Instruction Manual
H-251 A
1. Introduction
Providing an intense bright inspection light beam, the intrinsically
safe rechargeable handlamp type H-251A is certified for use in
Ex-hazardous areas classified as either Zone 1 or 2 and also
Zone 21 or 22 according to IEC/CENELEC.
2. Safety information
Safe operation of the equipment is maintained providing that all
instructions and warnings contained in this manual are fully
In case of doubt (due to translation and/or printing errors)
reference should be made to the original German instruction
3. Faults and damage
If there is any reason to suspect that the safety of the unit has
been affected then it must be immediately withdrawn from use and
precautionary measures taken in order to prevent any further use
of in the hazardous area.
The safety and integrity of the unit may be compromised by, for
• External damage to the housing
• Exposure to excessive loads
• Incorrect storage of the unit
• Damage sustained in transit
• Correct certification is illegible
• Functioning errors occur
• The permitted limitations are exceeded
4. Safety regulations
The use of the intrinsically safe H-251A meets the requirements of
the regulations providing that the user observes and applies the
requirements as laid down in the regulations and that improper
and incorrect use of the unit is avoided.
• The device must not be opened within the Ex-hazardous area.
• The battery must only be changed outside of the Ex-hazardous
· area.
• The use of any other type of battery pack in the Ex-hazardous ·
· area is not permitted.
• The battery pack may only be charged outside of the Ex-
· hazardous area by using either units type C-251 HVE or
· C-251 LV.
• The use of any other type of battery is strictly forbidden in that it
· will invalidate the Ex-Data certification and presents a safety risk.
• Only batteries supplied by ECOM are permitted.
5. Ex-Data
EC-Certificate of conformity -Nr.:
BAS 01 ATEX 2188
II 2 GD EEx e ib IIC T4
IP 66, T135°C
Authorised for Zone 1 and 2, Equipment groups II, Gas group C
hazardous gases, vapour or fog, Temperature class T4.
Authorised for Zone 21 and 22, Equipment groups II, Gas group C,
hazardous dust, Temperature class T4.
6. Technical Data
Working temperature Ta:
Storage temperature:
Operating time:
-20 ... +40°C
-20 ... +40°C
7 hours
190 x 130 (L x Diameter)
approx. 1750 g (with battery)
IP 66
Power supply:
Battery data:
Ex-battery pack type "H-66"
4V, 5Ah: 500 charge cycles
With deep discharge and
short circuit protection
Krypton at least. 3,6 Volt
and max. 1,0 Ampere
Halogen at least. 3,75 Volt
and max. 0,75 Ampere
7. Operating instructions
7.1. Handlamp
Please read through the following operating instructions in order to
help enable the optimisation of all functions of the handlamp type
For your own information and safety please read the advice on the
following pages.
7.1.1. Before use
Before use in the Ex-hazardous area, ensure that the handlamp
head is screwed fully closed to the main casing. The handlamp
can now be switched on and off with the sliding switch.
7.1.2. Opening
Warning: Do not open the handlamp within the Ex-hazardous area.
Before opening, switch to OFF.
The handlamp head is removed by turning anticlockwise from the
main casing – please note, that as the handlamp head is fitted with
a high integrity seal, this action can be difficult to start. To replace
the handlamp head, reverse the procedure – ensuring that the
handlamp head is screwed fully closed.
7.1.3. Bulb replacement
With the handlamp head removed the bulb is accessed by unscre-
wing - in an anticlockwise direction - the bulb retention socket.
Please ensure that only correctly specified bulbs are used.
7.1.4. Battery replacement
When the battery recharging capacity is becoming exhausted and
needs replacing only batteries as specified by ECOM can be used.
With the handlamp head removed the battery pack is removed by
sliding it out of the cavity of the main casing.
Replace in reverse procedure – ensuring that the contacts are
7.1.5. Battery charging
After engaging the handlamp into the charging station, LED’s indi-
cate the status and condition of operation. The handlamp can be
removed from the charging station at any time.
