-source-address is set to csg-address.
If no VRF table is specified for the CSG2, the CSG2 uses the global routing table for RADIUS
If no VRF table is specified for the RADIUS server, the RADIUS server uses the global routing table for
RADIUS communication.
If no VRF table is specified for the subscriber, the subscriber uses the global routing table for RADIUS
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius proxy
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius proxy to ip csg radius proxy.
The configuration mode for this command changed from module CSG
configuration to global configuration.
The vrf csg-vrf-name, vrf server-vrf-name, and vrf sub-vrf-name keywords and
arguments were added.
The table table-name keyword and argument were removed.
Usage Guidelines
A message sent to the specified csg-address (and any port) is parsed and then forwarded to the specified
RADIUS server. When forwarded to the RADIUS server, the source IP address is the
The source port is arbitrarily chosen by the CSG2, and the destination port remains unchanged. When a
message is received from the network and forwarded to the subscriber, the source IP address is the
csg-address, and the source port remains unchanged. The source IP address and port are taken from the
destination IP address and port in the original message from the subscriber.
You can configure an optional RADIUS key. If you configure a key, the CSG2 parses and acts on the
message only if the RADIUS authenticator is correct. If the key is not configured, the CSG2 always
parses the message. Whether you configure a key or not, and whether it is correct or not, the CSG2
always forwards the message.
You can specify up to 64 ip csg radius proxy commands.
You can also configure an optional RADIUS key.
If you configure a RADIUS key, the CSG2 parses and acts on a message only if the RADIUS
Authenticator is correct.
If you do not configure a RADIUS key, the CSG2 always parses and forwards every message.
You can specify more than one RADIUS key by specifying more than one ip csg radius proxy
command, but each command must specify a unique CSG2 IP address (or IP address-VRF name
combination, if VRF is configured).
All RADIUS messages are forwarded, unless the IP or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) headers specify
a length larger than the physical packet size.
CSG2 User Table entries created as a result of RADIUS messaging through the ip csg radius endpoint
definition with a VRF configured are indexed by the configured sub-vrf-name. This enables the CSG2
to segment the subscriber space and removes ambiguity if multiple subscribers share the same IP
address, provided that their entries were instantiated by RADIUS flows to CSG2 radius definitions
bound to different VRFs. If the sub-vrf-name is not configured, the User Table entries are indexed via
the global routing table.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius proxy
If your network is designed to check the authorization string in RADIUS messages, we recommend that
you enter a secret-string. Additionally, if you configure the ip csg entries user profile radius remove
command, you might need to configure a secret-string.
To change the RADIUS proxy csg-vrf-name, server-vrf-name, or sub-vrf-name associated with a given
csg-address, you must first enter the no form of the ip csg radius endpoint command for that
csg-address, then enter the command with the new csg-vrf-name, server-vrf-name, or sub-vrf-name.
The following example illustrates how to create a RADIUS proxy point:
ip csg radius proxy vrf RADIUSVRF vrf SERVERVRF key secret vrf
Related Commands
Specifies the RADIUS attribute used to extract the user identifier from a
RADIUS record.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute
To define the RADIUS attributes and VSA subattributes to be monitored by the CSG2, and to enable
Roaming Service Control, use the ip csg radius reauthorization attribute command in global
configuration mode. To delete a RADIUS attribute, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
no ip csg radius reauthorization attribute {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
Syntax Description
Specifies the RADIUS attribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
Specifies the vendor-specific attribute (VSA).
Specifies the vendor ID number. The range is from 1 to 16777215.
Specifies the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) vendor ID.
Specifies the subattribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
The default behavior is that no RADIUS attribute is defined.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Roaming Service Control, also known as seamless roaming or RADIUS reauthorization, enables the
CSG2 to reauthorize prepaid users when specified RADIUS attributes change, rather than ending the
users’ sessions.
When a RADIUS Start request is received, the specified attributes are saved. When a subsequent Start
or Intermediate Accounting message is received, the specified attributes in the new message are
compared with the saved attributes. If any attribute is different, each service is reauthorized, as new
traffic for the service arrives.
If both Roaming Service Control and the reporting of RADIUS attributes are enabled, the CSG2
monitors both sets of attributes, but only changes in the Roaming Service Control attributes trigger
reauthorization. For more information about the reporting of RADIUS attributes, see the “Reporting
RADIUS Attributes and VSA Subattributes” section on page 9-7.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute
The following example illustrates how to create a RADIUS proxy point:
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute 14
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute vsa 7777 44
ip csg radius reauthorization attribute 26 7778 4
Related Commands
Specifies that the CSG2 is to be a proxy for RADIUS messages.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius start restart session-id
ip csg radius start restart session-id
To delete an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific subscriber, and to create a new entry for that
subscriber, use the ip csg radius start restart session-id command in global configuration mode.
ip csg radius start restart session-id {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
Syntax Description
Specifies the RADIUS attribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
Specifies the vendor-specific attribute (VSA).
Specifies the vendor ID number. The range is from 1 to 16777215.
Specifies the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) vendor ID.
Specifies the subattribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
The default behavior is that existing CSG2 User Table entries are not deleted.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius start restart session-id to ip csg
radius start restart session-id.
The configuration mode for this command changed from module CSG
configuration to global configuration.
The 26 keyword was removed.
Usage Guidelines
This command:
Deletes an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific subscriber (when a RADIUS Accounting
Start or RADIUS Intermediate Accounting is received).
Creates a new entry for that subscriber (similar to when a RADIUS Accounting Stop has been
Terminates all sessions for that subscriber.
To detect duplicate RADIUS requests (in this situation, the existing entry is not deleted), specify the
attribute (which might be a VSA) to be used. If the contents of the specified attribute in the original
request match the contents of the attribute in the current request, the request is a duplicate and the
existing entry is not deleted.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius start restart session-id
The following example shows how to enable the ip csg radius start restart session-id command:
ip csg radius start restart session-id 44
Related Commands
Specifies the attribute that must be included in the RADIUS Accounting
Stop request in order for the CSG2 User Table entry to be deleted.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius stop purge
ip csg radius stop purge
To specify the attribute that must be included in the RADIUS Accounting Stop request in order for the
CSG2 User Table entry to be deleted, use the ip csg radius stop purge command in global configuration
ip csg radius stop purge {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
Syntax Description
Specifies the RADIUS attribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
Specifies the vendor-specific attribute (VSA).
Specifies the vendor ID number. The range is from 1 to 16777215.
Specifies the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) vendor
Specifies the subattribute number. The range is from 1 to 255.
The subscriber entry is deleted when a RADIUS Accounting Stop is received.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius stop purge to ip csg radius stop
The configuration mode for this command changed from module CSG
configuration to global configuration.
The 26 keyword was removed.
Usage Guidelines
The ip csg radius stop purge command specifies the attribute (which might be a VSA) that must be
included in the RADIUS Accounting Stop request in order for the CSG2 User Table entry to be deleted.
The contents of the specified attribute are not examined.
The following example shows how to enable the ip csg radius stop purge command:
ip csg radius stop purge 44
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius stop purge
Related Commands
subscriber, and creates a new entry for that subscriber.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius userid
ip csg radius userid
To specify the RADIUS attribute used to extract the user identifier from a RADIUS record, use the ip
csg radius userid command in global configuration mode. To specify that no RADIUS attributes are to
be used, use the no form of this command.
ip csg radius userid {1 | 31 | User-Name | Calling-Station-Id}
no ip csg radius userid
Syntax Description
RADIUS attribute number 1.
RADIUS attribute number 31.
Equivalent to RADIUS attribute number 1.
Equivalent to RADIUS attribute number 31.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from radius userid to ip csg radius userid.
The configuration mode for this command changed from module CSG
configuration to global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
The ip csg radius userid command specifies that the CSG2 obtains the user ID from either attribute
1 or 31. If the no form of this command, no ip csg radius userid, is used, user IDs are not obtained from
RADIUS messages.
The following example shows how to specify RADIUS attribute User-Name:
ip csg radius userid User-Name
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg radius userid
Related Commands
Enables the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a
RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS
Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a RADIUS
parse error condition.
Enables the CSG2 to generate a RADIUS response to a
RADIUS Accounting Start Request or a RADIUS
Accounting Interim Request when it encounters a user
resource error condition.
Configures RADIUS handoff support.
Deletes an existing CSG2 User Table entry for a specific
subscriber, and creates a new entry for that subscriber.
Specifies the attribute that must be included in the RADIUS
Accounting Stop request in order for the CSG2 User Table
entry to be deleted.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg records format
ip csg records format
To specify variable, fixed, or combined (variable-single) call detail record (CDR) format, use the ip csg
records format command in global configuration mode. To use the default setting, use the no form of
this command.
ip csg records format [fixed | variable [combined {http | wap}]]
no ip csg records format [fixed | variable [combined {http | wap}]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies fixed CDR format.
(Optional) Specifies variable CDR format.
combined http
combined wap
(Optional) Specifies combined (variable-single) CDR format for HTTP traffic.
(Optional) Specifies combined (variable-single) CDR format for wireless
application protocol (WAP) traffic.
The default setting is variable.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from records format to ip csg records
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to global configuration.
The variable-single-cdr keyword was replaced with the combined keyword.
The http and wap keywords were added.
Usage Guidelines
This command is valid only for transaction-based CDRs. It is not valid for service-level CDRs.
Fixed record format generates CDRs that always contain the same set of Tag-Length-Values (TLVs).
Some might have a length of zero. This format is primarily used for integration with legacy billing
The following example shows how to specify combined CDR record format for HTTP traffic:
ip csg records format variable combined http
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg redirect
ip csg redirect
To redirect subscriber flows to an alternate IP address when the subscriber’s quota is exhausted, use the
ip csg redirect command in global configuration mode. To remove the redirect, use the no form of this
ip csg redirect {http url | interval seconds | maximum number | sip url | wap url}
no ip csg redirect [http | sip | wap]
Syntax Description
http url
(Optional) Redirects HTTP subscriber flows to the specified redirect URL
when quota is depleted, and configures the default URL for use in HTTP
interval seconds
(Optional) Length of time, in seconds, during which the CSG2 redirects an
out-of-quota subscriber. After this interval, the CSG2 drops the requests
until quota can be requested again.
The start of the interval is the time of the first redirect after a quota grant of
zero. The range is from 0 to 3600. The default is 8.
maximum number
(Optional) Maximum number of times a redirect is to be performed for an
out-of-quota subscriber during a redirect interval. The range is from
0 to 255. The default is 15.
sip url
(Optional) Redirects Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) call requests
(INVITE methods) to the specified redirect URL when quota is depleted.
wap url
(Optional) Redirects wireless application protocol (WAP) subscriber flows
to the specified redirect URL when quota is depleted.
If you do not specify an interval, the CSG2 redirects subscriber flows after 8 seconds.
If you do not specify a maximum, the CSG2 allows up to 15 redirects during the interval.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from redirect to ip csg redirect.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to CSG2 service configuration.
The interval seconds and maximum number keywords and arguments were
The nat ip-address and port-number keyword and arguments were removed.
The sip keyword and url argument were added.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg redirect
The following example shows how to configure CSG2 redirects:
ip csg redirect http http://server/topoff.html
ip csg redirect sip sip:
ip csg redirect wap http://server/topoff.wml
ip csg redirect interval 30
ip csg redirect maximum 10
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg refund
ip csg refund
To specify the CSG2 refund policy to apply to the various services, and to enter CSG2 refund
configuration mode, use the ip csg refund command in global configuration mode. To disable this
feature, use the no form of the command.
ip csg refund refund-policy-name
no ip csg refund refund-policy-name
Syntax Description
Name of the refund policy that applies to the content for this service. The
name can be from 1 to 15 characters long, and can include uppercase or
lowercase letters (the CSG2 changes all letters to uppercase), numbers, and
any special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
The characteristics of each policy are defined by the following commands:
flags—The CSG2 supports flag-based refunding for all protocols.
The following example shows how to specify CSG2 refund policy COMPANY-REFUND:
ip csg refund COMPANY-REFUND
Related Commands
Specifies IP, TCP, or wireless application protocol (WAP) flag bit masks and values
for CSG2 Prepaid Error Reimbursement.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 accounting services, and enters
CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service configuration
Specifies the range of application return codes for which the CSG2 refunds quota
for Prepaid Error Reimbursement.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg replicate
ip csg replicate
To enable high availability (HA) state replication between redundant CSG2 systems, use the ip csg
replicate command in global configuration mode. To disable state replication, use the no form of this
ip csg replicate [vrf vrf-name] local-ip remote-ip base-port
no ip csg replicate
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table which the redundant
CSG2s are to use when sending state synchronization messages.
Local IP address on the CSG2 used as the source IP address for outgoing state
synchronization messages, and as the listen IP address for incoming state
synchronization messages. You must configure this IP address on the local CSG2
as either an interface or as a secondary IP address.
Remote IP address used as the destination IP address for outgoing state
synchronization messages.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number used as the source and destination
port for state synchronization messages.
The specified port number is the first of six sequential UDP ports that the CSG2
uses for state synchronization. For example, if you specify port number 2000, the
CSG2 uses ports 2000 through 2005 for state synchronization.
Replication is not enabled.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The ip csg replicate command enables stateful replication of the CSG2 state data structures, such as the
CSG2 User Table.
To enable replication of session and flows, use the replicate command in CSG2 content configuration
Using two separate commands to enable CSG2 replication allows for synchronization of subscriber and
quota states independent of per-flow synchronization.
The following example shows how to enable CSG2 replication to a peer using local IP address, remote IP address,, and UDP ports 2000 through 2005:
Ip csg replicate 2000
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg replicate
Related Commands
Replicates the connection state for all connections to the CSG2
content servers on the standby system.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report http header
ip csg report http header
To define the inclusion of multiple HTTP request headers in the CSG2 HTTP_Header call detail record
(CDR), use the ip csg report http header command in global configuration mode. To disable this
configuration, use the no form of this command.
ip csg report http header header-name
no ip csg report http header header-name
Syntax Description
Name of the request header that you want to include in the CSG2
HTTP_Header CDR.
The header name can be from 1 to 224 characters long, and can
include uppercase or lowercase letters (the CSG2 changes all letters
to uppercase), numbers, and any special characters.
The default is to copy only the “host,” “user-agent,” and “from” HTTP headers into the CDRs.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from report http header to ip csg report http
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to global configuration.
The following example shows how to enable reporting HTTP header information:
ip csg report http header x-subno
ip csg report http header x-al-session-id
Related Commands
Start message into CSG2 call detail records (CDRs).
Specifies that the CSG2 is to include RFC 2822 header
Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) in Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) call detail records (CDRs).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report http header
Enables CSG2 supplemental usage reporting to the quota server.
Specifies whether actual wireless application protocol (WAP)
protocol data units (PDUs) are to be reported in CSG2 call detail
records (CDRs).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report radius attribute
ip csg report radius attribute
To specify the RADIUS attributes and VSA subattributes to be copied from the RADIUS Start message
and sent to the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) in CSG2 call detail records (CDRs), use the ip csg
report radius attribute command in global configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form
of this command.
ip csg report radius attribute {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
no ip csg report radius attribute {radius-attribute-number | vsa {vendor-id | 3gpp}
Syntax Description
RADIUS attribute number to be copied from the RADIUS Start
message. The range is from 1 to 255.
Specifies the vendor-specific attribute (VSA).
Specifies the vendor ID number. The range is from 1 to 16777215.
Specifies the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) vendor ID.
Specifies the RADIUS subattribute number. The range is from
1 to 255.
No RADIUS attributes are copied into CDRs.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from report radius attribute to ip csg report
radius attribute.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to global configuration.
The 26 keyword was removed.
Usage Guidelines
You can specify up to 256 attributes.
If an attribute is not present in the RADIUS message, it is not present in the CDRs, unless ip csg records
format fixed is configured.
The CSG2 saves and reports attribute and subattribute information for each subscriber.
When the CSG2 receives a new RADIUS Accounting Start or RADIUS Interim Accounting Request, it
saves the attribute and subattribute information parsed from the new request.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report radius attribute
The CSG2 saves only those attributes or subattributes which meet both of the following criteria:
They are present in the new RADIUS Accounting Start or RADIUS Interim Accounting Request.
They are configured for reporting at the time the new request arrives at the CSG2.
All previously stored attribute and subattribute information from previous requests is destroyed, even if
the new RADIUS Accounting Start or RADIUS Interim Accounting Request does not contain all of the
attributes and subattributes that were present in the previous request. Only the currently stored attributes
are reported in CDRs.
If there are multiple instances of an attribute, they are all reported. Attributes are reported in the order
in which they are presented in the RADIUS message.
If both the reporting of RADIUS attributes and Roaming Service Control are enabled, the CSG2
monitors both sets of attributes, but only changes in the Roaming Service Control attributes trigger
reauthorization. For more information about Roaming Service Control, see the “Enabling Roaming
Service Control” section on page 9-9.
The following example shows how to specify the RADIUS attributes to be copied from the RADIUS
Start message into CDRs:
ip csg report radius attribute 3
ip csg report radius attribute 5
ip csg report radius attribute 7
ip csg report radius attribute 44
Related Commands
Defines the inclusion of multiple HTTP request headers in the CSG2
HTTP_Header call detail record (CDR).
Specifies that the CSG2 is to include RFC 2822 header
Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) in Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
call detail records (CDRs).
Enables CSG2 supplemental usage reporting to the quota server.
protocol data units (PDUs) are to be reported in CSG2 call detail
records (CDRs).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report smtp rfc2822
ip csg report smtp rfc2822
To specify that the CSG2 is to include RFC 2822 header Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) in Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) call detail records (CDRs), use the ip csg report smtp rfc2822 command in
global configuration mode. To exclude SMTP headers from CDRs, use the no form of this command.
ip csg report smtp rfc2822
no ip csg report smtp rfc2822
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
RFC 2822 header TLVs are included in SMTP CDRs.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
The following example shows how to exclude RFC2822 headers from SMTP CDRs:
no ip csg report smtp rfc2822
Related Commands
Defines the inclusion of multiple HTTP request headers in the CSG2
HTTP_Header call detail record (CDR).
Start message into CSG2 call detail records (CDRs).
Enables CSG2 supplemental usage reporting to the quota server.
Specifies whether actual wireless application protocol (WAP)
protocol data units (PDUs) are to be reported in CSG2 call detail
records (CDRs).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report usage
ip csg report usage
To enable CSG2 supplemental usage reporting to the quota server, use the ip csg report usage command
in global configuration mode. To disable supplemental usage reporting, use the no form of this
ip csg report usage {bytes ip | seconds}
no ip csg report usage {bytes ip | seconds}
Syntax Description
bytes ip
Report the number of IP bytes uploaded and downloaded for each
Report usage in seconds for the interval, as well as the timestamps of
the start of the first and last billable sessions in the interval.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from report usage to ip csg report usage.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to global configuration.
Usage Guidelines
Interval report Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) are generated for Service Reauthorization Request, Service
Stop, and Quota Return messages. Reports contain statistics since the last report.
If you want to report both IP bytes and usage in seconds, you can specify both ip csg report usage bytes
ip and ip csg report usage seconds.
The following example shows how to enable supplemental usage reporting for both IP bytes and seconds:
ip csg report usage bytes ip
ip csg report usage seconds
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report usage
Related Commands
Defines the inclusion of multiple HTTP request headers in the CSG2
HTTP_Header call detail record (CDR).
Start message into call detail records (CDRs).
Specifies that the CSG2 is to include RFC 2822 header
Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) in Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) call detail records (CDRs).
Specifies whether actual wireless application protocol (WAP)
protocol data units (PDUs) are to be reported in CSG2 call detail
records (CDRs).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg report wap actual-pdu
ip csg report wap actual-pdu
To specify whether actual protocol data units (PDUs) are to be reported in CSG2 wireless application
protocol (WAP) call detail records (CDRs), use the ip csg report wap actual-pdu command in global
configuration mode. To exclude actual PDUs from WAP CDRs, use the no form of this command.
ip csg report wap actual-pdu
no ip csg report wap actual-pdu
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Actual PDUs are not reported in WAP CDRs.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows how to report actual PDUs in WAP CDRs:
ip csg report wap actual-pdu
Related Commands
Defines the inclusion of multiple HTTP request headers in the CSG2
HTTP_Header call detail record (CDR).
Start message into call detail records (CDRs).
Specifies that the CSG2 is to include RFC 2822 header
Tag-Length-Values (TLVs) in Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) call detail records (CDRs).
Enables CSG2 supplemental usage reporting to the quota server.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg service
ip csg service
To configure a CSG2 content billing service, and to enter CSG2 service configuration mode, use the ip
csg service command in global configuration mode. To turn off the content billing service, use the no
form of this command.
ip csg service service-name
no ip csg service service-name
Syntax Description
Name of the content billing service, which is a component of a billing plan
that is subscribed to by subscribers. The name can be from 1 to 16
characters long, is not case-sensitive, and can include uppercase or
lowercase letters (the CSG2 changes all letters to uppercase), numbers, and
any special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 allows you to define a pool of up to 1024 services. You can authorize, for each subscriber,
any number of services from that pool, but we recommend that the billing system not authorize more
than 10 active services for each subscriber. Exceeding this guideline could lead to the following
The increase in the number of quota authorizations per subscriber can overload both the quota server
and the CSG2.
As the number of services for which a subscriber is actively authorized increases, the subscriber’s
quota becomes fragmented. Although the CSG2 allows the billing system to recall and redistribute
the quota so that the subscriber is not denied service because of quota fragmentation, the process
increases overhead in both the quota server and the CSG2.
The CSG2 supports multiple protocols under a single service definition.
The characteristics of each content billing service are defined by the following commands:
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg service
The following example shows how to define a CSG2 content billing service named MOVIES:
ip csg service MOVIES
Related Commands
Specifies the activation mode for a CSG2 Connection Duration
Specifies that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect
URL sent by the quota server for use in Advice of Charge (AoC)
Configures a token for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting.
Enables Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting for the CSG2.
Specifies the billing basis for a CSG2 content billing service.
Configures content as a member of a CSG2 billing service, identifies
a policy to apply to this content, and optionally assigns a weight to this
Specifies the minimum amount of time that the CSG2 maintains a
service with no subscriber sessions.
Defines a CSG2 billing plan, and enters CSG2 billing configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg service
Specifies the CSG2 refund policy to apply to the various services, and
enters CSG2 refund configuration mode.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time from
the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes are
billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the
beginning of a service when the service is configured for Service
Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the
beginning of a service when the service is configured for Service
Duration Billing.
Specifies an identifier or name for a CSG2 service owner.
Enables passthrough mode for a CSG2 service.
Specifies the CSG2 reauthorization threshold.
Specifies the CSG2 reauthorization timeout.
Specifies the granularity at which CSG2 billing call detail records
(CDRs) are to be generated.
Specifies the refund policy for a CSG2 prepaid service.
Configures a token for use in CSG2 service verification
Enables CSG2 service verification.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg snmp timer
ip csg snmp timer
To define Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) timers for lost CSG2 records, use the ip csg
snmp timer command in global configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of
this command.
ip csg snmp timer {bma | psd | quota-server} interval
no ip csg snmp timer {bma | psd | quota-server} interval
Syntax Description
Defines an SNMP timer for lost CSG2 Billing Mediation Agent (BMA)
Defines an SNMP timer for lost CSG2 Persistent Storage Device (PSD)
Defines an SNMP timer for lost CSG2 quota server records.
Interval, in seconds, of the CSG2 SNMP timer. The range is from
1 to 2,147,483,647. The default is 60.
The default SNMP timer interval is 60 seconds.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The psd keyword was added.
The agent keyword was replaced with the bma keyword.
The following example defines a 300-second CSG2 SNMP BMA timer:
ip csg snmp timer bma 300
Related Commands
Enable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
notification types that are available on the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg subscriber
ip csg subscriber
To define a subscriber interface as a CSG2 subscriber interface, use the ip csg subscriber command in
interface configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
ip csg subscriber
no ip csg subscriber
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The interface is not a CSG2 subscriber interface.
Interface configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
All traffic routed through the CSG2, including peer-to-peer traffic, must flow from a subscriber interface
to a network interface, or from a network interface to a subscriber interface. Therefore, configure the ip
csg subscriber command on only the subscriber interface, never on the network interface.
The following example defines interface GigabitEthernet0/0.69 as a CSG2 subscriber interface:
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.69
ip csg subscriber
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip csg transport-type assign
ip csg transport-type assign
To classify data traffic on the basis of its access path, use the ip csg transport-type assign command
in global configuration mode. To remove transport-type information, use the no form of this command.
ip csg transport-type assign ip-address value
no ip csg transport-type assign ip-address value
Syntax Description
IP address.
Transport-type value in the range 1 to 255.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of the command changed from ip csg transport-type to ip csg
transport type assign.
The ip-address and value arguments were added.
Usage Guidelines
Use the ip csg transport-type assign command to classify data traffic on the basis of its access path,
using the Network Access Server (NAS) IP address reported in the RADIUS Accounting Start message.
Transport-type information is reported in fixed record format call detail records (CDRs).
The following example creates a transport-type table and enters transport-type configuration mode:
ip csg transport-type assign 6
Related Commands
Specifies a service class value.
Specifies an identifier or name for a service owner.
Specifies the mode for a CSG2 billing plan.
Specifies variable or fixed CDR format.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip iscsi target-profile
ip iscsi target-profile
To create an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2, and enter iSCSI configuration mode, use the
ip iscsi target-profile command in global configuration mode. To remove the iSCSI profile, use the no
form of the command.
ip iscsi target-profile target-profile-name
no ip iscsi target-profile target-profile-name
Syntax Description
Name of the iSCSI profile.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
No default behavior or values.
Global configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
You can configure one and only one iSCSI profile on a given CSG2.
The iSCSI profile enables the CSG2 to read/write to a remote iSCSI device (target) on a SAN via an
The CSG2 supports only one type of backup device, either a PSD or an iSCSI device. The PSD and iSCSI
features can coexist, but only one can be enabled at a time.
The characteristics of each content billing service are defined by the following commands:
The following example configures an iSCSI profile with the name targetA to use to store and retrieve
CDRs when a charging gateway (CG) is not available:
ip iscsi target-profile targetA
name iqn.2002-10.edu.abc.iol.iscsi.draft20-target:1
port 3260
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
ip iscsi target-profile
Related Commands
Specifies the IP address of an iSCSI target in the target
interface profile on the CSG2.
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining
packets from the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to
the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the
Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet
Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay
interval when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes
Specifies the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
(iSCSI) target to be used as backup storage for the CSG2.
Specifies the name of an iSCSI target in the target profile on
the CSG2
Specifies the number of the port on which to listen for iSCSI
traffic in the iSCSI target interface profile on the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To reference a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing policy, use the map command
in CSG2 policy configuration mode. To delete the reference, use the no form of this command.
map map-name
no map map-name
Syntax Description
Name of a header, method, or URL map, as configured with an ip csg map
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 policy configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: This command incorporated the following CSG1 commands:
Usage Guidelines
The conditions specified in the referenced header, method, or URL map must be true in order for the
flows to be processed by the CSG2 accounting services. If the conditions are not true, the flows are not
When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:
You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include
one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and
match url statements.