7.1.6. Emergency light mode
When the handlamp is switched on and then engaged in the char-
ging station, the emergency light mode function is automatically
activated. If the power supply to the charging station is then inter-
rupted, the handlamp switches on automatically - for a duration of
approximately 7 hours (when fully charged). Likewise, when then
removed from the charging station the handlamp switches on
7.2. Charging station
The main switch for the charging station is located on the back of
the unit. After switching on the handlamp, the charging process
begins immediately. When charging is completed, the unit auto-
matically reverts to trickle charge mode.
The LED indicates the following operating status:
Constant red:
Constant green:
no handlamp / contact
charging in process
Shortly before transition
to trickle charging:
Constant red and green:
constant green and flashing red
trickle charging
The batteries must be fully recharged at least once every 6
Please note: only use ECOM charging equipment when charging
ECOM handlamps.
Ambient temperature Ta: +10…+25 deg C.
Only operate in dry, well-ventilated rooms, outside of the Ex-
hazardous area.
There are two different types of charging stations available for the
H-251 A.
7.2.1. C – 251 HV
This charging station is designed for a supply voltage of 220-240
Volts AC with 50-60 Hz. A voltage of 100-120 AC Volts can be
switched manually to 50-60Hz.
90% battery charging capacity is reached after 6-7 hours.
After approximately 9 hours of charging, the battery should be
completely recharged.
WARNING - an incorrect voltage can damage the equipment,
therefore please take care to ensure that the correct voltage is
7.2.2. C – 251 LV
This charging station is designed for a supply voltage of 12-32
Volts DC. Complete recharging using a 12-Volt DC supply should
be completed in approximately 20-24 hours, using a 24 Volts DC
supply reduces this time to approximately 10-12 hours.
Correct connection of the cable wires is as follows:
+ terminal
- terminal
8. Repairs
The general terms and conditions of ELEX V apply to repair work.
The manufacturer must carry out the repair work in order to check
for the safe functioning of the protective circuits.
9. Cleaning
The equipment should only be cleaned using a cloth or sponge
dampened with water. The use of cleaning solutions or scouring
agents is not advised.
10. Guarantee and liability
The instrument parts and functions are guaranteed for two years,
starting from the date of delivery. This guarantee remains valid if
defective components are submitted. We reserve the right to
exchange, modify or repair the equipment.
The company ECOM Rolf Nied GmbH is responsible for the gran-
ting of the guarantee. It takes no responsibility for damages,
expenses or losses resulting from the use or purchase of the
equipment. Neither is ECOM liable for damages, expenses or los-
ses arising from any special or subsequent damages.
Further, any use other than that as described in section 1 is not
permitted. ECOM is not liable for any damages resulting from any
differing or excessive use. The user carries this risk alone.
In those countries where the restriction of a legal guarantee (e.g.
the exclusion or limitation of subsequent damage) is not permitted,
it could be that the above mentioned limitations and exclusions are
not valid for each purchase. Should any clause of this guarantee
be found ineffective or unacceptable before a court, then the effec-
tivity or enforcement of any other part of this guarantee should be
unaffected by such claims.
11. EC-Declaration of conformity
This product fulfils all relevant guideline regulations 94/9/EG for
equipment and protective systems in potentially explosive areas.
The granted EC certificate of conformity confirms that the product
complies with all relevant norms and fundamental health and safe-
ty regulations.
Decisive harmonised norms:
EN 50014:1997
EN 50019:2000
EN 50020:1994
EN 50281-1-1:1998
Electrical means of production for hazardous areas
general regulations.
Electrical means of production for hazardous areas
increased safety "e".
Electrical means of production for hazardous areas
intrinsic regulations, "i".
Electrical means of production for hazardous areas
flammable dusts.
This product has the CE indicator to confirm that all relevant
guidelines are fulfilled.
ECOM Rolf Nied GmbH
Assamstadt, November 2001
12. EC-Certificate of conformity
ecom instruments GmbH
Industriestr. 2
D-97959 Assamstadt
Tel.: + 49 (0) 62 94 / 42 24-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 62 94 / 42 24 90
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