You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method
matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:
ip csg map HOSTMAP
match header host1 value *.2.*.44
ip csg map URLMAP
match url */mobile/index.wml
ip csg policy MAP-POLICY
In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
The following example shows how to reference maps for CSG2 policies MOVIES and GAMES:
ip csg policy MOVIES
ip csg policy GAMES
Related Commands
Defines the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps),
and enters CSG2 map configuration mode.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match header
match header
To specify a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map, use the match header command in CSG2
map configuration mode. To delete the header match pattern, use the no form of this command.
match header header-name value
no match header header-name value
Syntax Description
Header field that is to be matched against the input header. The header-name
argument is the name of the HTTP header keyword, such as Content-Type,
Host, Referer, User-Agent, or an arbitrary header name from 1 to 63
characters long. The header name can include uppercase or lowercase letters
(the CSG2 changes all letters to uppercase), numbers, and any special
For Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), you must enter the long form
of the header name. The CSG2 does not support the short form of the
header name.
Regular header pattern that is to be matched against the input header. The
pattern can include up to 127 characters, including wildcards and UNIX
string-matching special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 map configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from match (header map) to match header.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG header map
configuration to CSG2 map configuration.
The protocol protocol and value keywords and arguments were removed.
The pattern argument was replaced with the value argument.
12.4(15)MD Support for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) headers was added.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match header
Usage Guidelines
This command is valid only for HTTP and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
You can use more than one match header command in CSG2 map configuration mode to specify
multiple header match patterns for a header map as follows:
You can configure more than one match header command in a given header map, but they must
reference different headers.
For example, the following is a valid configuration, because the first match header command
references header Host and the other references header User-Agent:
ip csg map HDR1
match header Host www.cisco.com
match header User-Agent myagent
But the following is not a valid configuration, because both match header commands reference
header Host:
ip csg map HDR1
match header Host www.cisco.com
match header Host my.cisco.com
If a flow matches all of a map’s header match patterns, then the CSG2 accepts and processes the
flow (unless another map associated with the flow does not match, of course).
If a flow does not match even one of a map’s header match patterns, then the match fails and the
CSG2 does not accept or process the flow.
The CSG2 treats each header match pattern as a double-wildcard match, which means that a header
match pattern that includes even a single wildcard, such as match header host*, is treated
as a triple-wildcard match. The more wildcard matches you use, the fewer header maps and header
match patterns the CSG2 can handle, depending on your configuration. Therefore, to optimize the
performance of the CSG2, minimize the number of header match patterns that are applied to a CSG2
content configuration, and minimize the number of wildcards used in header match patterns.
By default, the header match patterns are case-sensitive. For example, if you define the following
header match pattern:
match header host1 *.2.*.44
but the actual HTTP header keyword is HOST1, then the match fails and the CSG2 does not accept
or process the flow.
If you do not want the header match patterns to be case-sensitive, configure the no ip csg
case-sensitive command.
You can specify up to 8192 match patterns.
The following table shows and describes the special characters that you can use in the value argument
in header match patterns.
Zero or more characters.
Zero or more repeated instances of the token preceding the +.
Zero or one character.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match header
Escaped character.
\? Match on a question mark (\<ctrl-v>?)
\+ Match on a plus sign
\* Match on an asterisk
\a Alert (ASCII 7)
\b Backspace (ASCII 8)
\f Form-feed (ASCII 12)
\n New line (ASCII 10)
\r Carriage return (ASCII 13)
\t Tab (ASCII 9)
\v Vertical tab (ASCC 11)
\0 Null (ASCII 0)
\\ Back slash
Bracketed range [0-9]
Matching any single character from the range.
A leading ^ in a range
Do not match any in the range. All other characters represent themselves.
Any ASCII character as specified in two-digit hex notation.
For example, \x3f yields a ? for a one-character wild card match.
When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:
You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include
one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and
match url statements.
You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method
matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:
ip csg map HOSTMAP
match header host1 value *.2.*.44
ip csg map URLMAP
match url */mobile/index.wml
ip csg policy MAP-POLICY
In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy
The following example shows how to specify HTTP header match patterns for map HDR1. In this
example, the header match is TRUE only for host www.cisco.com and user agent myagent. Any other
combination of host and IP address matches FALSE:
ip csg map HDR1
match header Host www.cisco.com
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match header
match header User-Agent myagent
The following example shows how to specify SIP header match patterns for map SIP-HDR1. In this
example, the header match is TRUE only for Event presence and Content-Type application/sdp. Any
other combination of Event and Content-Type matches FALSE:
ip csg map SIP-HDR1
match header Event presence
match header Content-Type application/sdp
Related Commands
Specifies whether to treat CSG2 header, method, and URL match patterns as
Defines the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps),
and enters CSG2 map configuration mode.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
References a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing
Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match method
match method
To specify a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map, use the match method command in CSG2
map configuration mode. To delete the match pattern, use the no form of this command.
match method method-name
no match method method-name
Syntax Description
Method to be matched. Valid methods are:
Extension method name of 1 to 15 characters
connect—HTTP CONNECT method
get —HTTP GET method
head—HTTP HEAD method
post—HTTP POST method
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 map configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
12.4(15)MD Support for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) methods was added.
Usage Guidelines
This command is valid only for HTTP and SIP.
You can use more than one match method command in CSG2 map configuration mode to specify
multiple method match patterns for a method map:
If a flow matches any of a map’s method match patterns, then the CSG2 accepts and processes the
flow (unless another map associated with the flow does not match, of course).
If a flow does not match any of a map’s method match patterns, then the match fails and the CSG2
does not accept or process the flow.
By default, the method match patterns are case-sensitive. For example, if you define the following
method match pattern:
match method get
but the actual method keyword is GET, then the match fails and the CSG2 does not accept or process
the flow.
If you do not want the method match patterns to be case-sensitive, configure the no ip csg
case-sensitive command.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match method
You can specify up to 8192 match patterns.
The following table shows and describes the special characters that you can use in the method-name
argument in method match patterns.
Zero or more characters.
Zero or more repeated instances of the token preceding the +.
Zero or one character.
Escaped character.
\? Match on a question mark (\<ctrl-v>?)
\+ Match on a plus sign
\* Match on an asterisk
\a Alert (ASCII 7)
\b Backspace (ASCII 8)
\f Form-feed (ASCII 12)
\n New line (ASCII 10)
\r Carriage return (ASCII 13)
\t Tab (ASCII 9)
\v Vertical tab (ASCC 11)
\0 Null (ASCII 0)
\\ Back slash
Bracketed range [0-9]
A leading ^ in a range
Matching any single character from the range.
Do not match any in the range. All other characters represent themselves.
Any ASCII character as specified in two-digit hex notation.
For example, \x3f yields a ? for a one-character wild card match.
When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:
You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include
one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and
match url statements.
You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method
matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:
ip csg map HOSTMAP
match header host1 value *.2.*.44
ip csg map URLMAP
match url */mobile/index.wml
ip csg policy MAP-POLICY
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match method
In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy
The following example shows how to specify a GET method match pattern for map MOVIES:
ip csg map MOVIES
match method GET
Related Commands
Specifies whether to treat CSG2 header, method, and URL match patterns
as case-sensitive.
Defines the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps),
and enters CSG2 map configuration mode.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
References a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing
Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match url
match url
To specify a URL match pattern for a CSG2 billing map, use the match url command in CSG2 map
configuration mode. To delete the match pattern, use the no form of this command.
match url pattern
no match url pattern
Syntax Description
Regular URL pattern to be matched against the input URL. The pattern can
include up to 127 characters, including wildcards and UNIX string-matching
special characters.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 map configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from match (URL map) to match url.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG2 URL map
configuration to CSG2 map configuration.
The protocol protocol and method method keywords and arguments were
Support for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URLs was added.
Usage Guidelines
You can use more than one match url command in CSG2 map configuration mode to specify multiple
URL match patterns for a URL map:
If a flow matches any of a map’s URL match patterns, then the CSG2 accepts and processes the flow
(unless an attribute, header, or method map associated with the flow does not match, of course).
If a flow does not match any of a map’s URL match patterns, then the match fails and the CSG2 does
not accept or process the flow.
By default, the URL match patterns are case-sensitive, and you must consider uppercase and
lowercase combinations carefully when you create URL match patterns. For example, if you define
the following URL match pattern:
match url http://url-string
but a subscriber enters the following URL in a web browser:
then the match fails and the CSG2 does not accept or process the flow.
If you do not want the URL match patterns to be case-sensitive, configure the no ip csg
case-sensitive command.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match url
As a further example, by default the following URLs do not match:
However, if you have disabled case-sensitivity by entering the no ip csg case-sensitive command,
then all of the following URLs match:
When you configure URL match patterns for Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) streams, be sure
to account for trailing stream IDs in RTSP stream names. For example, URL match pattern *.mpeg
does not match rtsp:// because the stream name has a
trailing /streamid=0. To match such RTSP stream names, use a URL match pattern such as
You can include up to two wildcards in each URL match pattern, but the more wildcard matches you
use, the fewer URL maps and URL match patterns the CSG2 can handle, depending on your
configuration. For example, the CSG2 can handle the following combinations of URL maps and
URL match patterns:
If you have one content and 1023 policies, then the CSG2 can handle up to 1023 URL maps,
each with one URL match pattern and no wildcards.
If you have 2000 contents, each with the same policy and the same URL map, then the CSG2
can handle up to 100 URL match patterns for that map, with one wildcard in each pattern (such
as *movies or movies*, but not *movies*).
If you have one content, one policy, and one URL map, then the CSG2 can handle up to 17
match patterns for that map, with two wildcards in each pattern (such as *movies*).
When using wildcards in URL match patterns, observe the following guidelines to optimize the
performance of the CSG2:
Minimize the number of URL match patterns that are applied to a CSG2 content configuration.
Minimize the number of keyword URL match patterns that you use. In general, it is better to use
multiple single-wildcard URL match patterns instead of individual keyword URL match
Combine several keyword URL match patterns into a single pattern by using UNIX
string-matching special characters. For example, *.movies_comedy.com/*.mpeg,
*.movies_action.com/*.mpeg, and *.movies_drama.com/*.mpeg can be combined into the
following single pattern:
And these patterns
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match url
can be combined into the following single pattern:
Do not forget that the entire pattern, including wildcards and UNIX string-matching special
characters, cannot exceed 128 characters.
You can specify up to 8192 match patterns.
The following table shows and describes the special characters that you can use in the pattern argument
in URL match patterns.
Zero or more characters.
Zero or more repeated instances of the token preceding the +.
Zero or one character.
Escaped character.
\? Match on a question mark (\<ctrl-v>?)
\+ Match on a plus sign
\* Match on an asterisk
\a Alert (ASCII 7)
\b Backspace (ASCII 8)
\f Form-feed (ASCII 12)
\n New line (ASCII 10)
\r Carriage return (ASCII 13)
\t Tab (ASCII 9)
\v Vertical tab (ASCC 11)
\0 Null (ASCII 0)
\\ Back slash
Bracketed range [0-9]
A leading ^ in a range
Matching any single character from the range.
Do not match any in the range. All other characters represent themselves.
Any ASCII character as specified in two-digit hex notation.
For example, \x3f yields a ? for a one-character wild card match.
For WAP, the CSG2 supports only URL maps. Header maps and method maps are not supported.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
match url
When configuring a map, keep the following considerations in mind:
We recommend that you configure the URL match pattern during your maintenance window, or
during off-peak hours.
You cannot specify different types of match patterns in a given map. For example, a map can include
one or more match header statements, but it cannot include both match header statements and
match url statements.
You can specify up to three maps in a given policy: one for header matching, one for method
matching, and one for URL matching. For example, the following is a valid configuration:
ip csg map HOSTMAP
match header host1 value *.2.*.44
ip csg map URLMAP
match url */mobile/index.wml
ip csg policy MAP-POLICY
In this example, a flow must match both HOSTMAP and URLMAP in order to match policy
The following example shows how to specify URL match patterns for map MOVIES. In this example,
the URL match is TRUE for *.movies_comedy.com/*.mpeg, for *.movies_action.com/*.mpeg, for
*.movies_drama.com/*.mpeg, and for any other URLs that match the pattern:
ip csg map MOVIES
match url *.movies_(comedy|action|drama).com/*.mpeg
ip csg map IMAGES
match url *.(gif|jpg)
Related Commands
Specifies whether to treat CSG2 header, method, and URL match patterns
as case-sensitive.
Defines the CSG2 billing content filters (header, method, and URL maps),
and enters CSG2 map configuration mode.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
References a header, method, or URL map that is part of a CSG2 billing
Specifies a header match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Specifies a method match pattern for a CSG2 billing map.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude control sip
meter exclude control sip
To exclude call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) session from the CSG2 usage
calculation, use the meter exclude control sip command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To return
to the default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter exclude control sip
no meter exclude control sip
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The default behavior is to include the SIP call control packets in the usage calculation.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The meter exclude control sip command and the basis second command in CSG2 service configuration
mode are mutually exclusive. If you configure the meter exclude control sip command, do not configure
the basis second command.
The following example shows how to exclude the call control packets for a SIP session from the usage
calculation for the SERVICE-A service:
ip csg service SERVICE-A
meter exclude control sip
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time
from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude control sip
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes
are billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude mms wap
meter exclude mms wap
To exclude bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) session from the CSG2 usage
calculation, use the meter exclude mms wap command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To return
to the default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter exclude mms wap
no meter exclude mms wap
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The default behavior is to include the MMS in the usage calculation.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The meter exclude command split into three new
commands—meter exclude mms wap, meter exclude pause rtsp, and meter
exclude svc-idle.
The following example shows how to exclude the bytes for a WAP 1.x MMS session from the usage
calculation for the SERVICE-A service:
ip csg service SERVICE-A
meter exclude mms wap
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2 usage
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time from
the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes are
billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude mms wap
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the
beginning of a service when the service is configured for Service
Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the
beginning of a service when the service is configured for Service
Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude network-init sip
meter exclude network-init sip
To exclude incoming Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) transactions (that is, those that are initiated from
the network) from the CSG2 usage calculation, use the meter exclude network-init sip command in
CSG2 service configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter exclude network-init sip
no meter exclude network-init sip
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The default behavior is to include incoming SIP transactions in the usage calculation.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows how to exclude incoming SIP transactions from the usage calculation for
the SERVICE-A service:
ip csg service SERVICE-A
meter exclude network-init sip
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time from
the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes are
billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude network-init sip
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the
beginning of a service when the service is configured for Service
Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the
beginning of a service when the service is configured for Service
Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude pause rtsp
meter exclude pause rtsp
To exclude the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time from the CSG2 usage calculation,
use the meter exclude pause rtsp command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To return to the
default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter exclude pause rtsp
no meter exclude pause rtsp
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The default behavior is to include the RTSP PAUSE time in the usage calculation.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The meter exclude command split into three new
commands—meter exclude mms wap, meter exclude pause rtsp, and meter
exclude svc-idle.
Usage Guidelines
You must configure basis second before configuring this command.
The following example shows how to exclude the RTSP PAUSE time from the usage calculation for the
SERVICE-A service:
ip csg service SERVICE-A
basis second
meter exclude pause rtsp
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes incoming Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) transactions
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude pause rtsp
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes
are billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance
at the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance
at the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude svc-idle
meter exclude svc-idle
To exclude the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation, use the meter exclude svc-idle
command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of the
meter exclude svc-idle
no meter exclude svc-idle
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The default behavior is to include the service-idle in the usage calculation.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The meter exclude command split into three new
commands—meter exclude mms wap, meter exclude pause rtsp, and meter
exclude svc-idle.
Usage Guidelines
Configuration of this command can result in reduced charging because the next service access occurs
after the service idles, rather than occurring before the service idles.
You cannot configure both meter exclude svc-idle and basis byte or basis fixed in the same service.
Only basis second is meaningful with meter exclude svc-idle.
The following example shows how to exclude the final service idle from the usage calculation for the
OFF_NET service:
ip csg service OFF_NET
meter exclude svc-idle
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter exclude svc-idle
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time
from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes
are billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter include imap
meter include imap
To specify which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes are billed for by the CSG2 when doing
prepaid debits, use the meter include imap command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To return to
the default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter include imap body {header | only | other}
no meter include imap
Syntax Description
body header
body only
Only BODY and HEADER IMAP bytes are to be counted when
performing prepaid debits.
Only BODY IMAP bytes are to be counted when performing prepaid
body other
Only BODY and OTHER IMAP bytes are to be counted when
performing prepaid debits.
All IMAP bytes are to be counted when performing prepaid debits.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from meter imap to meter include imap.
The body-header, body-only, and body-other keywords changed to body
header, body only, and body other, respectively.
Usage Guidelines
You can configure only one meter include imap command per service. The billing basis for the service
must be byte. The three categories of bytes are BODY, HEADER, and OTHER, determined as follows:
BODY—The bytes are classified as BODY if a fetch request or response is encountered for one of
the following specifications (including any appended “<>” subset variants):
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter include imap
HEADER—If the bytes cannot be classified as BODY, then they are classified as HEADER if a fetch
request or response is encountered for one of the following specifications (including any appended
“<>” subset variants):
OTHER—If request or response cannot be classified as BODY or HEADER, then it is classified as
OTHER. OTHER examples include:
SYN/FIN/ACK/RST packets that do not contain a payload
Non-HEADER or BODY IMAP commands such as 3 select inbox
Retransmitted packets
Anything else that is not considered BODY or HEADER
If the session becomes encrypted or enters PASSTHRU mode, subsequent packets for the
session cannot be parsed and are treated as OTHER.
Because IMAP metering is byte-based, you cannot configure both meter include imap and basis fixed
or basis second in the same service. Only basis byte is meaningful with meter include imap.
The following example shows how to configure IMAP to count only BODY bytes when performing
prepaid debits:
ip csg service S1
meter include imap body only
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time
from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter include imap
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter increment
meter increment
To specify the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon completion of a service configured for
Service Duration Billing, use the meter increment command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To
restore the default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter increment value
no meter increment value
Syntax Description
Increment, in seconds, for debiting quota upon completion of a
service configured for Service Duration Billing. For example, to
enable the CSG2 to charge quota per minute instead of per second,
specify meter increment 60.
The range is from 1 to 65535. The default value is 1.
The default increment is 1 second.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
If basis second is configured for the service, the network usage (usage excluding the initial charge) is
rounded up to the nearest integer multiple of the increment value when the Service Stop is sent. For an
increment value of 60, the CSG2 does not round up 120 seconds of network usage; however, the CSG2
does round up, say, 163 seconds of network usage to 180 quadrans before it calculates total usage for
reporting in the Service Stop.
The rounding-up of network usage is not reflected in calculations for the Usage
Tag-Length-Value (TLV) in Service Reauthorization Requests.
The increment value is considered when determining whether sufficient quota exists for granting
network access for a session. For instance, if the increment is 60, the network usage is 50, and the
balance is 10, network access is permitted. However, if the increment is 60, the network usage is 70, and
the balance is 10, network access is not permitted because the balance is not sufficient to satisfy the
entire increment (that is, a minimum of 1 minute of quota would be required to allow access for a portion
of the minute).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter increment
The following example shows how to configure quota debit increments for Service Duration Billing for
the OFF_NET service.
ip csg service OFF_NET
meter increment 100
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time
from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes
are billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter initial
meter initial
To specify the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at the beginning of a service when the
service is configured for Service Duration Billing, use the meter initial command in CSG2 service
configuration mode. To restore the default behavior, use the no form of the command.
meter initial value
no meter initial value
Syntax Description
Initial quota, in quadrans, debited from the balance at the beginning
of a service when the service is configured for Service Duration
Billing. The debit occurs when the CSG2 grants the first network
access for a session that has been mapped to the service. The initial
value is not rounded up to the nearest increment value.
The range is from 0 to 65535. The default value is 0.
The default quota is 0 quadrans.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
This command allows “connection setup charges” to be applied to a service.
The debit occurs when the CSG2 grants the first access for the service. The initial value is not rounded
up to the nearest increment value.
The following example shows how to configure an initial quota debit for the OFF_NET service.
ip csg service OFF_NET
meter initial 60
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter initial
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes incoming Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) transactions
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time
from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes
are billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance
at the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter minimum
meter minimum
To specify the minimum number of quadrans debited by the CSG2 for a service or session, use the meter
minimum command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no
form of the command.
meter minimum value
no meter minimum value
Syntax Description
Minimum number of quadrans debited for a service or session,
excluding the value in meter initial. For example, to force the CSG2
to debit 90 quadrans when less than 90 quadrans of network usage
were used for the service, specify meter minimum 90. If the initial
value is 20 quadrans and the minimum is 90 quadrans, then the
minimum total charge is 110 quadrans. The minimum value is
applied only if at least 1 session is granted network access for the
The range is from 0 to 65535. The default value is 0.
The default number is 0 quadrans.
CSG2 service configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
If meter initial is set to 20 quadrans, and meter minimum is set to 90 quadrans, then the minimum total
charge is 110 quadrans.
If service duration is configured in the basis command, the usage is rounded up to the minimum value
when the Service Stop is sent. For a minimum value of 90, 150 seconds of network usage is not rounded
up for the purpose of calculating usage in the Service Stop, but, for example, 63 seconds of network
usage is rounded up to 90 quadrans.
The rounding-up of network usage is not reflected in calculations for the Usage
Tag-Length-Value (TLV) in Service Reauthorization Requests.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
meter minimum
The following example shows how to configure a minimum debit for the OFF_NET service.
ip csg service OFF_NET
meter minimum 60
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Excludes call control packets for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes bytes for a WAP 1.x Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) session from the CSG2 usage calculation.
(that is, those that are initiated from the network) from the CSG2
usage calculation.
Excludes the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) PAUSE time
from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Excludes the final service idle from the CSG2 usage calculation.
Specifies which Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) bytes
are billed for by the CSG2 when doing prepaid debits.
Specifies the increments for debiting quota by the CSG2 upon
completion of a service configured for Service Duration Billing.
Specifies the initial quota debited by the CSG2 from the balance at
the beginning of a service when the service is configured for
Service Duration Billing.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify the mode for a CSG2 billing plan, use the mode command in CSG2 billing configuration
mode. To use the default mode, use the no form of this command.
mode [postpaid | prepaid]
no mode
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies a postpaid billing plan.
(Optional) Specifies a prepaid billing plan. This is the default setting.
The default mode is prepaid.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 billing configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
The mode command with the postpaid keyword is used with both fixed-record format and
variable-record format to enable service correlation of postpaid CDRs.
The following example specifies postpaid mode for CSG2 billing plan REGULAR
ip csg billing REGULAR
mode postpaid
Related Commands
Specifies a service class value.
Sets the time after which entries for idle subscribers are deleted from
the CSG2 User Table.
Defines a CSG2 billing plan, and enters CSG2 billing configuration
Classifies data traffic on the basis of its access path.
Specifies an identifier or name for a service owner.
Specifies variable or fixed call detail record (CDR) format.
Associates a service with a CSG2 billing plan.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
mode tcp
mode tcp
To specify the mode for CSG2 TCP sessions, use the mode tcp command in CSG2 content configuration
mode. To use the default mode, use the no form of this command.
mode tcp {datagram | transparent [zero]}
no mode tcp
Syntax Description
Specifies that the CSG2 is to treat TCP sessions as datagrams.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to treat TCP sessions as transparent.
(Optional) Specifies that TCP bytes are not to be reported for transparent TCP
If you do not configure this command, the CSG2 treats TCP sessions as transparent, forwarding all TCP
packets, including out-of-order packets, and reporting all new and retransmitted TCP payload bytes.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The mode tcp command is valid only if the parse protocol other command is also specified for the
If you configure the mode tcp transparent command, the CSG2 forwards all TCP packets, including
out-of-order packets, and reports all new and retransmitted TCP payload bytes. If you also configure the
optional zero keyword, the CSG2 reports zero TCP bytes. The CSG2 uses TCP signals to establish and
terminate the TCP sessions.
If you configure the mode tcp datagram command, the CSG2 forwards all TCP packets, including
out-of-order packets, and reports zero TCP payload bytes. Each TCP session is established by the first
SYN, and terminated by the content's idle timer.
The following example specifies transparent mode for TCP sessions for CSG2 content VPN:
ip csg content VPN
ip any tcp 10000
mode tcp transparent
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
name (iSCSI)
name (iSCSI)
To specify the name of an iSCSI target in the target profile on the CSG2, use the name command in
iSCSI configuration mode. To remove the IP address configuration, use the no form of the command.
name target-name
no name target-name
Syntax Description
Name of the iSCSI target.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
No default behavior or values.
iSCSI configuration
This command was introduced.
The following example configures an iSCSI target interface profile with the name targetA to a SCSI
target named eftcompany.com.
ip iscsi target-profile targetA
name iqn.2002-10.edu.abc.iol.iscsi.draft20-target:1
port 3260
Related Commands
Specifies the IP address of an iSCSI target in the target
interface profile on the CSG2.
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining
packets from the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to
the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the
Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet
Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay
interval when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes
Specifies the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
(iSCSI) target to be used as backup storage for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
name (iSCSI)
Creates an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2,
and enters iSCSI configuration mode.
Specifies the number of the port on which to listen for iSCSI
traffic in the iSCSI target interface profile on the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To define a next-hop IP address, use the next-hop command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To
delete the next-hop IP address, use the no form of this command.
next-hop ip-address [reverse] [subscriber media]
no next-hop ip-address [reverse] [subscriber media]
Syntax Description
IP address of the next hop for packets sourced by the flow initiator.
(Optional) IP address of the next hop for packets sent to the flow initiator.
subscriber media
(Optional) IP address of the next hop for packets sent from the subscriber for
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) media.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG policy
configuration to CSG2 content configuration.
The reverse keyword was added.
The subscriber media keywords were added.
Usage Guidelines
You can configure one forward next-hop, and one reverse next-hop.
Even if you have defined a next-hop IP address, traffic that matches the “default” content might not be
routed with next-hop.
The subscriber media option affects only SIP media sessions (used for subscriber-to-subscriber traffic).
If the subscriber media option is not configured, SIP media sessions use the values defined for
next-hop or next-hop reverse.
The following example specifies next-hop for CSG2 content MOVIES:
ip csg content MOVIES
next-hop reverse
Next-hop subscriber media
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Related Commands
References a standard access list that is part of a CSG2 content.
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify an identifier or name for a CSG2 service owner, use the owner command in CSG2 service
configuration mode. To remove the owner ID or name, use the no form of this command.
owner {id id | name name}
no owner {id | name}
Syntax Description
id id
1- to 15-character string that identifies a service owner.
name name
1- to 38-character string that specifies the name of the service.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: This command incorporated the following CSG1 commands:
owner id
owner name
Usage Guidelines
Use this command with fixed-record format to identify a service owner.
The following example specifies an owner ID for the CSG2 service A1:
ip csg service A1
owner id ABC123456
Related Commands
Specifies a service class value.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Classifies data traffic on the basis of its access path.
Specifies the mode for a CSG2 billing plan.
Specifies variable or fixed CDR format.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
parse length
parse length
To define the maximum number of Layer 7 bytes that the CSG2 is to parse when attempting to assign a
policy, use the parse length command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To restore the default
setting, use the no form of this command.
parse length number
no parse length
Syntax Description
Maximum number of Layer 7 bytes to parse. The range is from 1 to 65535.
The default value is 4000.
The CSG2 parses up to 4000 Layer 7 bytes when attempting to assign a policy.
CSG2 content configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
If the parse length is exceeded, the CSG2 blocks or forwards packets on the basis of the block command.
This command is valid only if parse protocol http is also configured.
The following example specifies that the CSG2 is to parse up to 1234 Layer 7 bytes when attempting to
assign a policy:
ip csg content MOVIES
parse protocol http
parse length 1234
Related Commands
Forces the CSG2 to drop packets that do not match a configured billing
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Defines how the CSG2 is to parse traffic for a content.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
parse protocol
parse protocol
To define how the CSG2 is to parse traffic for a content, use the parse protocol command in CSG2
content configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
parse protocol {ftp | http | imap | other | pop3 | rtsp | sip | smtp | wap {connection-oriented |
no parse protocol
Syntax Description
FTP traffic, with Layer 7 inspection of FTP control sessions.
HTTP traffic.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) traffic.
Some other type of IP traffic, such as IP, TCP, or User Datagram Protocol
(UDP). This is the default setting.
Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3) traffic.
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) traffic.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) traffic.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) traffic.
Wireless application protocol traffic.
Defines the WAP traffic as connection-oriented.
Defines the WAP traffic as connectionless.
The CSG2 parses the traffic as some other type of IP traffic, such as IP, TCP, or User Datagram Protocol
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was introduced.
The ftp and sip keywords were added.
The following example specifies that the CSG2 is to parse traffic for this content as HTTP traffic:
ip csg content MOVIES
parse protocol http
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
parse protocol
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters
CSG2 content configuration mode.
Defines the maximum number of Layer 7 bytes that the
CSG2 is to parse when attempting to assign a policy.
Specifies that the CSG2 is to obtain the subscriber's IP
address from the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To enable passthrough mode for a CSG2 service, use the passthrough command in CSG2 service
configuration mode. To disable passthrough mode, use the no form of this command.
passthrough quota-grant
no passthrough
Syntax Description
Size of each quota grant to give to the service. The quota-grant is also called the
default quota. The range is from 1 to 2147483647.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to enable the CSG2 to grant quota to the service when at least one quota server is
configured, but none are active.
The following example specifies that the CSG2 grants 65535 quadrans of quota to the service NAME
each time the service runs low on quota:
ip csg service NAME
passthrough 65535
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To set the pending connection timeout, use the pending command in CSG2 content configuration mode.
To restore the default, use the no form of this command.
pending timeout
no pending
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, to wait for a response to an initial synchronization sequence
number (SYN) on a TCP session. The range is from 4 to 65535. The default value
is 30.
The default pending connection timeout is 30 seconds.
CSG2 content configuration
Command Modes
Command History
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
This example shows how to set the pending connection timer for a CSG2 content:
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
pending 300
Related Commands
Specifies the minimum amount of time that the CSG2 maintains an
idle content connection.
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Displays information about the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
policy (CSG2 content)
policy (CSG2 content)
To reference a CSG2 billing policy, use the policy command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To
delete a policy reference, use the no form of this command.
policy policy-name [priority priority-number]
no policy policy-name
Syntax Description
Name of a configured CSG2 billing policy.
(Optional) Priority of the policy.
priority priority-number
The priority specifies the order of preference of the policy. A lower
number indicates a higher priority. If the current policy becomes
unusable, the CSG2 uses the highest priority policy (that is, the
policy with the lowest priority number) available.
In the same content, all policies must have different priorities.
Priorities for different policies do not have to be sequential. That is,
you can have three policies with priorities 1, 5, and 10.
The range of priorities is 1 to 511.
No policy is configured.
If you do not specify a priority for the policy, no priority is configured. The CSG2 lists and prioritizes
the policy sequentially, in the order in which it was configured.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
The priority keyword and the priority-number argument were added.
Usage Guidelines
If accounting records are to be generated for flows matching this policy, you must configure the
accounting command in CSG2 policy configuration mode. If you do not want to bill for flows matching
this policy, do not configure the accounting command.
To reference more than one policy in a content configuration, use multiple policy commands.
All policies in a given content configuration must be configured the same way, either all with priorities,
or all without priorities. Policies in the same content configuration must have different priorities.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
policy (CSG2 content)
The following example shows how to reference policies with and without priorities:
ip csg content MOVIES
policy COMEDY
policy HORROR
ip csg content MUSIC
policy HIPHOP priority 1
policy COUNTRY priority 10000
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Defines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 accounting
services, and enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Displays information about the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
port (iSCSI)
port (iSCSI)
To specify the number of the port on which to listen for iSCSI traffic in the iSCSI target interface profile
on the CSG2, use the port command in iSCSI configuration mode. To remove the port number, use the
no form of the command.
port port-number
no port port-number
Syntax Description
Number of the port on which to listen for iSCSI traffic. We recommend that
you use port 3260.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
No default behavior or values.
iSCSI configuration
This command was introduced.
The following example configures an iSCSI target interface profile with the name targetA to a iSCSI
target with which the CSG2 will communicate using port number 3260.
ip iscsi target-profile targetA
name iqn.2002-10.edu.abc.iol.iscsi.draft20-target:1
port 3260
Related Commands
Specifies the IP address of an iSCSI target in the target
interface profile on the CSG2.
Defines the delay interval, in seconds, before draining
packets from the Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to
the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes active.
Defines the number of packets to be drained from the
Storage Area Network (SAN) connected to the Internet
Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) per drain delay
interval when the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA) becomes
Specifies the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
(iSCSI) target to be used as backup storage for the CSG2.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
port (iSCSI)
Creates an iSCSI profile for an iSCSI target on the CSG2,
and enters iSCSI configuration mode.
Specifies the name of an iSCSI target in the target profile on
the CSG2
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
reauthorization threshold
reauthorization threshold
To configure the CSG2 reauthorization threshold, use the reauthorization threshold command in CSG2
service configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
reauthorization threshold threshold
no reauthorization threshold
Syntax Description
Number of remaining quadrans or seconds to trigger
For fixed-cost billing (basis fixed) or volume-based billing
(basis byte), the range (in quadrans) is from 0 to 10000000.
The default is 10000000.
For duration-based billing (basis second), the range (in
seconds) is from 0 to 10000000. The default is 10.
For fixed-cost billing (basis fixed) or volume-based billing (basis byte), the default reauthorization
threshold is 10000000 quadrans.
For duration-based billing (basis second), the default reauthorization threshold is 10 seconds.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Setting the threshold to 0 means that reauthorization is triggered when there are no remaining quadrans
or seconds. The quota server can override these settings.
For services configured for fixed-cost billing (basis fixed), the reauthorization trigger is the smallest of
the following values:
The threshold configured using the reauthorization threshold command
25% of the last quota grant returned from the quota server
For services configured for volume-based billing (basis byte), the reauthorization trigger is the smallest
of the following values:
The threshold configured using the reauthorization threshold command
25% of the last quota grant returned from the quota server
32 KB
For services configured for duration-based billing (basis second), the reauthorization trigger is the
threshold configured using the reauthorization threshold command.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
reauthorization threshold
The following example shows how to specify a reauthorization threshold of 75 quadrans:
ip csg service A1
reauthorization threshold 75
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Specifies the CSG2 reauthorization timeout.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
reauthorization timeout
reauthorization timeout
To specify the CSG2 reauthorization timeout, use the reauthorization timeout command in CSG2
service configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
reauthorization timeout [initial initial-timeout] [maximum maximum-timeout]
no reauthorization timeout
Syntax Description
initial initial-timeout
(Optional) Initial timeout, in seconds, for reauthorization after a
quota grant of zero. The range is from 1 to 3600 seconds. The
default is 4.
The value specified for must be less than or equal to the value
specified for maximum maximum-timeout.
maximum maximum-timeout
(Optional) Maximum timeout, in seconds, for reauthorization
after a quota grant of zero. The range is from 1 to 3600 seconds.
The default is 60.
The default initial reauthorization timeout is 4 seconds.
The default maximum reauthorization timeout is 60 seconds.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The quota server can override these settings.
For every quota grant of zero, the reauthorization time doubles, until the maximum timeout is reached.
For example, if the initial timeout is set to 30 seconds, and the maximum timeout is set to 250 seconds,
the reauthorization times (assuming quota grants of zero) would be:
30 seconds
60 seconds
120 seconds
240 seconds
250 seconds
250 seconds
And so on.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
reauthorization timeout
The following example shows how to specify an initial reauthorization timeout of 10 seconds and a
maximum reauthorization timeout of 20 seconds:
ip csg service A1
reauthorization timeout initial 10 maximum 20
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Specifies the CSG2 reauthorization threshold.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
records delay
records delay
To specify the delay before the CSG2 is to send the HTTP Statistics CDR, use the records delay
command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this
records delay seconds
no records delay
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds, that the CSG2 is to delay before sending the HTTP statistics
CDR. The range is from 0 to 1234 seconds. The default is 0 (no records delay).
The default value is 0 (no records delay).
CSG2 content configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Specifying a records delay enables CSG2 accounting for retransmitted packets and ACKs after the
transaction closes, but before the connection closes.
The following example shows how to specify a records delay of 5 seconds:
ip csg content MOVIES
records delay 5
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
records granularity
records granularity
To specify the granularity at which CSG2 billing call detail records (CDRs) are to be generated, use the
records granularity command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To restore the default granularity,
use the no form of this command.
records granularity {transaction | service {bytes bytes | seconds seconds | bytes bytes
seconds seconds}}
no records granularity
Syntax Description
Generate CDRs for each transaction. This is the default setting.
Generate summarized, service-level CDRs.
bytes bytes
Number of bytes of data, sent and received by a session, that triggers a CDR.
The difference between bytes sent and bytes received in two records might
not exactly equal the bytes argument, because updates must occur on packet
The range is from 5000 to 2147483647. The default value, if the bytes
keyword is not specified, is 0, indicating no maximum.
seconds seconds
Maximum time, in seconds, between billing records for a session. Records
can be sent more frequently if the number of bytes is reached.
When a record is sent because the maximum time has been reached, the byte
counts reported in the record are approximate.
The range is from 5 to 86400. The default value, if the time keyword is not
specified, is 0, indicating no time limit.
If you do not specify the records granularity command, CDRs are generated for each transaction.
If you specify records granularity service, you must also specify the bytes keyword, the seconds
keyword, or both:
If you specify both the bytes keyword and the seconds keyword, a billing record is sent when either
limit is reached. Then both limits are reset.
If you specify only the bytes keyword and not the seconds keyword, the maximum time between
billing records for a session is set to 0 seconds, indicating no time limit.
If you specify only the seconds keyword and not the bytes keyword, the number of bytes of data
that triggers the sending of a billing record is set to 0 bytes, indicating no maximum.
Command Modes
CSG2 service configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
records granularity
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The time keyword changed to seconds.
The range for the seconds argument changed from 60 to 4294967295, to 5 to
Usage Guidelines
You can use this command to reduce the number of records for services for which transaction-level
billing is not required. For example, if a subscriber is accessing the Internet, and the data is to be billed
based only on volume, then generating records for each HTTP transaction is of little use. With
service-level CDR summarization enabled, the CSG2 generates only consolidated records that contain
service-level usage.
To enable service-level CDR summarization in postpaid mode, you must specify that the associated
billing plan is postpaid by using the mode postpaid command in CSG2 billing configuration mode.
Service-level CDRs are generated only for subscribers with entries in the CSG2 User Table entry. If a
subscriber does not have an entry in the User Table, the CSG2 generates transaction-level CDRs.
The following example shows how to specify a service granularity in both IP bytes and seconds:
ip csg service A1
records granularity service byte 10000 seconds 120
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
records intermediate
records intermediate
To enable the generation of CSG2 intermediate billing records, use the records intermediate command
in CSG2 content configuration mode. To disable the generation of intermediate billing records, use the
no form of this command.
records intermediate {bytes bytes | seconds seconds | bytes bytes seconds seconds}
no records intermediate {bytes bytes | seconds seconds | bytes bytes seconds seconds}
Syntax Description
bytes bytes
Number of bytes of data, sent and received by a session, that triggers the sending of
an intermediate billing record:
The difference between bytes sent and received in two records might not exactly
equal the bytes argument. A trigger can occur only on a packet boundary. Once
triggered, a separate process captures a snapshot of the current byte counts for a
session. Between the trigger and the snapshot, additional packets might be counted.
The range is from 5000 to 4294967295. The default value, if the bytes keyword is
not specified, is 0, indicating that the number of bytes sent and received will not
trigger an intermediate record.
seconds seconds Maximum time, in seconds, between billing records for a session. Records can be
sent more frequently if the number of bytes is reached.
When a record is sent because the maximum time has been reached, the byte counts
reported in the record are approximate.
The range is from 5 to 86400. The default value, if the seconds keyword is not
specified, is 0, indicating no time limit.
If you do not specify the records intermediate command, or if you specify the records intermediate
command for a content for a protocol handler that does not support intermediate statistics, intermediate
billing records are not generated.
If you specify the bytes keyword but not the seconds keyword, the maximum time between billing
records for a session is set to 0 seconds, indicating no time limit.
If you specify the seconds keyword but not the bytes keyword, the number of bytes of data that triggers
the sending of an intermediate billing record is set to 0 bytes, indicating no maximum.
If you specify both the bytes keyword and the seconds keyword, a billing record is sent when either limit
is reached. Then both limits are reset.
Command Modes
CSG2 content configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
records intermediate
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG accounting
configuration to CSG2 content configuration.
The time keyword changed to seconds.
The range for the seconds argument changed from 5 to 65535, to 5 to 86400.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 supports intermediate billing for FTP, HTTP, IP, SIP, TCP, and UDP.
The CSG2 does not support intermediate billing for WAP or e-mail protocols (such as IMAP, POP3, and
The CSG2 does not support intermediate billing for RTSP control sessions unless the video/audio traffic
is also transported over the control session.
The following example shows how to enable intermediate billing records for the CSG2 content
MOVIES. In this example, intermediate records are generated after 100,000 IP bytes of data are sent and
received, or after 3600 seconds (1 hour) elapse, whichever occurs first:
ip csg content MOVIES
records intermediate bytes 100000 seconds 3600
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify the refund policy for a CSG2 prepaid service, use the refund command in CSG2 service
configuration mode. To disable the refund policy, use the no form of this command.
refund policy-name
no refund policy-name
Syntax Description
Name of the refund policy.
Refunding is not enabled.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The name of this command changed from refund-policy to
The following example specifies refund policy COMPANY-REFUND:
ip csg service BILLBYVOLUME
Related Commands
Specifies the CSG2 refund policy to apply to the various services, and enters
CSG2 refund configuration mode.
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To replicate the connection state for all connections to the CSG2 content servers on the standby system,
use the replicate command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To disable connection redundancy, use
the no form of this command.
replicate [delay seconds]
no replicate [delay]
Syntax Description
delay seconds
(Optional) Number of seconds to delay state replication. The range is from
1 to 3600. The default value is no delay.
Connection redundancy is not enabled.
If you do not specify a delay, there is no delay.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from replicate connection tcp to
The delay seconds keyword and argument were added.
Usage Guidelines
Replication is not supported for the wireless application protocol 1.x (WAP 1.x) and Real Time
Streaming Protocol (RTSP) protocols. Therefore, the CSG2 generates an error message if either of the
following situations occurs:
You have already configured RTSP or WAP 1.x using the parse protocol command and you try to
enter the replicate command.
You have already configured replicate and you try to configure RTSP or WAP 1.x using the parse
protocol command.
For HTTP, the replicated session is treated as Layer 4. No HTTP parsing is performed when the
replicated session on the standby CSG2 becomes active.
The following example shows how to enable replication for the CSG2 content MOVIES, and replication
with a delay of 30 seconds for the CSG2 content GAMES:
ip csg content MOVIES
ip csg content GAMES
replicate delay 30
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Enables state replication between redundant CSG2 systems.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify the range of application return codes for which the CSG2 refunds quota for Prepaid Error
Reimbursement, use the retcode command in CSG2 refund configuration mode. To disable this feature,
use the no form of this command.
retcode {ftp | http | imap | pop3 | sip | smtp | wap} rc-start [rc-end]
no retcode {ftp | http | imap | pop3 | sip | smtp | wap} rc-start [rc-end]
Syntax Description
The CSG2 refunds quota for FTP application return codes.
The CSG2 refunds quota for HTTP and WAP 2.0 application return
The http keyword affects only HTTP and WAP 2.0. For
WAP 1.x refunds, use the wap keyword.
The CSG2 refunds quota for Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP) application return codes.
The CSG2 refunds quota for Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
application return codes.
The CSG2 refunds quota for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
application return codes.
For SIP calls, only the return code to the INVITE method is
For SIP events, each event is a transaction associated with a
single return code.
The CSG2 refunds quota for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
application return codes.
The CSG2 refunds quota for WAP 1.x application return codes.
The wap keyword affects only WAP 1.x. For WAP 2.0
refunds, use the http keyword.
Specifies the beginning of the range of values for specific application
return codes. The range is 1 to 65535 (0xffff).
(Optional) Specifies the end of the range of values for specific
application return codes. The range is the value of rc-start to 65535
(0xffff). If you are specifying a single value as the range, do not
specify rc-end.
Command Modes
CSG2 refund configuration
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Command History
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
The ftp and sip keywords were added.
Usage Guidelines
The CSG2 supports return code-based refunding for all protocols except RTSP.
The return codes are protocol-specific.
For IMAP, keep in mind the following considerations:
Only return code 554 is used. Return code 554 is used when a transaction ending in an IMAP tagged
response was not flagged OK.
The CSG2 does not support refunding for IMAP. If configured, refunding for IMAP has no effect.
The following example shows how to specify ranges of application return codes:
ip csg refund COMPANY-REFUND
retcode http 500 509
retcode sip 300 999
retcode wap 0x44 0x50
Related Commands
Specifies IP, TCP, or wireless application protocol (WAP) flag bit
masks and values for CSG2 Prepaid Error Reimbursement.
Specifies the CSG2 refund policy to apply to the various services,
and enters CSG2 refund configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
sami rate all
sami rate all
To specify the bit rate limit to be used by the Service and Application Module for IP (SAMI) for each
PowerPC’s (PPC’s) traffic, CSG2 use the sami rate all command in global configuration mode. Use the
no form of this command to disable this feature.
sami rate bits-per-second all
no sami rate bits-per-second all
Syntax Description
Number of bits per second that the SAMI rate-limiting code is to allow to be
forwarded to an individual PPC. The range is 1 bps to 2 Gbps (0x80000000).
The default value is 1.9 Gbps (0x70000000).
The default rate is 1.9 Gbps (0x70000000).
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows how to specify a bit rate limit of 1 Gbps (0x40000000):
sami rate 0x40000000 all
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To associate a service with a CSG2 billing plan, use the service command in CSG2 billing configuration
mode. To remove the association, use the no form of this command.
service service-name
no service service-name
Syntax Description
Name of a configured CSG2 billing service.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 billing configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage Guidelines
To associate more than one service with the same billing plan, use multiple service commands.
The following example shows how to associate services MOVIES and BROWSING with billing plan
ip csg billing REGULAR
service MOVIES
service BROWSING
Related Commands
Sets the time after which entries for idle subscribers are deleted from
the CSG2 User Table.
Defines a CSG2 billing plan, and enters CSG2 billing configuration
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Specifies the mode for a CSG2 billing plan.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
show ip csg
To display information about the CSG2, use the show ip csg command in privileged EXEC mode.
show ip csg {billing [plan billing-plan-name] | bma | content [name content-name]
[detail | internal] | database | gtp | iscsi | load [history] | psd | quota-server | radius |
sessions {database | gtp | imap | ipc | radius | replicate | user [application [internal]]
[ip-address ip-mask]} | stats | users {ip-address ip-mask | id user-name | all | sip [internal]}}
Syntax Description
Displays information about billing plans.
plan billing-plan-name (Optional) Displays information about only the specified billing plan.
Displays information about the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which
the CSG2 sends billing records. BMA statistics are reported for each BMA,
in addition to an aggregate count for all BMAs.
Displays information about the CSG2 content table.
name content-name
(Optional) Displays information about only the specified content.
(Optional) Displays detailed information about the CSG2 content.
(Optional) Displays internal CSG2 data structure information for use in
We recommend that you enter this keyword only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers.
Displays information about the server that answers CSG2 user ID queries.
Displays information about the general packet radio service (GPRS)
tunneling protocol (GTP).
Displays information about the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
Displays information about load management.
(Optional) Displays histograms of recent load management activity.
Displays information about the Cisco Persistent Storage Device (PSD)
functionality residing on the CSG2.
Displays information about the quota servers.
Displays information about RADIUS.
Displays information about sessions.
Displays information about only the user database sessions.
Displays information about only the GTP sessions.
Displays information about only the Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP) sessions.
Displays information about only the Interprocessor Communication (IPC)
Displays information about all other Layer 3 and Layer 4 sessions.
Displays information about only the Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
Displays information about only the RADIUS sessions.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
Displays information about only high availability (HA) sessions.
Displays information about only the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Displays information about only subscriber sessions.
(Optional) Displays information about only the specified application:
ftp—Closes FTP subscriber sessions.
http—Closes HTTP subscriber sessions.
imap—Closes IMAP subscriber sessions.
other—Closes other subscriber sessions.
pop3—Closes POP3 subscriber sessions.
rtsp—Closes RTSP subscriber sessions.
smtp—Closes SMTP subscriber sessions.
wap—Closes WAP subscriber sessions.
(Optional) Displays internal CSG2 data structure information for use in
We recommend that you enter this keyword only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers.
ip-address ip-mask
(Optional) Displays information about only the specified subscriber IP
address and subscriber IP address mask.
Specify IP address to display information about all subscriber IP
Specify IP address mask 0 to display information about all subscriber IP
address masks.
Displays performance statistics for the CSG2.
You can also use the following commands to monitor CSG2 high availability
(HA) configurations: show redundancy state, show redundancy interdev,
and show ipc sctp.
Displays information about subscribers.
If the basis second connect command is configured, the balance and
consumed fields in the output of the show ip csg users command are
updated only when there is a Service Reauthorization Request for
new quota.
ip-address ip-mask
Displays information about only the specified subscriber IP address and
subscriber IP address mask.
Specify IP address to display information about all subscriber IP
Specify IP address mask 0 to display information about all subscriber IP
address masks.
id user-name
Displays information about the specified user ID.
Displays information about all subscribers.
Displays information about the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
(Optional) Displays internal CSG2 data structure information for use in
We recommend that you enter this keyword only when directed to do so by
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers.
(Optional) Displays more detailed information.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Privileged EXEC
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: This command incorporated the following CSG1 commands:
show ip csg accounting
show module csg content
show module csg stats
The billing, ftp, gtp, history, iscsi, load, plan, and sip keywords and
billing-plan-name argument were added.
Usage Guidelines
In the output for the show ip csg content command, the CSG2 might truncate some fields, such as the
VRF name and the domain name.
Entering the show ip csg users all command might flood your screen with output.
The following example shows how to display the statistics and counters for CSG2 content:
Router# show ip csg content
prot destination
vlan state
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
The following example shows how to display detailed statistics and counters for the CSG2 HTTP content
named HTTP:
Router# show ip csg content name HTTP detail
HTTP, parse type = http, state = INSTALLED, index = 13
destination =, protocol = TCP, vlan = ANY
idle = 10, pending = 30, replicate = Session, max parse len = 4000
total sessions = 48347288, current sessions = 153
regex memory usage = 98352
subscriber paks = 187932310, network paks = 261526365
The following example shows how to display the CSG2 statistics:
Router# show ip csg stats
CSG Replication Stats:
Transmit: Packets = 1725627, current sequence = 268220
Received: Packets = 12014, current sequence = 12015, errors = 0
Last Bulk Sync Sent: 07:15:01 UTC Jun 6 2007
Bulk sync in progress on:
Processor 5
Processor 8
CSG Clear Stats:
counters = 0, kut = 0, sessions = 0
IPC PPC Stats:
init alloc fail = 0
message block alloc fail = 0
message block alloc denied = 0
correlator alloc fail = 0
message blocks currently allocated = 5020, max allocated = 5200
message blocks currently queued = 5020, max queued = 5200
message blocks currently tx queued = 5020, max tx queued = 5200
message blocks currently hashed = 3600, max hashed = 3663
dropped messages = 0, null msgs = 0
failure to respond = 0
acks = 11251929, timed out responses = 231567
interrupt acks = 1898906, process acks = 25, no ack = 0
sent to peer
unreliable sends = 0, unreliable send failures = 0
reliable sends = 436, reliable send failures = 0
request sends = 1902531, request send failures = 0
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
response sends = 11252888, response send failures = 0
received from peer
unreliable = 51626, reliable = 97224994, request = 11254924, response =
unsupported ipc port = 0, unsupported ipc request port = 0
uncorrelated = 1138193
rtx list = 0, hash list = 0, dealloc = 0
msg type = 0, ack miss = 0
destination =, localport = 0
connection failures = 0
priority = 0, ACTIVE
packet rate = 351/sec, ack rate = 351/sec
data packets sent = 3086282, retransmits = 76, failed acks = 0
queued = 0, highwater = 586, tx win = 32
unacked = 0, ack = 138, count = 4
destination =, localport = 0
connection failures = 0
priority = 0, ACTIVE
packet rate = 304/sec, ack rate = 23/sec
data packets sent = 1230533, retransmits = 523322, failed acks = 0
queued = 2490, highwater = 2669, tx win = 32
unacked = 32, ack = 5, count = 4
destination =, localport = 0
connection failures = 0
priority = 0, ACTIVE
packet rate = 831/sec, ack rate = 831/sec
data packets sent = 5280267, retransmits = 114, failed acks = 0
queued = 0, highwater = 191, tx win = 32
unacked = 0, ack = 14, count = 1
destination =, localport = 0
connection failures = 0
priority = 0, ACTIVE
packet rate = 191/sec, ack rate = 191/sec
data packets sent = 3339431, retransmits = 39339, failed acks = 0
queued = 0, highwater = 1649, tx win = 32
unacked = 0, ack = 105, count = 4
destination =, localport = 0
connection failures = 0
priority = 0, ACTIVE
packet rate = 257/sec, ack rate = 0/sec
data packets sent = 1281140, retransmits = 506285, failed acks = 0
queued = 2530, highwater = 2716, tx win = 31
unacked = 31, ack = 4, count = 0
CSG Distributed Config Stats:
poll msg sent = 16, online msg rcvd = 5, ack sent = 5
ack not sent = 4, cmd distributed = 0, rollback = 0
'no' cmd success = 0, 'no' cmd failure = 0
CSG Load Management Stats:
Radius Start
Allowed (per second) = 367872 (21)
IPC: Queue Depth Tolerance 24000 / 100000 (24 percent)
Denied (per second) = 0 (0)
Database Request
Allowed (per second) = 75197 (10)
IPC: Queue Depth Tolerance 24000 / 100000 (24 percent)
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
Denied (per second) = 5065121 (0)
Rate: Limit 1800 per traffic processor
Denied (per second) = 25193314 (0)
Session Create
Allowed (per second) = 49802545 (1872)
IPC: Queue Depth Tolerance 36000 / 100000 (36 percent)
Denied (per second) = 21971 (6)
BMA Messages
Allowed (per second) = 94475805 (11138)
IPC: Queue Depth Tolerance 60000 / 100000 (60 percent)
Denied (per second) = 0 (0)
Quota Server
Allowed (per second) = 13725076 (837)
IPC: Queue Depth Tolerance 60000 / 100000 (60 percent)
Denied (per second) = 0 (0)
CSG Buffer Management Stats:
Application |
CSG User Database Stats:
errors = 0
CSG Session L4 Stats:
alloc fail ooo node = 0
alloc fail pak copy enqueue = 0
general errors = 0
FSM errors = 262
standby FSM errors = 0
count errors = 0
term idle = 838696
term short timer = 10179
Network interface:
TCP packets = 266880460
TCP frags = 0
datagram packets = 4932124
datagram frags = 161
out of order
out of order get
= 93841
= 91870
out of order flushed = 1971
retransmitted = 94873
set aside
set aside get
= 56824
= 56412
set aside flushed = 412
term closed = 1003483
term RST
= 10
term not SYN = 259
term mid SYN = 0
term error
= 0
dropped OOW = 323808
dropped set aside = 292592
dropped queue size = 0
dropped error = 259
Subscriber interface
TCP packets = 192907977
TCP frags = 0
datagram packets = 13347893
datagram frags = 0
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
out of order
out of order get
= 412
= 384
out of order flushed = 28
retransmitted = 485
set aside
set aside get
= 9504977
= 9418614
set aside flushed = 86222
term closed = 1362349
term RST
= 457991
term not SYN = 0
term mid SYN = 0
term error
= 0
dropped OOW = 0
dropped set aside = 692663
dropped queue size = 0
dropped error = 0
CSG Fragment Stats:
creates = 161, destroys = 161, timeouts = 0,
invalids = 0, locked = 0
Leaders: rx = 161, tx = 161, dropped = 0, creates = 161
Trailers: rx = 966, tx = 966, dropped = 0, creates = 0
Reassemble: invalid = 0
alloc failures = 0, overlap = 0, missing leader = 0
failed tx = 0, requeues = 0, failed requeues = 0
CSG Packet Stats:
packet rcv = 509381050, drop invalid = 0,
protocol drop = 26408409, no handler = 0, no handler options = 0,
drop no content = 3, drop no session = 31791002
local enqueue = 2187, local enqueue failed = 0
local enqueue copy = 18
CSG Distributed KUT Stats:
requests = 75197, responses = 62442, resends = 23430
timeouts = 11652, idle timeouts = 0, corr mismatch = 0
corr missing = 0, unknown IP = 11652
unknown ha vrf = 0, tx fail ipc = 0
alloc failures:
kut = 0, kut_delete_event = 0, rad attr = 0
int_stats = 0, kut_svc = 0, svc_stats = 0
tariff = 0, redir_info = 0, passthru_grant = 0
refund = 0, txn_abort = 0, ipc = 0
CSG Session Stats:
user sessions = 531, highwater = 169455, ha_overrun = 0
max limit = 0, wc fail = 0, no content = 0
appl fail = 30314998, denied = 1487001, ha no content = 0
ha no session = 17529
Resets : subscriber = 46196262, network = 15603410
Alloc failures : wc = 0, session = 0
prof event = 0, resolve event = 0, pend quota = 0
pend aoc = 0
Resolve : no sess = 1, event fail = 3042, enq fail = 0
dup quota = 0, dup aoc = 0, aoc fail = 79
sess lookup fail = 0
CSG LogGen Stats:
alloc fail = 0, gtp reject = 405
Billing records: sent = 94591046, fail = 0
IPC: alloc fail = 0, sent = 94475805, fail = 0, rcv = 94591043
GTP Application: CSG ipc, Local Port: 0
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
alloc failures = 0, no standby on CG failure = 0
packets sent = 14217667, received = 122537872, failed acks = 0
packets dropped = 0, rejected = 0, retransmits = 1069136, no ip = 0
packets outstanding: current = 5022, highwater = 5200
bad records = 0, unknown CG = 0, CG failures = 0
send skipped = 0, records dropped during drain = 0
Charging Gateways: defined = 5, max active = 5
GTP Application: CSG Billing Agent, Local Port: 16000
alloc failures = 0, no standby on CG failure = 0
packets sent = 8096890, received = 809759, failed acks = 0
packets dropped = 0, rejected = 0, retransmits = 261, no ip = 0
packets outstanding: current = 4, highwater = 3262
bad records = 0, unknown CG = 0, CG failures = 0
send skipped = 0, records dropped during drain = 0
Charging Gateways: defined = 1, max active = 1
GTP Application: CSG Quota Server, Local Port: 16001
alloc failures = 0, no standby on CG failure = 81
packets sent = 4054366, received = 4054405, failed acks = 294
packets dropped = 2245665, rejected = 405, retransmits = 49, no ip = 0
packets outstanding: current = 9304, highwater = 10001
bad records = 0, unknown CG = 0, CG failures = 81
send skipped = 0, records dropped during drain = 0
Charging Gateways: defined = 1, max active = 1
GTP Application: CSG PSD, Local Port: 0
alloc failures = 0, no standby on CG failure = 0
packets sent = 0, received = 0, failed acks = 0
packets dropped = 0, rejected = 0, retransmits = 0, no ip = 0
packets outstanding: current = 0, highwater = 0
bad records = 0, unknown CG = 0, CG failures = 0
send skipped = 0, records dropped during drain = 0
Charging Gateways: defined = 0, max active = 1
CSG User Stats:
max = 300000, current = 148916, highwater = 169990
exceed-max = 0
kut current = 148916, kut highwater = 169990
sticky current = 0, sticky highwater = 318
ipc tx fail = 0, ipc response timeouts = 231557
alloc failures:
aff = 0, pend event = 0, delete event = 0
ipc = 0
ha receive drops:
no aff = 22, unknown vrf = 0, state = 0
CSG Radius Stats:
starts = 1548210, stops = 2015870, other = 0
client msg rcv = 0, client msg sent = 0
incorrect authentication = 0
alloc failures:
billplan = 0, auth = 0, user info = 0
nas info = 0, pod port = 0, pod info = 0
proxy elem = 0, proxy port = 0
proxy source port = 1037
proxy errors:
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
invalid message size = 0, unable to find client = 0
unable to send to client = 0, unable to send to server = 0
unable to find proxy blk = 0
proxy CSG ip =,
server ip =
client->server = 386484, server->client = 385459
parse errors = 0, pkt not proxied = 0
proxy CSG ip =,
server ip =
client->server = 230290, server->client = 229610
parse errors = 0, pkt not proxied = 0
proxy CSG ip =,
server ip =
client->server = 304504, server->client = 303612
parse errors = 0, pkt not proxied = 0
proxy CSG ip =,
server ip =
client->server = 0, server->client = 0
parse errors = 0, pkt not proxied = 0
proxy CSG ip =,
server ip =
client->server = 0, server->client = 0
parse errors = 0, pkt not proxied = 0
endpoint CSG ip =
client->CSG = 2642802, CSG->client = 2640636
unable to send ACK = 0, parse errors = 0
no ack sent = 0, non-Acct-Req = 0
CSG QS Stats:
alloc fail:
req = 0, redir = 0, defer ack = 0, req token = 0
too frequent requests = 12129585, called on standby = 0
no defer ack data = 0, no cg affinity = 0
passthru = 7404738, response no kut svc = 969, no quota = 10034067
svc auth fail = 6, aoc-verify fail = 0
badly formatted message:
aoc verify response = 0, cont auth redir = 458607
usr auth rsp = 0, svc auth rsp = 0
svc verify resp = 0, quota return accept = 0
svc stop req = 0, quota return req = 0
user disconnect req = 0, quota push req = 0
invalid req = 0
QS requests received from QS:
request = 0, fail to send to tp = 0
QS responses received from QS:
response = 4053620, fail to send to tp = 0
no request = 0, missing request data = 0
CP alloc fail = 0, sent = 11252881, fail = 0, rcv = 13790207
TP alloc fail = 0, sent = 13725076, fail = 0, rcv = 11186359
response no request = 0
user profile req = 862466, rsp = 181435
svc auth req = 2533171, re-auth req = 1151422, rsp = 1499012
quota return = 118566, quota return accept = 0
auth content req = 6528274, rsp = 1832535
svc verify req = 0, rsp = 0
svc stop = 2531177, fail to enqueue qm request process = 0
svc stop req = 0, user disconnect req = 0
quota return req = 0, quota push req = 0, rsp = 0
negative quota grant = 0
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
total sessions = 40344, alloc fail = 0
aoc fail = 0, frags = 0, aborts = 6521, init fail = 2513
reports = 39937, standby no uid = 0, errors = 0
sess = 18052044, txn = 22158257, set-aside resolved = 9367313
sub new = 22418621, retx = 53, payload less = 164830871
net new = 238215919, retx = 94709, payload less = 22597153
billing reports:
header = 6075882, stats = 79933600
alloc failures = 0
parse failures = 8460, status code = 0
rsp > req = 0, 0.9 method = 3007
fin terminated = 342, https = 20967, xf4 = 0
redirects = 450449, redirect failures = 1075
error = 0, no user = 30295243, no quota = 10025299
exceed max parse len = 0, no policy = 0
auth drop = 5577073
svc verify = 0, aoc = 6480351
unassigned bytes updates:
no txn = 59360, downgrade = 26308, leak = 16082230
billing not resolved on standby = 0
Dyn Sess: add = 32386, fail = 32, delete = 32374, unused = 38
Allocs: sessions = 8131, ctl_conns = 10405, streams = 16226,
Timeouts: control = 10402, data = 31359, streams = 1
Misc: reuse = 0, reuse kills = 0, teardowns = 0
suspend = 96, patches = 0, interleaved = 0, sess = 0
http = 0, pauses = 0, no_policy = 0, mismatch = 0
ip frags = 0, retransmits = 29, resegments = 0
no user = 4030
Errors: alloc = 0, dups = 0, ddrops = 0, cdrops = 32
patch = 0, parse = 0, aoc = 0, reject = 0
misc = 0
Reports: tcp = 10402, udp = 32336, stream = 16172
CSG Mail Stats:
SMTP: messages = 457898, packets = 8701512, reports = 457898
fsm error = 0
POP3: messages = 0, packets = 0, reports = 0
fsm error = 0
IMAP: header fetches = 0, body fetches = 0
packets = 0, reports = 0, fsm error = 0
MAIL: ip frags = 0, aoc bypass = 0, alloc fails = 0
error = 0, no user = 6754, no policy = 0
txn drop = 0, aoc drop = 0
CSG WAP Stats:
parses = 6026562, wap sessions = 978999, mms sessions = 0
connection oriented paks = 2629846, connectionless paks = 3396716
total trans = 2087358, incomplete trans = 2962
billing reports = 3755797, dup packets = 718748, redirects = 972
disconnects = 0, unknown packets = 98, concat packets = 0
parse err = 275, alloc fail = 0, refunds = 0
forced aborts = 19015, concat frags = 0, uid wait = 65571
seg att = 0, seg succ = 0, seg comp = 0, frags = 161
send fail = 0, send ok = 50279, no policy = 0
stateless = 732269, verifys = 0, cont fail = 0
user fail = 6458, err = 0, pre policy = 0
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
Aoc: reqs = 47923, drop = 14006, redir = 6778, fail = 0
Drops: err = 0, quota = 14290, block = 0, queue = 2521
Timer Stats:
tmr_intialized = 1
tmr_ticks = 7160
tmr_starts = 4067359
tmr_stops = 3487837
tmr_timeouts = 574960
tmr_active = 4562
tmr_longest_chain = 505
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
The following example shows how to display information about the quota server:
Router# show ip csg quota-server
charging gateway
priority state
The following example shows how to display information about sessions:
Router# show ip csg sessions
prot vrf
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
The prot column displays the IP protocol as described in the Assigned Numbers RFC.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
The following table lists and describes the possible states for the show ip csg sessions user command:
The session has been created but no packet
has been processed.
Short timer.2
A SYN packet has been received from the
subscriber interface.
Short timer.2
A SYN packet has been received from the
network interface.
Short timer.2
The session has received a SYN packet from
both the subscriber and network interfaces.
Short timer.2
The session has received a SYN-ACK from
the network interface and is waiting for the
ACK from the subscriber interface to
complete the TCP 3-way handshake.
Short timer.2
The session has received a SYN-ACK from
the subscriber interface and is waiting for
the ACK from the network interface to
complete the TCP 3-way handshake.
Short timer.2
The TCP session has been established.
UDP sessions enter this state on the first
packet. This is the only state for UDP
sessions after INIT.
The session has received a FIN from the
subscriber interface
The session has received a FIN from the
network interface
The session has received an ACK from the
subscriber interface and is waiting for a FIN
from the subscriber interface
The session has received an ACK from the
network interface and is waiting for a FIN
from the network interface
The session has received a FIN from both
the subscriber and network interfaces
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip csg
CSG_SSVC_STATE_CLOSING_ACK_NET_WAIT The session has received a FIN-ACK or a
FIN and an ACK from the subscriber
interface and is waiting for the ACK from
the network interface to close the
Short timer.2
CSG_SSVC_STATE_CLOSING_ACK_SUB_WAIT The session has received a FIN-ACK or a
FIN and an ACK from the network interface
and is waiting for the ACK from the
subscriber interface to close the connection.
Short timer.2
The session is closed. Note that closed
sessions are destroyed so it is very unlikely
that show session will display a session in
this state.
1. TCP sessions use all these states. UDP sessions move from INIT state directly to ESTAB state.
2. “Short timer” indicates that the state uses a 5-second idle time regardless of what is configured in the content. All other states
use the configured idle time.
The following example displays detailed information about the subscriber at
Router# show ip csg users detail
sessions = 1, traffic proc id = 4
nexthop downlink ip =, flags = 0x00000001
nas = <none>
idle = 10000, PoD = no
billing = PREPAID, plan = PERF, handoff timer OFF, idle timer OFF
bma: ip =, port = 3333
quota-server: ip =, port = 0
affinity state = OPEN
sessions = 1, traffic proc id = 4
nexthop downlink ip =, flags = 0x00000001
nas = <none>
idle = 10000, PoD = no
billing = PREPAID, plan = PERF, hand
Related Commands
Defines a CSG2 billing plan, and enters CSG2 billing
configuration mode.
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip iscsi
show ip iscsi
To display information about the iSCSI, use the show ip iscsi command in privileged EXEC mode.
show ip iscsi {name | session [session-id] [detail] | stats [detail] | target}
Syntax Description
Displays the name of an iSCSI initiator.
Displays the status of iSCSI sessions on the CSG2.
(Optional) Displays information for only the specified iSCSI session.
(Optional) Displays detailed information about the iSCSI session.
Displays iSCSI statistics.
(Optional) Displays detailed iSCSI statistics.
Displays information about an iSCSI target.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
No default behavior or values.
Privileged EXEC
This command was introduced.
The following example shows output from the show ip iscsi name command:
Router# show ip iscsi name
iSCSI initiator name: iqn.1987-07.com.cisco:wtbg-sup-09-3
The following example shows output from the show ip iscsi session command:
Router# show ip iscsi session
12 LINUX Logged In 1
The following example shows output from the show ip iscsi session detail command:
Router# show ip iscsi session detail
ID: 12
Profile: LINUX
State: Logged In
Connections: 1
First Burst Length: 16384
Max Burst Length: 16384
Max Recv Data Segment: 32768
Max Xmit Data Segment: 8192
Initial R2T: Yes
Immediate data: Yes
Data PDU in order: Yes
Data PDU in order: Yes
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip iscsi
The following example shows output from the show ip iscsi stats command:
Router# show ip iscsi stats
iSCSI Stats:
Login Requests - 2, Login Responses - 2
Logout Requests - 0, Logout Responses - 0
Login Timeouts - 0, Logout Timeouts - 0
SCSI Commands - 27, SCSI Responses - 27
Data In PDUs - 25, Data Out PDUs - 0
Immed Data - 1, Unsolicited Data - 0
NOP Ins - 35, NOP Outs - 35
Async Requests - 0, Async Req Logout - 0
Async Drop Conn - 0, Async Drop Conns - 0
R2t Requests - 0, Rejects - 0
System Stats:
TX Queue Overflow - 0, RX Queue Overflow - 0
Connection Resets - 0, Tasks aborted - 0
SCSI Stats:
Total Requests - 27
Test Unit Ready Requests - 1, Test Unit Ready Failures - 0
Report Luns Requests - 1, Report Luns Failures - 0
Lun Inquiry Requests - 5, Lun Inquiry Failures - 0
Read Capacity Requests - 5, Read Capacity Failures - 0
Read Requests - 14, Read Failures - 0
Write Requests - 1, Write Failures - 0
Blocks Read- 49, Blocks Written - 8
The following example shows output from the show ip iscsi stats detail command:
Router# show ip iscsi stats detail
iSCSI Stats:
Login Requests - 2, Login Responses - 2
Logout Requests - 0, Logout Responses - 0
Login Timeouts - 0, Logout Timeouts - 0
SCSI Commands - 27, SCSI Responses - 27
Data In PDUs - 25, Data Out PDUs - 0
Immed Data - 1, Unsolicited Data - 0
NOP Ins - 36, NOP Outs - 36
Async Requests - 0, Async Req Logout - 0
Async Drop Conn - 0, Async Drop Conns - 0
R2t Requests - 0, Rejects - 0
System Stats:
TX Queue Overflow - 0, RX Queue Overflow - 0
Connection Resets - 0, Tasks aborted - 0
SCSI Stats:
Total Requests - 27
Test Unit Ready Requests - 1, Test Unit Ready Failures - 0
Report Luns Requests - 1, Report Luns Failures - 0
Lun Inquiry Requests - 5, Lun Inquiry Failures - 0
Read Capacity Requests - 5, Read Capacity Failures - 0
Read Requests - 14, Read Failures - 0
Write Requests - 1, Write Failures - 0
Blocks Read- 49, Blocks Written - 8
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show ip iscsi
The following example shows output from the show ip iscsi target command:
Router# show ip iscsi target
Target: name= iqn.2002-10.edu.unh.iol.iscsi.draft20-target:1
Target: ip=, port= 3260, portal group= 0
vrf= , sync read offset= 100, batch write= 100
write interval= 5 sec, file size= 100 MB #
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show record-storage-module
show record-storage-module
To display information about the record storage module (RSM), use the show record-storage-module
command in privileged EXEC mode.
show record-storage-module {stats | target-info [all | target-profile profile-name] [detail]}
Syntax Description
Displays current RSM statistics.
Displays the number of RSM disks available, and their current status.
(Optional) Displays statistics for all targets for which there are
target-profile profile-name
(Optional) Displays statistics for a specific profile.
(Optional) Displays detailed information about the RSM drives.
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
No default behavior or values.
Privileged EXEC
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Use the show record-storage-module stats command to display RSM statistics.
The following example shows output from the show record-storage-module stats command:
Router# show record-storage-module stats
RSM Appl Stats:
open= 1, read= 0, write= 0
ping= 0, close= 0
request fail:
open= 0, read= 0, write= 0
ping= 0, close= 0 | ta
alloc fail:
appl info= 0, appl msg= 0, appl req= 0,
data buffer= 0, drive= 0
RSM Clear:
Statistics = 1
The following example shows output from the show record-storage-module target-info all detail
Router# show record-storage-module target-info all detail
Target profile = TARGET_LINUX
Application name = GGSN, Target State = Active, Disk = Usable
Application id = 2, iSCSI handle = 2
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
show record-storage-module
Number of drives = 5, Read drive = sda3, Write drive = sda3
Active drives:
Drive = sda3
File system id = 19
Descriptors: read = -1, write = -1, master = -1
Current File: bytes written = 0, bytes read = 0
Master file in memory:
Drive full = No
Write: dir = 1, file = 1
Read: dir = 1, file = 1, offset = 62675
Salvage file = 0, CRC = 0x91C816C0
Failed drives:
Drive = sda0
Reason = Unexpected IFS error (Invalid DOS media or no media in slot)
Drive = sda1
Reason = Unexpected IFS error (Invalid DOS media or no media in slot)
Drive = sda2
Reason = Unexpected IFS error (Invalid DOS media or no media in slot)
Drive = sda4
Reason = Unexpected IFS error (Invalid DOS media or no media in slot)
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
snmp-server enable traps csg
snmp-server enable traps csg
To enable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification types that are available on the
CSG2, use the snmp-server enable traps csg command in global configuration mode. To disable CSG2
notifications, use the no form of this command.
snmp-server enable traps csg [bma [records | state] | database | quota-server [records | state]]
no snmp-server enable traps csg [bma [records | state] | database |
quota-server [records | state]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Enables traps for only the Billing Mediation Agents (BMAs) to which
the CSG2 sends billing records.
(Optional) Enables only lost records traps for the BMAs.
(Optional) Enables only state change traps for the BMAs.
(Optional) Enables traps for only the database server that answers CSG2 user ID
(Optional) Enables traps for only the CSG2 quota servers.
(Optional) Enables only lost records traps for the quota servers.
(Optional) Enables only state change traps for the quota servers.
Command Default
If you do not enter the snmp-server enable traps csg command, no CSG2 notifications controlled by
this command are sent.
Command Modes
Command History
Global configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The bma, database, quota-server, records, and state keywords were added.
The agent, database, and quota-server keywords were removed.
Usage Guidelines
Entering the snmp-server enable traps csg command enables all CSG2 SNMP traps.
If you then enter the snmp-server enable traps csg bma command, the BMA lost records and state
change traps are enabled.
If you then enter the snmp-server enable traps csg quota-server records command, the quota server
lost records trap is enabled.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
snmp-server enable traps csg
The following example enables CSG2 traps:
snmp-server enable traps csg
Related Commands
Defines Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) timers for lost
CSG2 records, and enters CSG2 SNMP timer configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
subscriber-ip http-header forwarded-for
subscriber-ip http-header forwarded-for
To specify that the CSG2 is to obtain the subscriber's IP address from the HTTP X-Forwarded-For
header, use the subscriber-ip http-header x-forwarded-for command in CSG2 content configuration
mode. To specify that the CSG2 is to obtain the subscriber's IP address from the IP header, use the no
form of this command.
subscriber-ip http-header x-forwarded-for [obscure]
no subscriber-ip http-header x-forwarded-for
Syntax Description
(Optional) Overwrite the IP address in the X-Forwarded-For
header with blanks.
The CSG2 obtains the subscriber's IP address from the IP header.
If you enter the subscriber-ip http-header x-forwarded-for command without the obscure keyword,
the IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header is not obscured with blanks.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
If the CSG2 is configured to obtain the subscriber's IP address from the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header,
it also automatically recognizes the variant X-UP-Forwarded-For header.
Only content that is configured with parse protocol http can be configured with subscriber-ip
http-header x-forwarded-for.
Single-TP mode is required for HTTP X-Forwarded-For operation.
Before configuring the CSG2 for X-Forwarded-For operation, configure the CSG2 for single-TP
mode by entering the ip csg mode single-tp command, then performing a write memory, then
restarting the CSG2.
If the CSG2 is not operating in single-TP mode, and you attempt to enter the subscriber-ip
http-header x-forwarded-for command, the CSG2 rejects the command and issues a warning
If the CSG2 is operating in single-TP mode and you attempt to switch to multiple-TP mode, the
CSG2 checks the configuration for the subscriber-ip http-header x-forwarded-for command. If
the configuration does contain the command (that is, X-Forwarded-For operation is enabled), the
CSG2 does not switch to multiple-TP mode, and it issues a warning message.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
subscriber-ip http-header forwarded-for
To prevent exposure of potentially sensitive IP addresses, the CSG2 can obscure the contents of
X-Forwarded-For headers, overwriting the contents with blanks.
If you want to obscure the contents of the X-Forwarded-For header, enter the subscriber-ip
http-header x-forwarded-for command with the obscure keyword.
If you do not want to obscure the contents of the X-Forwarded-For header, enter the subscriber-ip
http-header x-forwarded-for command without the obscure keyword (the default setting).
When obscuring the IP address in X-Forwarded-For headers, keep the following considerations in
The CSG2 does not obscure the IP address in fragmented request packets that have
X-Forwarded-For headers, because the CSG2 does not reassemble the fragments and therefore
cannot modify the packets.
The CSG2 does not obscure the X-Forwarded-For header for traffic that is downgraded from
Layer 7 inspection to Layer 4 inspection.
If the active CSG2 fails over to the standby CSG2, the standby CSG2 does not obscure the IP
address in X-Forwarded-For header for existing HTTP sessions. However, the standby CSG2
does obscure the IP address in X-Forwarded-For headers for new HTTP sessions.
If the subscriber sends more than one GET request with X-Forwarded-For headers, and the
content host fails to send a TCP acknowledgement within five seconds, the CSG2 resets the
subscriber side connection.
The following example configures the CSG2 to obtain the subscriber's IP address from the HTTP
X-Forwarded-For header, and obscures the IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header:
ip csg content MOVIES
parse protocol http
subscriber-ip http-header x-forwarded-for obscure
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Defines the maximum number of Layer 7 bytes that the CSG2 is to parse when
attempting to assign a policy.
Defines how the CSG2 is to parse traffic for a content.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
verify confirm
verify confirm
To configure a token for use in CSG2 service verification URL-rewriting, use the verify confirm
command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove the token, use the no form of this command.
verify confirm token
no verify confirm token
Syntax Description
A string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. The string is not case-sensitive.
Acceptable characters include alphanumeric characters and any of the following
special characters: $-_.+!*'(),?/:@&=;~%. To enter other special characters not listed,
use the URL-escape format with the percent sign (%).
To insert a question mark (?) in the string, press Ctrl-v and then press the question
mark (?) key. To insert a question mark in an editing document, use ASCII code 22.
To retain the question mark, use TFTP instead of copy-and-paste.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
The name of this command changed from verify confirmation to verify confirm.
The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to CSG2 service configuration.
The list of supported special characters changed.
Usage Guidelines
URL-rewriting allows a top-off server to append parameters to a URL in order to convey state
information to the quota server during a Content Authorization Request. Whenever a Service
Verification Response contains the forward action code, and the URL contains the verify confirmation
token, the token and all trailing characters are removed from the URL before the request is forwarded to
the network.
The token is used for HTTP and wireless application protocol (WAP) service verification
If the token uses the URL-escape format, the redirect URL to which the token is being matched must
also use the URL-escape format.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
verify confirm
The following example specifies a token for service verification URL-rewriting:
ip csg service MOVIES
aoc enable
verify confirm ?CSG_VERIFY_OK
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2
service configuration mode.
Enables CSG2 service verification.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
verify enable
verify enable
To enable CSG2 service verification, use the verify enable command in CSG2 service configuration
mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.
verify enable
no verify enable
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 service configuration
12.4(11)MD This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The name of this command changed from verify to verify enable.
Usage Guidelines
If this command is configured, the CSG2 uses the Service Verification Request to perform the following
Alert the quota server of a new transaction.
Allow the quota server to direct the CSG2 to perform one of the following mutually exclusive
DROP—Drop all packets for this flow.
FORWARD—Forward the flow without altering the destination (a weight might be specified).
REDIRECT-URL—Redirect subscriber requests to the URL provided by the quota server. The
CSG2 sends a Layer 7 redirect to the subscriber (for example, HTTP 302 response) that contains
the redirect URL.
The following example specifies a token for service verification URL-rewriting:
ip csg service SERVICE_NAME
verify enable
Related Commands
Configures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
configuration mode.
Configures a token for use in CSG2 service verification URL-rewriting.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
vlan (CSG2 content)
vlan (CSG2 content)
To restrict the CSG2 billing content to a single source VLAN, use the vlan command in CSG2 content
configuration mode. To remove the restriction, use the no form of this command.
vlan vlan-number
no vlan
Syntax Description
Dot1q encapsulation VLAN number.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The vlan-name argument was replaced with the vlan-number
Usage Guidelines
The VLAN number is dependent on the CSG2 card that receives the content. When the content is
downloaded to a CSG2 card, the vlan-number argument is mapped to a specific VLAN number.
The following example shows how to restrict the CSG2 content billing to single-source VLAN number
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
vlan 67
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To restrict the CSG2 content to packets within a single Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) table, use the
vrf command in CSG2 content configuration mode. To remove the restriction, use the no form of this
vrf vrf-name
no vrf
Syntax Description
VRF within which the content should match packets.
Command Modes
Command History
CSG2 content configuration
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
VRF configuration and filtering cannot be used in conjunction with VLAN filtering.
If you want to use VRF tables to restrict CSG2 content, we recommend that you define a VRF table for
every content. If you do not configure a VRF table for a given content, then that content cannot match
traffic to a VRF table, and you cannot use a global content to match traffic in different VRF tables.
The following example shows how to restrict the CSG2 content to packets within VRF table
ip csg content MOVIES_COMEDY
Related Commands
Configures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
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